The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1532: Disciples of Chuan Chuan

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The day of the admission of the Ziyun Palace finally arrived as expected among countless people, and with the arrival of this day, there was a noisy scene around the entire Ziyun Palace.

There are crazy crowds everywhere, everyone waits for this day to come, some have waited for several months, and some even prepared for many years. In short, as long as they come to participate in the selection of Ziyun Palace disciples, there is nothing wrong with Zi The cloud palace is full of aspirations.

Yuan Feng hid in the crowd, but not as crazy as everyone else, but the warm atmosphere around him still faintly affected his mood, making him full of desire for the admission of the Ziyun Palace.

At three poles in the sky, the square of the Ziyun Palace has already been surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, almost without any footsteps. Everyone wants to squeeze inside, so that when the apprentice ceremony begins, they can put the first time Places available.

"Well, the boundless world is really powerful. The people gathered here are tens of thousands or even tens of thousands alone. I really do n’t know how many of the boundless boundless world will be. Promise! "

In the crowd, Yuan Feng's eyeliner is everywhere, so no matter which angle and direction he wants to observe, he can observe it for the first time.

Of course, his mind is stronger than those present. As long as he releases his mind, he can feel the situation everywhere, as long as he does not explore the situation in Ziyun Palace casually. .

He has been waiting here from the time the sky has not lit until now, and it has been more than an hour. Now, everyone who was in the core area of ​​Ziyun Palace before should have gathered at the gate of Ziyun Palace. In addition, faintly, even people in the ring-shaped no-man's zone of Ziyun Palace seem to be getting closer and closer to the core area.

"It's almost time. Look at this time, Ziyun Palace's apprenticeship ceremony, should it start?"

Gaze glanced over the entire Ziyun Palace, but Yuan Feng's heart moved slightly, because at this time, he had learned from those subordinates in the Ziyun Palace that the interior of the Ziyun Palace, this It has already begun operation.

"Om !!!!!!"

Almost immediately in the thoughts of Yuan Feng, at a certain moment, the entire area of ​​Ziyun Palace suddenly heard a slight vibration. At the same time, the ten palaces of Ziyun Palace were almost the same. Time was shining slightly, and the color of each palace seemed to deepen at this moment.


The sudden change brought everyone in the room to be quiet all of a sudden, all of them looked stunned, their eyes turned towards the direction of the Ziyun Palace, everyone understood. Obviously, this is the rhythm of Ziyun Palace's apprenticeship ceremony!


Just when everyone's attention was attracted by the changes in the Ziyun Palace, soon, a new incident emerged from the Ziyun Palace, and this time, all the people gathered outside the Ziyun Palace, My heart is all hotter.

"Brush !!!!"

There are ten huge palaces. In each palace, there is suddenly a light that extends from the inside of the palace. The ten lights, each light has a different color, even if the same color, there will be shades of light. The difference.

"Uh ........."

After the ten rays radiated from the hall, they were all projected on the high platform of the square in front of the gate of Ziyun Palace, but in the end they just formed a circle on the high platform.

"this is…………"

Seeing the ten rays of light converging on the high platform, everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the next situation, even the disciples of Ziyun Palace who were guarding the light curtain on the square were gathered. The pride of his eyes became extraordinary obedience.


Ten rays of light converged on the high platform, and then they exploded sharply. This explosion was silent, but unusually dazzling. At that instant, the entire square could keep eyes open. I am afraid that even Chengdu No.

"What a dazzling light !!"

Most people closed their eyes when the light shone, but just as everyone adapted to the light and opened their eyes one after another, the sight in front of them was a little stunned, and then Get excited.

In the eyes, the light curtain in the center of the square has not changed, and the huge high platform is still the previous high platform, but at this moment, there are a whole ten young figures on the high platform. Each figure is The unusually upright, people will feel good at first glance, but also secretly convinced.

"Hisse, these people are ........."

"Good guy, it's a disciple of the ten largest palaces in Ziyun Palace. I know that one is Ling Qing, the young apprentice under the main seat of the Four Elephant Hall in Ziyun Palace. . "

"It is really a disciple of the top ten palaces. I know the man in white. Isn't that the lunatic disciple Li Xiaobai of the master of the Three Talents Palace? This person has been famous for Ziyun City several years ago. The 10,000-year-old Promise of the Promise was directly hacked to death by his sword. "

"It was him. On that day, Li Xiaobai Jian beheaded the Luo family. Many people saw it. In the end, the entire Luo family seemed to submit directly to him!"

