The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1523: Appetizers (two more)

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The ring-shaped no-man's zone opened by Ziyun Palace is really a paradise for Yuan Feng. The original Yuan Feng still has some fears, but with his time in this ring-like no man's zone He has found that the ring-shaped no-man's zone can't see the shadow of the Ziyun Palace at all, that is to say, he can do anything with confidence and boldness here.

Undoubtedly, this super power of Ziyun Palace is absolutely very conceited. Of course, in their hearts, they will not feel that someone dares to do small moves under their eyelids, and naturally they will not waste that energy in the no-man's land. among. At least, the Demigods in Ziyun Palace will never be bored to this extent.

Without any threats, Yuan Feng's actions could not help becoming more and more bold.

After taking control of the eclipse of the unscrupulous city, he carefully observed for a while, and then launched a full-scale operation.

Speaking of which, his method is also very simple, that is, there are some hidden places on the road that must be hidden to arrange the mysterious array, and then let the super strong strong Yin appear, and the strong strong everywhere .

After countless strong men are moved by Huo, maybe an unlucky egg will fall into his arranged mysterious array, and once he enters the array, he can take it down the first time. To put it bluntly, all he needs to do next is to arrange mysterious arrays everywhere, and then harvest the fruits of victory everywhere.

At the beginning of the operation, Yuan Feng was not too anxious. At first, the number of mysterious arrays arranged was very small, but they were very particular. After setting up a few mysterious arrays, Yin loss was ordered to start playing.

After the appearance of the ecstasy, the ring-shaped no-man's zone was suddenly moved by the superpowerful Huo, and as Yuan Feng expected, those who were stunned by the ecstasy were really a little panicky, and many of them Fall into his arranged mysterious array and become his prey.

For these people who are trapped in the mysterious array, Yuan Feng has unceremoniously put down their income. Speaking of which, he is really not malicious to these people. At the moment, conquering these people is nothing more than strengthening the light dance palace. The status of the vain world.

He doesn't need these people to do too many things. Maybe, when there is a need in Qingwu Palace, letting these people help out is almost the limit. As for the lives of these people, yes He was useless for nothing, and he would never hurt their lives.

As more and more powerful people are in control, Yuan Feng's next move is, of course, more and more relaxed.

Ziyun Palace really helped him a lot this time. The environment like the current one is simply nowhere to be found by holding a lantern. If it is changed outside, he will never be able to arrange the mysterious array, and then put one by one. The strong rushed into the mysterious array.

The whole process is indeed like a hunter setting a trap, and then waiting for the prey to put it on. In the end, Yuan Feng sent more and more subordinates, intentionally or unintentionally forming a network, and then on top of each main road. Arrange the mysterious array, so that no matter how many powerful people, he will act in his calculations, of course, only to be obedient to the net.

The ring-shaped no-man's land is a huge ring-shaped area, and the center position is where the Ziyun Palace is located. For Yuan Feng, half a year is enough for him to walk around the whole ring-shaped area. During this period, as long as The person he is following, there is almost no chance of escape.

The strong from hundreds of thousands of cities around them are constantly entering the area of ​​the ring zone from all sides. In the end, as long as Yuan Feng arranges the Xuan array, someone will accidentally fall into it from the outside, so that Yuan Feng does not need other subordinates to help.

Yuan Zifeng Palace is getting closer and closer. Yuan Feng has walked back and forth in the entire ring-shaped no-man's land for two times. He was in control of his life, and the 30% to 40% of the strong were absolutely no less than tens of thousands.

Of course, for these powerful men under his control, although he can make orders, he can't just casually sip and drink, because many of these super powerfuls are like the yin damage of the Yin family who had been subscribed before. In terms of momentum, it is difficult to completely suppress these people.

In general, the people he can count and conquer still account for a small number of people. After all, once these superpowers have gathered, he can't impact with one or two people, and it is absolutely impossible to charge such a crowd. disperse.

Yin loss is already strong enough, but no matter how strong he is, he alone would never dare to show up in an area where hundreds or thousands of people gather. This is also true of Yuan Feng himself.

