The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1510: Conversation with Jiang Shang (one more)

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This is a restaurant far away from the Jiang family. The restaurant is not large in size and should be a small family-run small business. I don't see many customers on weekdays.

On this day, the restaurant is as usual. It can see several guests in and out, but the atmosphere is not hot at all. However, the owner of the restaurant did not find out that among these scattered guests, there were big men with heads and faces hiding in Ziyun City.

"Should it be right here? It's so much trouble to meet each other. It seems that the other party is also afraid of seeing no one else."

Jiang Shang's figure stood in front of the small restaurant. After looking at the restaurant's plaque, he was sure that the destination of his trip was this small restaurant named Tianbo Tower.

After receiving the jade card from his second son before, he followed the jade guide to find the place to meet him, and on the way, he almost racked his brains, but still couldn't think of it. Who wants to see him.

Judging from Jiang Yan's words, the people who met him seemed to be familiar with him, and even said that he had to untie the knot for him. In this regard, he simply became more and more confused.

However, he wanted to walk out anyway, and since someone had an appointment, he would have seen it. Regarding his cultivation, there is no need to worry about someone calculating him.

Xiuwei has reached his level, in fact, he will not really be afraid of anything. You must know that if he is a demigod, he will be wasted no matter how he resists, and if he is below the demigod, he will I really don't believe how someone can treat him.

"Let me go in and see what happens!"

After slightly adjusting his breath, Jiang Shang finally no longer hesitated. When his heart sank, he walked directly into the restaurant.

It has been stated on the Jade card that the other party is waiting for him on the top floor of the restaurant. Why did he want to meet him? After meeting, it is clear what he wants to come.

There are only three floors in the restaurant. Soon, Jiang Shang's figure appeared on the top floor and locked the target room. After seeing the target room, he just hesitated a little bit or pushed in the door and walked in. .

"Squeak !!!"

The door was relatively primitive, probably to create a more primitive atmosphere, and as the door was pushed open, the scene in the entire small room clearly appeared in front of Jiang Shang's eyes.


When he saw the scene in the room, Jiang Shang's eyebrows could not help but raise his curiosity.

In the eyes, the simple little room is like a small house of an ordinary person, and at this moment, in this little room, a young man is sitting leisurely at the table and drinking wine, but it looks so Yiran contented.

"Oh, Your Excellency is finally here. I was really worried that you would not come before!"

When Jiang Shang saw the young man on the opposite side, the latter apparently discovered his arrival for the first time. He greeted him during the conversation, but did not recognize him at all.

"Did you invite me here? I don't seem to know you, do you?"

With a frown, Jiang Shang asked curiously as he looked curiously at the young man in front of him.

I don't know why, although Jiang Shang determined that he had never seen the man in front of him, when he saw the person in front of him, he actually had a similar acquaintance, and even an unknown affinity.

The person in front of him seems to have only the cultivation of habitats. As a super strong who has cultivated for countless years, he can feel that the strength of the other party must not be underestimated. The dangerous feeling, even him, is Feeling secretly scared.

"It doesn't matter if you know it or not. Now that you're here, sit down and have a drink!"

Yuan Feng was quite calm at the moment. Seriously, standing face to face with the original owner of the Jiang family, he didn't feel any different.

At this moment, he is no longer the old hairy boy, and he has been able to look at many things from different angles and different starting points. For Jiang Shang, he doesn't know what he is holding. This attitude, but the other party has already experienced some punishment, as for whether to continue to punish the other party, he has not yet figured out.

During the trip to the Jiang family, he took Jiang Shang's veins as the head of the family. The blow to Jiang Shang was not small, and Jiang Xun's eldest son Jiang Xun was not only severely injured but also in his heart. There was also a hint of shadow. It can be said that the two who had shot at their mother at the time were not having a good time.

The resentment in his heart was almost exhausted, and now he was obviously completely silent.

In front of Jiang Shang, you can see the shadow of Jiang Qingwu, which is the connection between the blood vessels, which is basically the thing that is constantly giving up. And if you want to obliterate the other party, don't say that he can't do it himself, it is absolutely impossible for his mother to pass.

