The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1524: Ziyun Temple (three more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

After staying in the ring-shaped no-man's land for three months, Yuan Feng could almost be said to have completed an initiative that no one else could complete.

Starting with more than 20,000 infinitely powerful men, it will be a world-changing change for anyone. Not to mention a living person, even if it is a demigod strongman, it is absolutely impossible to completely obey 20,000 infinitely strong people. The only thing in the world that can do this is Yuan Feng. people.

After taking control of these 20,000 infinitely powerful men, Yuan Feng is undoubtedly more confident in his next actions.

Even if you look at Ziyun City with more than 20,000 Promise Powerhouses, it is an unimaginable power. In the presence of 20,000 Promise Powerhouses, even if there are no enemies in the demigod, you may have to. My heart trembled.

It can be imagined that when tens of thousands of Promise people burn the Promise base together, that kind of power, even if it is a strong person in the semi-god realm, I am afraid that they can only avoid the sharp edge. Of course, if you really encounter tens of thousands of people who are at the Promise to burn the Promise, even if they are demigods, it is difficult to escape.

Of course, Yuan Feng will not be so desperate that he will destroy tens of thousands of Promise at once, but if it is really time to die, he doesn't know if he will do such crazy things.

In fact, this is not a big deal. Everything depends on Yuan Feng's own realm. He who has a great and complete world can bear the power of burning thousands of human beings, and now he is comparable to that of Promise. Even if you really destroy tens of thousands of Promise people at once, there is really nothing unimaginable.

With a group of infinitely powerful men, Yuan Feng once again headed towards the core of Ziyun Palace.

Of course, although he brought a lot of people into the inner circle of the no-man's land, he was not with his subordinates.

When he arrived, he divided his tens of thousands of Promise into sub-groups, and each group had almost five or six Promise people with their own descendants. Each group is obviously very strong in combat.

It's not hard to imagine that when such a small group of teams appeared in the world inside the no-man's land, no one should dare to fight their ideas at will. Of course, the prerequisite is that these people can absolutely trust each other.

In the current situation, many people naturally think of temporarily joining together, but when it is really critical, even if they are temporarily joining allies, I am afraid they will stab the knife behind them. Therefore, some of the teams that look good at first glance have no deterrent effect to others.

Fortunately, this situation will never exist between these subordinates of Yuan Feng. For them, once they leave other people at the critical moment and live alone, they will ask Yuan Feng for a death coupon. , Yuan Feng will never care about their low lives .........

When Yuan Feng rushed out of the ring-shaped uninhabited area by himself, a huge and huge palace group soon came into view. The huge scale made him take a deep breath and his face was full of A color of admiration.

"Is this where the Ziyun Palace is located? It's really hard to imagine here!"

Standing at the intersection of the ring-shaped no-man's land and the core area of ​​Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced at the surrounding scene, but his heart was full of shock.

In the eyes, towering huge palaces are like cliffs rising from the ground. Each palace is towering into the sky, not high.

A brief glance at it is that in this vast area, there are too many palaces of all sizes, and the most dazzling are ten huge and trembling giants. Each of the ten giants is amazing, although Yuan Feng is still far away from these ten giants, but even so, he has been able to feel the horror coming from his face. Breath.

The ten giants are not close to each other. Standing at his current position, you can feel the distance between these ten palaces. As for the small palaces around these ten palaces, this moment is It seemed overshadowed, like little mounds.

But having said that, although these small palaces are like small mounds compared to these ten giants, in fact, the scale of these small palaces is absolutely no less than Yuanfeng's Qingwu Palace, even more so than Qingwu Palace is several times dozens of times bigger.

Between all the palaces, the thick white mist enveloped these huge palaces, and looked far away. The area in front of them was almost a real fairyland.

From time to time, Yuan Feng can even find a rainbow of stars descending from the sky, or rising from the ten giants, he knows that it should be one by one strong man is entering and leaving the palace, just because of the distance Too far, he couldn't even see the figure.

"Yu, what a terrible place, no wonder they all want to send their juniors here. This is really a terrible area that should not exist in the world!"

