The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1537: Teach you to be human (four more)

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The seven men who popped up suddenly apparently have been paying attention to Yuan Feng for a long time. After they joined together, they have been looking for the whereabouts of the token. Of course, among them, they have also killed a few candidates who have been singled out. Unfortunately, although they have killed a few people, they are No tokens have been obtained from these people.

However, although no token was obtained, even if only a few people were beheaded, it was equivalent to reducing several competitors for themselves, and in general, it was not in vain.

Yuan Feng has been in their eyes for a long time. Originally, they were going to shoot immediately, but they were stopped by one of them.

The following time, they followed Yuan Feng and observed several actions after Yuan Feng. I have to say that after seeing Yuan Feng's next few actions, the seven young people were really excited.

They all saw it very clearly. Yuan Feng didn't know what kind of martial arts he had cultivated. He didn't even fear the hot temperature from the fire. Even in some bad areas that kept them away, Yuan Feng was still on the ground. No difficulty at all.

After seeing these, they simply followed Yuan Feng and watched Yuan Feng enter and exit from a desperate situation. At this moment, they estimated that Yuan Feng's tokens definitely had more than seven yuan, but it was It's totally worth their shot, grabbing all the tokens from Yuan Feng.

However, what seven people never expected was that just when they appeared, Yuan Feng uttered the fact that they were following, that is, from the beginning, Yuan Feng knew their Trailing.

"Hahaha, okay, I didn't expect that you were so alert, but you didn't know. Since you found us long ago, why haven't you run away?"

After a brief shock, a young man among the seven returned to God first, then laughed out loud.

Although Yuan Feng told a fact that surprised them, but now in this area, in addition to the seven of them, there is only one of them. Seven of them are one to one. Of course, they are not afraid of anything. Come here.

Speaking of them, although Yuan Feng has shown appalling fire resistance, Yuan Feng has never shown any offensive ability, and of course they need not be too afraid.

However, since Yuan Feng knew their followers, they had always been treated as if they didn't know. In this regard, all seven of them were slightly curious.

"I ’m too lazy to explain it to you. Speaking of it, everyone can meet here, but it is also a kind of fate. Give you a chance. It ’s too late to leave now. Do n’t wait for me to regret it. Can't fall! "

Yuan Feng's eyes glanced lightly at these seven young men. Seriously, these seven young men should be regarded as a strong and powerful union. With the strength of these seven people, I am afraid they are even the ten people under his control. The group is not necessarily the opponent of these seven people, that is to say, these seven men are regarded as talented people.

His goal is the Ziyun Palace. Of course, for these ordinary people, he is too lazy to do it. If possible, it is not necessary to spare these people's lives.

Masters have the pride of masters. This is a natural thing. It's like a strong and powerful man. As long as it is not boring, you will never have to go to the trouble of finding an ant.


However, although Yuan Feng was willing to let the seven people leave, the seven people in front of him were obviously not as knowledgeable as Yuan Feng thought.

"Hahaha, boy, are you telling a joke? We have seven people, and you only have one. Don't you want to make a choice of seven?"

"Well, funny guy, I thought I was already crazy, and today I saw someone even crazy."

"Boy, give all the tokens in your hand, we can also consider saving your life, otherwise, this time the selection of newcomers to the Ziyun Palace is the day when your soul is out of the sky."

A few young men, one sentence at a time, you are putting pressure on Yuan Feng. Everyone looks at Yuan Feng, like a strong man who has been hungry for countless years, sees a beautiful woman, can't wait to swallow Yuan Feng. .

They are really yearning for the token. Everyone knows that Yuan Feng has a token on his body. As long as he gets the token on Yuan Feng, then these people can have at least two tokens. In this way, even if In the next time, they will not get a token, so they will be able to get a place.

"I think otherwise, boy. Your ability is really special. You might as well join our team. Then you are responsible for finding tokens, and we seven can protect your thoughtfulness. In this way, everyone can Why not make a fortune together? "

Just as a few young people talked, one of the seven people with a small face stood up, interrupting the words of several young men, and speaking to Yuan Feng.

