The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1531: Gathering at Ziyun Palace

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Today's Ziyun City can be said to be very lively. Early in the morning, when the darkness of dawn was broken by a ray of light, the entire Ziyun City seemed to come alive instantly, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm.

For the entire Ziyun City, today is a big day, because just today, Ziyun Palace, the largest force in Ziyun City, will openly apprehend in the entire Ziyun City and the countless sitting cities around it.

The Ziyun Palace accepts the apprentice. This matter is absolutely a first-class event in Ziyun City, and even among the thousands of surrounding cities. Everyone knows that once one can join the Ziyun Palace, Then, whether it is the entire sect of the family or the family, they will get an unimaginable development opportunity.

Of course, because of this, it becomes more and more difficult to join the Ziyun Palace. Hundreds of millions of talented people gathered from the major cities to the Ziyun City, and finally came to the place of the Ziyun Palace, first of all to compete for 300,000 places, although the number of 300,000 sounds scary, It really is not easy to stand out from millions of people.

Moreover, these 300,000 places are nothing more than the stage of elections. In fact, the top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace can only be left with 10,000 geniuses.

Picking 10,000 people out of millions, you can imagine how fierce the competition ...

When the new day approaches, the tranquility around the Ziyun Palace is almost immediately broken by a loud drinking.

"The day of apprenticeship at the Ziyun Palace has arrived, and everyone is rushing inside !!!"

I don't know who shouted such a voice, and with this shout, the surrounding area of ​​Ziyun Palace seemed to explode the nest, and between that, all kinds of loud noises, and the super strong The sound of the wind breaking at the time of action sounded directly in all directions throughout the Ziyun Palace.

"Well !!! Buzz !!!!"

"No one is allowed to stop me. There must be one in my royal family of 300,000 primaries."

"Get off, get off all of me. Who dares to stop me? I slashed him with one stab, and my grandchildren destined to deserve to join the practice of Ziyun Palace. You dregs are all aside."

"Don't block the way ahead. Is Ziyun Palace one of those people you can join? My child ’s natural wizards will surely shine in the whole world without delay. Will he be held responsible?" ... ...

A loud noise came and went, and at this moment, those who have long been gathered in the outer area of ​​Ziyun Palace are all going crazy towards the location of Ziyun Palace, everyone knows that success or failure is here In one fell swoop, if you can rush to the front, you can get one of the 300,000 primaries. If you can't rush in, you will have to run for nothing.

At this time, everyone does not need to manage the exploitation of the strong in Ziyun Palace, nor does it need to manage the high costs of the core area of ​​Ziyun Palace, because at this moment, all the rules of Ziyun Palace have been abolished by themselves. Already.

Everyone is flying towards the inside like they are crazy. At this time, it is undoubtedly the time to test everyone's strength. Strong people can naturally exclude others from blocking them. Those who lack strength, of course, must Being left behind will reduce the chance of getting a place.

Of course, those who have been waiting in the core area of ​​Ziyun Palace for a long time and have spent a lot of money will undoubtedly have already arrived at the place of Ziyun Palace, but these people who just rushed in from the outside have no way to compare of.

In fact, just as people around the Ziyun Palace gathered toward the Ziyun Palace, countless people had already gathered before the gate of the Ziyun Palace, and the admission ceremony of the Ziyun Palace had already entered. Final preparation stage.

Countless huge palaces today seem to be very different from the past, especially the ten halls of the Ziyun Palace, which are all particularly spectacular and bright today. Even those small palaces in various places of Ziyun Palace are equally amazing. Obviously, what Ziyun Palace wants to present to outsiders is definitely the most powerful and spectacular aspect of Ziyun Palace.

In front of the mountain gate of the Ziyun Palace, there is an open space with a radius of several tens of miles. Today, a special decoration and design have also been made. The spacious open space that could not see at first glance has a huge light curtain today.

This huge light curtain just appeared last night, and was specially guarded by the Ziyun Palace. Those who guard the light curtain are super-powerful without a glance, the kind of contempt eyes It was the first time that their identity as a disciple of Ziyun Palace was revealed.

In addition to these, not far from this huge light curtain, a high platform with a height of more than ten meters stands next to the light curtain. Above the platform, there is no one at this moment, but it seems to be used for standing people. of.