Moreover, once you start to work in a crowded area with hundreds or thousands of people, you are afraid that it will be easy to expose your purpose, and then it will obviously be even more inappropriate.

Time passed, and three months passed slowly among Yuan Feng's shuttles. During these three months, Yuan Feng had taken over the infinitely powerful men in control, and the number had reached an astonishing two. Tens of thousands.

The 20,000 Promise Powerman, if compared with hundreds of thousands, seems to be nothing! However, the number of 20,000 Promise Powers alone is actually a very staggering number.

I would like to ask, how powerful is Ziyun Palace? When Yuan Feng first arrived, he was able to control 20,000 Promise Powers, and he could feel the abnormality in each of them.

"Yu, I can't think of this time to participate in the admission of the Ziyun Palace. Before the start of the show, I have already gained so much. Now, even if I leave, it's totally worth it!"

In a block of the ring-shaped no-man's land, Yuan Feng slowly showed his figure, but stopped the operation of the shadowless magic. At this moment, there were already all his people in the area around him, and no matter how he tossed, no one would find it wrong.

It took him three months to conquer no less than 20,000 Promise of the Promise, and of course, there were more than 30,000 candidates from the Habitat. Although the strength of these 30,000 people in the habitat is not strong, once the 30,000 people have dispersed into the Ziyun Palace, his eyeliner in the Ziyun Palace can be distributed in various directions.

"Well, if there are more than 20,000 infinitely powerful men, if these strong men are included in my Qingwu Palace, then the current Qingwu Palace can be among the first-class forces in an instant?"

In the Wonderland, some small families and small forces, as long as there are three or five Promise people, are already very good. As for the power of more than a hundred Promise Powers, even if they are placed in Ziyun City, they can have A place.

And when 20,000 infinitely powerful men come together, that is definitely the power that the top forces can take out, and if there is one more demigod in this kind of power, that is the real super power.

It is a pity that Yuan Feng could not gather 20,000 people into his Qingwu Palace, because if he did that, God would know how much trouble he would bring to Qingwu Palace.

The people gathered here in Ziyun City are all people with heads and faces in the surrounding cities. Many of them are top masters of the big family. Once he put these people in Qingwu Palace, they will be confirmed by people. Position, he is right with the whole boundless world.

However, with more than 20,000 awkward powerhouses spreading all over the world, it can provide him with a steady stream of resources. In this way, the development of Qingwu Palace can certainly be smoother.

Imagine waiting for more than 20,000 people of the Promise to return to their respective families, and then regularly send the resources they can control to Qingwu Palace. The resources of all people together will be a sum. Huge amount.

Using the most stupid method to calculate, even if each person's resources are only enough for ten Promise people to practice, then the resources of 20,000 Promise strong persons can be gathered together to support the practice of 200,000 Promise people. Already. The current Qingwu Palace, however, does not have so many endless powerhouses.

"It's almost there. There are enough 20,000 people in the Promise. There are too many night dreams. In the next time, don't continue to do such dangerous things."

The contented person Changle, although he can use the remaining three months to continue to gather more superpowers to his own, but he still gave up this idea wisely.

It ’s getting closer and closer to the day of Ziyun Palace ’s apprenticeship. God knows that when the day is approaching, is there a strong person in Ziyun Palace to investigate here? Just in time to catch up with him in action, it really has to be a shortfall!

Moreover, having controlled so many powerful men without boundaries, he will have eyeliner to guide him no matter which city he visits in the future. In fact, these are enough.

"It's time to go inside. It's so lively in this no-man's land. I don't know if the inside of this no-man's zone is as lively as it is now."

The no-man's land is a transitional area, and at this moment, I am afraid that many people have already entered the inner space of the no-man's land first, and whoever enters the inner space should also be relatively powerful.

Seeing that time is approaching, the people inside may not be able to make a living, and he joins in at this moment, and he doesn't know what kind of change can be brought to these people.

"Let's bring some people in together. In any case, I want to let these people under my control join the Ziyun Palace as much as possible to prepare for my future actions in the Ziyun Palace."

With a decision in mind, Yuan Feng directly informed some powerful subordinates in his mind, and then set the route and began to lead the public towards the interior of the no man's land.

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