The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1520: No man's land (three)

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All the way from the outside of Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng didn't pay much attention to the surrounding situation. Although he also saw a lot of people who came to participate in the selection of Ziyun Palace disciples, for him, regardless of those who participated in the selection Habitat young people, or the endless powerhouses escorting young people, are actually similar.

In terms of his current strength, people below the demigod can hardly take their eyes off. You know, at this moment, his physical strength alone can resist the attack of the infinite power, As for his own offensive power, it goes without saying.

It is conceivable that even if it really offends all the Promise in the vicinity of the Ziyun Palace, with his strength and the Chixiao sword in hand, he can still kill seven in and seven out, and no one can Stop him.

All the way close to the Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng finally came to the annular area outside the Ziyun Palace, and in this annular area, he only knew that the original Ziyun Palace recruited disciples, and the competition between them turned out to be so great.

The top ten palaces in the entire Ziyun Palace, the number of disciples finally recruited, is only 10,000 people, and only 300,000 people are eligible to participate in the primary election. But this time, there are more than a million candidates coming from major cities? In other words, if the Ziyun Palace disciples are not close to the Ziyun Palace before the selection period, once the 300,000 places are full, people outside can only watch the excitement outside, but they will completely lose this time. Great opportunity.

300,000 people sounds like a lot, but it is compared with that huge base. The number of 300,000 people may not even reach a quarter.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to occupy a place among the 300,000 places, you must be as close to the direction of the Ziyun Palace as possible before the date of selection.

However, everyone wants to be closer to the Ziyun Palace, but if they want to be closer to the Ziyun Palace, it depends on their strength.

The Ziyun Palace is located in a circular unmanned area in the outer area, which is undoubtedly a natural screening machine. Obviously, the reason why the strong men of Ziyun Palace set up a ring-shaped no-man's land is to allow these millions of talented young people to compete on their own and be able to step out of the ring-shaped no-man's land and enter the interior. Real super strong.

On the contrary, if the strength is insufficient, then it is of course difficult to break through this ring-shaped no-man's land and go to the area inside to enjoy it.

In fact, after the adoption of the Ziyun Palace again and again, everyone has summed up some valuable experience, that is, compared with the inside and outside of the ring-shaped unmanned area, in fact, the ring-shaped unmanned area itself Area is the safest, or most comfortable area.

Those outside the ring-shaped no-man's land may of course be unable to catch up with a place, while those inside the ring-shaped no-man's land, the competition in there may even be dead in minutes. Therefore, only in this area of ​​the ring-shaped no man's land itself, can mobility be stronger.

It can be imagined that when you are in this ring-shaped no-man's land, once a large-scale battle erupts, you can completely retreat outside the no-man's land, and once you leave the area, of course, you will never again Someone is going to trouble you. Once you have seized the opportunity, you can enter the no-man's land, which can be described as an attack, a retreat, and a defense.

Of course, there is still competition in the no-man's land. Maybe at some point, it may be attacked by others. Once you are accidentally defeated, you will lose your life or you will be seriously injured. In short, it will be difficult to continue. The disciples who participated in the Ziyun Palace were selected.

Like the old man named Hong Tianxuan who had been flying before Yuan Feng, he and his two disciples have already concealed no fewer than dozens of small teams. There are no fewer than dozens of competitors alone.

"This is interesting. The original apprenticeship of the Ziyun Palace has such a link. Fortunately, I came early. If it comes later, I am afraid that I may not be able to get the quota!"

After understanding the beginning and end of the matter, Yuan Feng could not help feeling secretly glad.

Originally, he really wanted to wait until the selection battle was about to start. Now it seems that if he is really stuck in time, then no matter how strong his strength is, wait until he wants to squeeze in, I am afraid that the quota has already been exhausted. By then, his idea of ​​mixing in the Ziyun Palace will naturally only be missed.

"This old gentleman, thank you for your explanation. I hope that in the final selection battle, the brother you protected will eventually stand out and get a place."

After understanding every detail of the matter, Yuan Feng couldn't help thanking the old man in front of her. Speaking of which, although these situations can be inquired from others, but meeting is a fate, if possible, he would like to help each other in the next time.