This man with a small face is obviously more experienced than the others. Although he also feels that the seven of them should not lose in a seven-to-one situation, since the other party is so calm and determined, they should be careful.

Speaking of them, even if Yuan Feng handed over the token, they would never allow people like Yuan Feng to survive. After all, the existence of Yuan Feng was a threat to them, because once Yuan Feng went to help others If people are looking for tokens, then the two tokens in their hands are likely to be insufficient.

However, if they can pull Yuan Feng into the team, the situation will be completely different.

With Yuan Feng's help, they can get more tokens without tearing their faces from Yuan Feng. In fact, this is the best way to solve the problem.

"Ha, this seems to be good, boy, it seems that you can have a way to live. Our people have already proposed better opinions, shouldn't you agree?"

Hearing the elders ’proposal, others were also in front of them. Obviously, they all felt that this method was very good, at least better than beating Yuan Feng and winning the tokens on Yuan Feng.

Speaking of them, although the seven of them were temporarily united, they could not absolutely trust each other. In order not to leave anything to each other, they did not even disclose their names, and each of them was Keeping a certain distance, no one will really believe who.

"Hey, it seems that you really didn't understand me. I said, leave before I change my mind, don't wait for me to regret it. It seems that you don't have that chance anymore."

There was a helpless smile on Yuan Feng's face, and to tell his heart, he really didn't think about hitting these ordinary people. Today, since things have already arrived here, even if he wants to be a good person, it seems That chance is gone.

"Seven of you should have tokens in your body? I ca n’t see it like this. They all say that God has good virtues. As long as you give me the tokens in your hands, then I will spare you my life. Otherwise, I am afraid that there are seven good guys missing from the newcomers in this year's Ziyun Palace. "

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng didn't rush to shoot. Although he couldn't see the situation in the bodies of the seven people, he believed that since these seven people could cooperate for so long, then there should be tokens in them. Only in this way can their cooperative relationship be so harmonious. If some people have a token on them, and some do not, then these seven guys are afraid that they have already been instigated.

"Uh, this ..."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the seven men shook their faces, apparently did not expect that Yuan Feng would say such things.

"Hahaha, boy, it seems that you are toasting instead of eating and drinking. If that's the case, then you're going to blame us, everyone, everyone, let's subdue the kid first.

When it comes to this, the seven men no longer say anything. As long as Yuan Feng is subdued, they have a way to let Yuan Feng hand over the token, and if he takes a step back, he won't hand over the token As long as Yuan Feng is beheaded, they can also lose a huge threat, right?

"Well !!!"

Although it was a temporary union, the tacit understanding between the seven was quite good. Between the seven people, each of them occupied a position, blocking all the routes that Yuan Feng could escape, and then they Yuan Yuan Wei together. Come up.

"Boy, come here for me !!!"

The seven were inevitable for Yuan Feng, and everyone was obviously using all their strength, for fear that Yuan Feng would escape from under their eyelids.

"Hum, look for death !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't move, watching the seven men rush towards him, a flash of fierceness flashed in his eyes, and then he let himself be bombarded by seven attacks.

"Well !!!!!!"

The strength of each of the seven young people is very tyrannical. This round of attacks on Yuan Feng's body was really amazing.

However, when the attacks of the seven people took place, everyone's face suddenly changed, and then the seven men were shocked, and everyone flew back involuntarily.

"Puff puff!!!"

Each of the seven men's mouths was bursting with blood, and everyone's eyes were full of shock at this moment.

"Kicked the iron plate !!!"

In the middle of the air, the seven men spit blood while falling towards the ground, while in the middle of the air, everyone ’s heart sank suddenly. They knew that this time, they were really provoking It's a big trouble.

ps: Is it more difficult to spend more than 200 yuan? Seek to break it! !! !!

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