"And that, that is the black robe prodigy Rocky of Liangyi Hall, who has cultivated an unpredictable ability of ghosts and gods, and it is the easiest to recognize, hissing. I never thought this one would show up."

"It was Yang Feng, Shi Fangdian's eyebrow. He never blinked when he killed someone. It seemed that several large families had been killed by him alone. The top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace were absolutely ranked. In the top ten ... "

When the ten figures above the platform appeared, the whole square in front of the Ziyun Palace was once again boiling.

There are so many people present, whether they are from Ziyun City or foreigners, obviously there are people with a wide range of knowledge. Of course, there are many people who recognize the disciples of Ziyun Palace.

The so-called Ziyun Palace disciple is the person who taught the hands of the ten main halls of the Ziyun Palace and announced it to the outside world. There are very few people in this category. The ten main halls, and some of them are only three or two. There are disciples, and some are more, but they will never exceed ten.

Everyone knows that in the Ziyun Palace, the disciples of the masters of the main halls are qualified to speak on behalf of their masters, and their strength, because they have obtained the true masters of the main halls, are extremely powerful. .

The Ziyun Palace accepts apprentices, and the people they receive are nothing more than following the strong among the major palaces of the Ziyun Palace to practice. It is better, but it is nothing more than being met by some elders in the Ziyun Palace. The ten main halls of the Ziyun Palace were beloved and accepted as disciples of dissemination, which was something that could never be dreamed of.

The host of the ten halls accepts too many requirements, even if their strength and qualifications pass, but family background, communication and other factors will affect their apprentices. They want to meet every requirement. It's too difficult, too difficult.

In Ziyun Palace, you can offend an elder in Ziyun Palace, but you must not offend the disciples, because once you offend the disciples in Ziyun Palace, it is equivalent to offending the palace behind the other party. Lord, of course the consequences can be imagined.

"These people ...... call, it seems that I am truly aware of today, what is a super genius!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's eyes have never been closed. Since there was movement in Ziyun Palace, he has been watching everything happen, and when he saw the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace, a figure came to them. When he was on the platform, his eyes narrowed a little, and the whole person became dignified instantly.

The moment these ten figures appeared on the high platform, he felt a slight tremor of the Devouring Wuling in his body, which was only reflected when the Devastating Wuling was threatened. Obviously, at this moment The threat to the Devouring Wuling must have originated from these ten people.

"Awesome ten guys, I am afraid that the strength of these ten people is far higher than that of the Jiang family owner Jiang Shang. I really don't know how they cultivate, and what kind of terrorist methods they have cultivated!"

For a long time, Yuan Feng felt that there was nothing in the world of delusion. After his cultivation has reached the realm of creation, there should be few who can threaten him.

However, only now did he know that it was difficult for him to be threatened by a person who was not an imaginary without boundaries. In fact, he had such an illusion because he had never seen him. People who have been to the truly powerful Promise.

At present, the ten people do not have every trace of energy fluctuations around him, but he can feel it. If they do anything with these ten people, then he may not be the opponent of anyone.

This is not just intuition. The most important thing is that he can feel that in the body of these ten people, there is an ancient fierce beast in the body of the ten people. , Really make people feel the danger from the heart.

"Is this the disciple of the ten main halls of the Ziyun Palace? Okay, good. It seems that when I join the Ziyun Palace, I will not be too lonely. With so many strong men, I can definitely live it. It's wonderful. "

After a brief shock, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help a little more excitement.

He wasn't worried about the strong men in Ziyun Palace. After all, there were many people in the divine realm in Ziyun Palace. Even if there were more strong people, it would not be a big deal. Moreover, it was because he knew that the disciples in Ziyun Palace were so strong, so he was full of longing for his future practice in Ziyun Palace.

He believes that one day he will become more powerful, even if he is not an opponent of the demigod, but at least he will have to far surpass these so-called preachers.

ps: Whoosh, chrysanthemums, brothers and sisters, help me, Xiaoyan will break through two hundred flowers, and tomorrow Saturday, I will fight! !! !! !! !!

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