Of course, if there is any chance to help, it depends on the depth of their fate.

"Oh, Your Excellency, your old husband Hua Xucheng Li Ling, this is my apprentice Sun Ping. It is an honor for us to see you today.

When he heard Yuan Feng's words of gratitude, the old man couldn't help but smile a little, and then he reported himself and his apprentice's name to himself, showing good intentions, it was self-evident.

Old rivers and lakes like him, of course, know when and what to do. The hand that Yuan Feng showed before can be described as shocking. If their apprentices can get the help of Yuan Feng, then ask the whole uninhabited area. And who can hurt them?

Then again, I am afraid that the power of Yuan Feng is probably a peerless power that cannot be hidden. Moreover, he does not know what Yuan Feng is here for, so naturally he is not easy to ask directly.

"Hehe, in Xia Yuanfeng, I heard that the Ziyun Palace had taken in the apprentices, so they came here for nothing, and they were just a little rude.

Hearing the old man reporting himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile. Why can't he guess the old man's thoughts? However, everyone has his or her own experience, and he will never deliberately help each other.

"Two people, this circular area looks very interesting. I'll go around first, and we'll see you again."

After leaving his name, Yuan Feng didn't wait for the two to say anything more. During the conversation, he arched his hands at the two, followed by a flash of body shape, and went straight towards the inside of the ring-shaped no-man's land.

This is just the periphery of the circular uninhabited area. From the old man's account, the entire annular uninhabited area is actually a very large area. Of the 300,000 places, almost one-third Will be hiding in this area, when the time is ripe, then sprint away in the direction of Ziyun Palace.

Undoubtedly, Yuan Feng likes this environment very much. There is no superpower involved in it, and there will be no trouble to make himself trouble. It can be said politely that he came here just like The dragon returned to the sea, and he could soar freely despite the high winds and waves.

"Uh, here you go?"

When Yuan Feng's body disappeared, the old man Li Ling returned to God, but unfortunately, when he returned to God, where was the slightest breath left by Yuan Feng?

"Good horror character, Master, this person is really powerful, I'm afraid I have to catch up with you, right?"

Behind Li Ling, the young man named Sun Ping also returned from the suspicion at this moment, looking forward to Li Ling with a look of longing.

"Well, you child lifted me up. How old the husband is, I know clearly, not to mention this person, even if it was Hong Tianxuan before, the three of me tied together may not win others. This man named Yuan Feng, I'm afraid they can beat me with one hand. "

He ’s a real person, strong is strong, weak is weak. In his heart, he tried to feel Yuan Feng ’s power before, and the bottomless feeling made him face a semi-godder. The illusion of a strong man, and he also believes that if Yuan Feng shots at him, I am afraid he may not even be able to take half a move.

"I really don't know where this person is coming from. If he wants to keep a person into the race, it is definitely not a problem?"

Looking at the direction where Yuan Feng disappeared, Li Ling couldn't help sighing for a long time, and his heart was filled with emotion.

No matter what, he never thought that Yuan Feng had come to participate in the selection of Ziyun Palace disciples. In his opinion, Yuan Feng is definitely the super strong who hides his true cultivation. As for saying that Yuan Feng is a pure The person of the Habitat, it is impossible for him to believe that he was killed.

In his tens of thousands of years of cultivation, has he ever seen the cultivation of Habitat, who can fly into the long-established Promise of the Promise? This is simply impossible.

"Ping'er, the day when the disciples of Ziyun Palace are being selected is getting closer and closer. At present, more and more powerful men are afraid that they will stop watching and come towards this no-man's zone. You and I must always be vigilant , It must never be left empty. "

Li Ling knows very well that in this no-man's land, as long as you are alert enough, the people around you will not dare to move you easily, but once you lose your mind, God knows how many pairs of eyes will be found and displayed immediately. Fatal blow.

"You know, the master, rest assured, I will definitely join the Ziyun Palace. When I have learned a skill, when I have enough status, the master ’s dark illness can be restored. At that time, I will also have a chance to impact half. God's realm. "

Sun Ping's eyes flashed with tough eyes. At this moment, he was almost unstoppable, but his ideals were always full, but the reality was often very backbone. He would slowly realize this.

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