Standing outside the core area, Yuan Feng had no action at all. He realized why everyone was too afraid to set foot in the inner world of the no-man's land. It seems that let alone other people, even the perverted person, when he came to the core of the Ziyun Palace in front of him, felt a kind of tremor.

"Fortunately, I did not choose to use strong, if this is really hard, even if it is a hundred, I am afraid that I can only honestly explain here, right?"

After a long time, Yuan Feng took a deep breath and slowly returned to God. However, when he came back from the shock, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Although I have heard that Ziyun Palace is very strong, I even saw some internal conditions of Ziyun Palace from several disciples in Ziyun Palace, but those things that were heard and heard could never catch up with what he saw at this moment, Feeling.

Obviously, if you want to fight against this giant power in front of you, then there is almost only a dead end, and you do n’t even know how you died.

"It seems that it is really difficult to calculate something in this Ziyun Palace!"

Eyes froze slightly, Yuan Feng at this moment, but his heart was surprisingly quiet. He originally had the idea of ​​eagerness for success, but when he saw the full picture of the Ziyun Palace in front of him, he immediately told himself that no matter what he wanted to do next, he must be absolutely calm. Just be anxious.

To be honest, at this moment, Yuan Feng could even feel that his devouring martial spirit was constantly trembling, and he did not know whether he felt a huge threat or became excited by being stimulated.

Judging from the information currently available, among the ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace, that is, the ten giants in front of it, in each palace, there is definitely a demigod strong person sitting. The ten palaces, that is, the ten demigods are strong. Aside from Ziyun Palace, will there be other people in the demigod, not to mention that these ten people alone are enough to deter the entire city of Ziyun. And countless cities around Ziyun City.

"It seems that there should be a mysterious array, right? The light inside is obviously different from the outside world. Bacheng is the effect caused by the super mysterious array. It seems that after I enter it, I must observe it everywhere. Into the mysterious array. "

Yuan Feng's dazzling eyesight. As a master of Xuan Zhen, his understanding of Xuan Zhen is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. Moreover, he often used his Jiuqu Yellow River Array to calculate others, and he knew the mystery and horror of Xuan Zhen. Once he fell into the Xuan Zhen of other people, the effect would not be different.

Everyone who is proficient in Xuan Zhen will have a large array that is good at it, like he is best at Jiuqu Huanghe Large Formation, and maybe someone is good at other Xuan arrays, and when he is unaware of it He took a hand.

"Well, this is only interesting. The more powerful this Ziyun Palace is, the more benefits I can get. If I could one day become the owner of this Ziyun Palace, it would be really wonderful. "

Not long ago, he just set up his own Qingwu Palace. Although the scale of Qingwu Palace is very large in such a remote place, compared with the Ziyun Palace in front of him, the two are just one in heaven. One being on earth is simply incomparable.

Being the master behind Qingwu Palace will not let him have any sense of accomplishment at all, but if he can be the master behind the forces like Ziyun Palace, then he will be the real winner in life.

"Ahem, I seem to be thinking too much. Right now, I still think of a way to temporarily join the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace, and then slowly explore."

With a slight cough, Yuan Feng hurriedly settled himself. He was really shocked by the Ziyun Palace at this moment. Frankly speaking, his interest in the huge power of the Ziyun Palace has now far surpassed. His interest in the Five Elements Shenjing.

He has always been unwilling to rely on external forces, and the existence of the Five Elements God Crystal has always been considered a coincidence. Moreover, although it is said that the five-element **** crystal has the effect of becoming a god, he always feels that things will not be so simple. Otherwise, the five-element **** crystal may not fall into his hands.

"Never mind, join the Ziyun Palace first. At the moment, you must set your mindset. It is all about joining a new martial art, starting from the lowest disciples."

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng knew each of his subordinates in his heart, and then approached Ziyun Palace alone.

Although you can see the full picture of Ziyun Palace, in fact, he is away from Ziyun Palace at this moment, I am afraid that there are few days to go!

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