Jiang Shang didn't hesitate. The so-called "comes as soon as possible", since he has already come, then of course he will not look forward and look after him, and speaking, he is sitting across from Yuan Feng, his eyes are still staring at Feng's face didn't know what she was thinking!

"This little brother, have we met before?"

Slowly sitting opposite Yuan Feng, Jiang Shang hesitated for a moment, and finally asked with a little curiosity.

The more he looked, the more he felt that the young man in front of him was very familiar. Now that he was getting closer, the feeling of intimacy became more intense.

"When I first arrived, the whole Ziyun City didn't know a few people."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng can't help showing a complex chuckle. He can feel each other's feelings, because when Jiang Shang entered the room, he actually had a familiar feeling. He wanted the other person to feel the same.

Putting aside all the grudges, Jiang Shang is definitely the father of his mother Jiang Qingwu, although his spirit is no longer the original spirit, but his body and body The blood flowing in it did have a trace of the **** family in it.

As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water, and some things are really difficult to get rid of.

"So it is, huh, huh, I feel that the little brother is familiar, and I ask the little brother to be strange."

With a slight smile, Jiang Shang stopped asking more. He did feel that Yuan Feng in front of him was very familiar, but he also believed that he should have never seen the other party, otherwise he would not have had the slightest impression.

After experiencing the previous things, he has actually completely turned away, right and wrong, grudges and grievances, which is the trouble he has found for himself. If he has been immersed in the depression of the homeowner, then in this life I'm afraid it's really going to be scrapped.

Life always has to go on. Many things ca n’t be measured by the words good and bad. God knows if he lost the position of homeowner, is it a good thing for him?

"The method of the little brother is really powerful. It can even let my unconvinced son do things for you. It seems that 80% of what happened to the Jiang family has something to do with you, right?"

He straightened his sleeves casually, Jiang Shang himself, filled himself with wine glasses, and said casually.

In fact, when Jiang Yan gave him the jade card, he had already sorted out a rough idea.

What is Jiang Yan's temper? He certainly knows as an old man. On weekdays, even if he orders the other party to do something, the latter will push back and forth, but this time it is so clever to send letters to others, which is obviously not normal at all.

Coupled with Jiang Ye ’s performance on the succession ceremony, he knows that his son is probably controlled by others, but by what and by whom, He's always just wondering. Now, he can at least know that his son is probably used by the young people in front of him.

"Oh, Your Excellency, it's just a little bit of tricks, it's hard to reach the elegant hall."

Yuan Feng didn't justify anything. So far, he obviously didn't intend to hide these. Jiang Shang is not a fool. If he can't see the problem until now, then the position of his owner is really sitting for so long for nothing!

"I wonder if your Excellency could tell you the purpose? Wouldn't it be my four brothers asking you to help?"

Hearing Yuan Feng admits without hesitation, Jiang Shang's heart can't help but burst a little, and his heart is inevitable. Although he had already guessed the beginning and end of the matter, when he heard Yuan Feng's affirmation, he couldn't help feeling a little upset.

In the final analysis, he was calculated by others. He was the owner of the Jiang family, but in the end, he completely lost the plan. Such a failure was really shameful.

"Oh, Jiang Ping and his sons are the same as your sons. They are not qualified to invite me."

Hearing Jiang Shangzhi's words, Yuan Feng shook his head, a flash of ridicule flashed involuntarily. Obviously, in his heart, what is the fourth son of the Jiang family, Jiang Ping, and the second son of the Jiang family, Jiang Yan, are all a bunch of waste, let alone be right with him, even if he is his subordinate, he does not Not very valued.


The speaker was unintentional, and the listener intentionally. After hearing the response from Yuan Feng, Jiang Shang could not help but change his face. At this moment, he realized that what seemed to be the Jiang family ’s change this time was probably more than he thought. It's more complicated and scary.

"Yu, it seems that this wine today should be more flavorful!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Shang couldn't help but calm down his mind. He knew that today should come to an appointment. Many things that could not be figured out before should be cleared up.

However, until this moment, he still didn't understand why the young man in front of him had called him and told him so many things.

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