The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1521: Looking for opportunities (four more)

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After inquiring about the general situation of the apprenticeship in Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng had a rough plan for his next move.

Obviously, the admission of Ziyun Palace this time is actually a rare opportunity for him.

Judging from Li Ling's introduction, the number of candidates gathered from major cities this time is millions, and the number of millions of candidates is hundreds of thousands. The leader of the Promise is no doubt that the hundreds of thousands of Promise are definitely objects that can be studied for him.

Although the Ziyun Palace opened an uninhabited area, it did not infiltrate the power. Even if there were some eyeliners, it was not harmful. During this period, he can fully show his own advantages. If he can receive so many of the Promise of the Promise, he will really be able to walk sideways in Ziyun City in the future.

Of course, no matter what, the area he is in right now is the outer area of ​​the Ziyun Palace. Even if he does, he must be sure of nothing.

"According to the old Mr. Li Ling, in the area of ​​this no-man's land, there seems to be a lot of strong people gathered, and these people are looking for each other's loopholes. This is, for me, a useful one. Link. "

Leaving Li Ling and his two apprentices, Yuan Feng went directly to a street corner, but for the time being he concealed and straightened out the next course of action.

Wanting to subdue those strong men who came to participate in the selection battle, that is not something that can be accomplished overnight. After all, there are too many strong men in this no-man's zone. As long as there is a slight negligence, then It may cause a chain reaction, and once most people find out what he is doing, the next action will be much more difficult.

Having said that, the methods are all based on thinking, and his advantages are also very obvious. As long as the consideration is in place, then more than half a year is enough for him to toss for a while.

First of all, others are guarded by the super strong, and he is playing alone, which is one of his advantages. Those who saw him placing an order wanted to deal with him unceremoniously, and this was undoubtedly the time for him to calculate the other side.

In addition, the means on his body are so many that only the shadowless power can make countless people uncertain. In front of the shadowless power, as long as he is not a demi-god, he almost has to wait honestly for being plot.

"Take your time, anyway, there is too much time, and I'm idle, I'm idle. As for who is going to be unlucky, then it's up to heaven to decide!"

After sorting out the general idea, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. Between the corners of his mouth, he suddenly operated the shadowless magic and started his crazy action.

There are certain risks in the outer area of ​​Ziyun Palace, but there are risks in everything. If he does not want to make his power stronger, he can not take this risk, but it is obviously unrealistic.

No shadow magic work, Yuan Feng's body disappeared directly in place, also disappeared in front of everyone. At this time, as long as he wants to, he can be mixed into the no-man's land and wait until the day when the disciples of the Ziyun Palace come to rush in. In that case, there will be 300,000 places, and he will definitely have one. .

He is not very clear about the size of the ring zone of the no man's land. However, with his mental strength, he couldn't detect where the inner edge of the no man's land is. How big is the human area.

Since it is to count others, then of course it is necessary to start from a place with few people, and as long as he can conquer a group of people, and then radiate to the surroundings with a little, and there are people available, then things will be much easier to handle.

The huge circular uninhabited area is very free for everyone's distribution. Some places are occupied by invincible invincible powers, so other people will naturally not run over to make fun.

However, other people did not dare to approach the bustle easily, but Yuan Feng was completely the opposite. For him, he doesn't need to care about the strength of the goal. As long as there are few people, then it is a place suitable for him.

The shadowless magic power is run to the extreme. Yuan Feng is like a ghost, looking for his first shot target, and this search, when it lasted for almost half a day, finally came to fruition .

This is a complex block of uninhabited areas. There is no one figure in the entire block, but the atmosphere here is unusually dignified.

When Yuan Feng's body explored this block, he felt the abrupt and powerful force hidden in the corner of the block for the first time. Although the concealment of the other party is very subtle, the murderous faintness that came from him could not be concealed at all, and naturally he could not escape his perception.

"It's terrifying. It seems that the guy here should be an amazing character!"

Feeling the atmosphere hidden in the corner, Yuan Feng knew that what was hidden here must be a stronger man than Hong Tianxuan who was flying before him, and such a strong person is probably in the entire no-man's land. It is extremely powerful.

"It seems that this person should have been a lot of competitors. Just the murderous surroundings made others dare not approach this place, but for me, this is really a godsend!"