At this moment, with this huge square as the center, a large number of warriors could hardly leak the water around the gate of Ziyun Palace, and the noisy noise was also a tremor that shook the high platform in the open space.

However, although the scene was very confusing, there was no one who dared to get close to the high platform and light curtain in the center of the square. Everyone was watching from a distance, waiting for the appearance of the powerful Ziyun Palace.

"Where did this light curtain come from? What exactly is this bird thing? I wonder if there is any connection with the admission of Ziyun Palace?"

"Nonsense, this one that appeared in front of the gate of Ziyun Palace, of course, is related to the admission of Ziyun Palace. For me, this seems to be a mysterious formation, right?"

"It really looks like a battlefield. Maybe this is the means by which Ziyun Palace has adopted this apprentice. Everyone hurry up and think about it, maybe you can get some useful information from it."

"Don't be in a hurry, anyway, we are right in front of the gate of the Ziyun Palace. As long as the ceremony for the admission of the Ziyun Palace begins, there must be one of us among the 300,000 places."

"Yes, yes, yes, in order to get a place, Lao Tzu was exploited by Ziyun Palace disciples this time, and he spent a lot of Wuji stone living in the shop. It was really a heavy loss."

"Who isn't? I spent no less than tens of millions of electrodeless stones for my accommodation during this time. If you don't get a place, you really have to regret your intestines."

"It's almost there, but as long as our family children can successfully enter the Ziyun Palace, these losses will be multiplied back sooner or later."

"Yes, yes, yes, you can make it back. Okay, let's not talk about these, let's take a look at what medicine is sold in the gourds of Ziyun Palace! There is a high platform on the side of this light curtain. That's the way! "

Among the crowd, all the people who came to the Ziyun Palace one step ahead were discussing fiercely at this moment. Everyone was curious to know what kind of method the Ziyun Palace should adopt.

According to past experience, the admission of Ziyun Palace must first determine these 300,000 primaries, and the determination of these 300,000 places will definitely take care of those who have come first at a huge cost. In this regard, everyone is not worried at all.

Everyone knows that if Ziyun Palace does not give them a little benefit, then who will spend so much money in the next admission of Ziyun Palace, just to occupy a place one day in advance?

"Woohoo, the magnificent Ziyun Palace, I can't think of getting closer, but this Ziyun Palace looks more terrifying!"

Among the crowd, a young man, while curiously looking at everything around him, didn't focus on the light curtain and the platform above the square.

For Yuan Feng, they are all where they are now, so the 300,000 places in Ziyun Palace will definitely have him, and since it is determined that there will be their own places, of course, he is not necessary. Pay too much attention.

It is the Ziyun Palace in front of you, whether it is the smaller palaces or the ten huge super halls, they are more attractive than the light curtain on the square.

"It seems that at this moment, the demigods in the Ziyun Palace should also start to pay attention to external affairs, just don't know what kind of state the ten main hall masters are at this moment. "

Eyes swept across the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace. Yuan Feng guessed that at this moment, the main leaders of the ten palaces had definitely started to pay attention to the outside world. After all, the Ziyun Palace accepted the apprentices, but it was for their top ten palaces. Selecting talented people to supplement the fresh blood of the major palaces, of course, they must not be too negligent.

"It seems that in the next time, I really need to be honest. The inside of Ziyun Palace is different from the periphery. Here, it is certain that there will be a demigod strong person. People at all levels are definitely not what I can provoke now. "

Yuan Feng knew very well that once he reached the interior of the Ziyun Palace, it would be impossible for him to think of any small movements. If it was not necessary, he would not even contact his subordinates. In order to avoid being discovered by the super powers of Ziyun Palace.

Having said that, this time he is going to mix into the Ziyun Palace and rely on his own strength to carry out some breakouts. He believes that with his strength, the Ziyun Palace, a super power, can have his place sooner or later.

If he can make a name for himself in the Ziyun Palace, then in the future, even if he becomes one of the overlords of the Ziyun Palace, it would be inaccurate.

ps: There is something wrong with the unit. Xiaoyan is hurrying and hurrying up. Finally, he rushed back before it was dark. The days when he didn't keep the manuscript were really hurt. !! !! At the end of the month, ask for a flower to support, continue to the third chapter of the code, for Li Ha! !!

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