When his mind was released, Yuan Feng could feel that with this block as the center, within a few tens of miles, he could not find a second person. He wanted to come to the strong man who was originally around him. People beheaded and killed, or they were scared away, and only the other group of people arrived during the period of these candidates.

No one else exists within ten miles, which is obviously enough for Yuan Feng.

"I wrote you down earlier, so there are fewer dead people, can you be doing a good deed?"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it. Between the movements of her body, she started to shuttle within the range of ten miles.

In terms of his current strength, it is a breeze to arrange a mysterious array with a radius of several miles, and his purpose is very simple, that is, to arrange a mysterious array and directly surround the target in the mysterious array. It's impossible for outsiders to feel as if they want to clean up each other.

The arrangement of the Xuan Zhen was completed quickly, and then Yuan Feng locked the target with his heart and began to look for the time to start the Xuan Zhen.

His goal this time is obviously an extraordinary powerhouse. If the start of Xuanzhen is out of date, it may be sensed by the target in advance. If the target is sensed in advance and the means of escape will be used, then his All preparations have to be made.

"It seems that it can only be shot in person, I don't believe that when fighting with me, he still has a chance to escape!" Time is limited, Yuan Feng didn't want to waste too much time, so after some thought, He finally decided to show up in person and complete the capture of the target.


Thinking of this, he suddenly stopped the operation of the shadowless magic, and the whole person appeared directly ...

At the same time, deep in the street, in a dark corner.

The ancestors of the overcast city Yin family were impaired. At this moment, they were sitting side by side with a young man. Although the faces of the two were old and young, their breath and looks were very similar. Obviously, the two must be There is a blood connection.

As the ancestor of the overcast city Yin family, Yin loss reached the limitless state many years ago and stayed in the limitless state for tens of thousands of years. Although he has not yet reached the state of demigod, It is by no means comparable to the average person of the Promise.

At this time, the Ziyun Palace accepted the apprentice, and Yin loss personally went out to **** his descendants to come to run. The purpose is to let the people of the Yin family mix into the Ziyun Palace. As for the purpose of mixing into the Ziyun Palace, only the Yin family ’s own People know.

The strength of the Yin Family in the Yin City is also a family with more than one demigod powerhouse. In the Yin City, the status of the Yin Family is equal to that of the Ziyun Palace in Ziyun City. Can imagine the power of the Yin family.

Although the yin damage has not reached the semi-god state, he has a very high status in the yin family. This time he escorted the junior to participate in the admission of the Ziyun Palace, which shows that the yin family attaches great importance to this matter.

After arriving in this no-man's land, Yin Fai has been shot several times in a row, and everyone who is shot by him is either killed here or escaped from a serious injury. By now, no one in this area has dared to dare. Easy access, but turned into a real no man's land.

In this regard, Yin loss is also so happy, after all, no one is willing to shoot casually, which is a waste of energy and no substantial gain.

"Ahem, is anyone here? I think it looks very spacious here, I wonder if I can borrow a place to settle down?"

However, just when the yin and faint thought that no one dared to approach his area, a soft cough broke the silence of more than ten days.


The eyes opened suddenly, the gloomy gaze was like two beams of thunder, suddenly looking at the direction of the sound, and at the same time, an undisguised killing intention spread instantly.

"court death!!!"

Soon, Yin loss found the target close to himself, and the moment he saw the target, the super-powerful man who did not blink was shot.

He never likes trouble, and once trouble comes to the door, of course, it is the first time to solve it.


Yuan Feng just appeared shortly after he appeared in shape, but saw a sword-mang beheaded at himself, and seeing this, his gaze could not help but slightly, his body flickered suddenly while talking, After that, he was near to the yin.

"Heavenly mark !!!"

When the figure reached the target, Yuan Feng did not hesitate. Between raising his hands, a huge ink pad appeared on the top of the sullen head and smashed directly at the latter.

"Eh?" Obviously, the eclipse did not expect that a young man in a habitual habitat would have such a sharp counterattack. Seeing that the printing platform fell down, at this moment, he was too late to dodge, his eyes were frozen, and he was Suddenly, he lifted his hands and just took down the huge printing platform above.

"Just now, get me up !!!"

However, just as Yin Yin just took over the Indodium, his body was violently swaying. Then, the super-strong man in the overcast city had not had time to see the situation clearly, and the whole person had fallen into a patch. In the mist.

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