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The position of the new owner of the Jiang family was finalized. In the next time, naturally, the first family of the new family moved to the Central Palace, while the former family of the first family Jiang Shang moved out honestly.

In a super big family, there are too many, too many unknowns. Before the ceremony, who could have imagined that a figure like Jiang Shang could eventually lose the position of homeowner.

However, since the head of the family has been taken away by Jiang Ping's first line, even if Jiang Shang's pulse is not reconciled, he can only swallow the depression into his stomach.

Having said that, from the perspective of Jiang Shang's pulse, it seems that apart from Jiang Shang himself, all his sons and daughters did not seem to be sad and annoyed because he moved out of the central palace, as if they did not care about the identity of the owner Care the same.

The palace chosen by Jiang Shangyi is a very luxurious palace in the main house of the Jiang family. Although it cannot be compared with the central palace, it is much stronger than other palaces. It seems that Jiang Shang has already thought of a retreat for himself long ago, but he even thought of the retreat after a defeat.

After Jiang Shang moved out, Jiang Ping and his son took all the immediate people to the Central Palace with great fanfare, and ordered by the new owner Jiang Xu to feast all the immediate people of the Jiang family for three days to celebrate this. A landmark change.

Jiang Xu was really famous this time. The new owner of the Jiang family almost spread among the family forces around the Jiang family. In terms of the strength of the Jiang family, the relocation of the owner must be necessary. Brought countless family forces to come to congratulate. In this regard, Jiang Xu is definitely a visitor who refuses to accept any gifts. He will not be polite to others.

Jiang Shangyi did not participate in the celebration. He lost his position as a homeowner. Jiang Shangyi suddenly became very low-key. It is said that when Jiang Shanggang moved to the new palace, he gave everything to himself. The sons deal with it, and he directly begins a long retreat.

For Jiang Shang, he wants to pull back a game. In fact, there is only one way. That is to promote his cultivation to the state of demigod. Only when his cultivation reaches the level of demigod, is it possible to bring the owner's The seat was taken back and handed over to his descendants.

However, if he can really be promoted to the demigod state, then it seems that the seat of this owner will not have any more appeal to him.

Demigod realm is not so easy to reach. Although Jiang Shang took a sigh of relief, trying to reach the demigod realm is not something that can be done for a while.

The two ancestors of the Jiang family also started retreat. Of course, even if they are retreat, they will always separate one person to guard the entire Jiang family, as long as there is any abnormal situation. , They will shoot the first time, absolutely not let any trace of accidents happen.

Their fear of the Ziyun Palace is simply unthinkable for others, because the more powerful they are, the more they can feel the horror of the Ziyun Palace.

The new family took over the throne, and the development of the Jiang family immediately entered a new trajectory. Jiang Ping's first line had too many resources to gather. These resources were originally controlled by Jiang Shang's people, and this time Jiang Xu took over Jiang. At home, we must find ways to transfer these resources into our own hands. As for what methods and methods must be used, Jiang Ping can handle it all by himself.

Soon, everything in the Jiang family was on track, and with the exception of a few people, the rest of the Jiang family were virtually unchanged. For most people, who owns the house has no effect on them ...

Here is a magnificent space hall, the whole hall looks very spacious, but at this moment, the space hall is unusually depressed.

In the middle of the hall, a middle-aged man was sitting silently in the middle of the hall at this moment, as if he had completely entered the state of cultivation. However, if there is a master here, it will be found that although the middle-aged man looks very peaceful, in fact, there is always a very unstable energy wave around his body.

"Ah, it seems that it is not easy to want to quickly enter the state of cultivation!"

For a long time, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes and then sighed long.

Jiang Shang really wanted to quickly enter the state of cultivation, and then hit the semi-god realm as soon as possible. Unfortunately, although he repeatedly told himself that this time the loss was nothing, but once he calmed down, he It is impossible to let go of the past.

"If you go on like this, don't say it's impacting the demigod. Even if you don't go backwards, I'm afraid you will be content!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Shang couldn't help feeling a little bit bitter. The most taboo of martial arts cultivation is that he is not quiet. Originally, according to his mind, some small things would not be taken into his mind at all, but this defeat is too terrible. It was ruined in the hands of his own sons. With such energy, he couldn't change it anyway.

"It seems that staying blindly in the mansion makes it difficult for me to improve my cultivation. Maybe going out for a walk might be more useful."

He stayed in the palace for spiritual practice, and he really couldn't calm down. In that case, he might as well go out and walk around, maybe he could meet some encounters, and help him break through to the demigod state.

You know, many warriors like to go around and look for every possible opportunity for improvement. Once they seize the opportunity once or twice, the future is definitely bright.

Of course, there are also people who don't like to walk around, and only like to stay in the house to practice behind closed doors, but these are two different attitudes and habits, but there is no way to compare them and distinguish between good and bad.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose the sun. It's difficult to concentrate on cultivation anyway, so just leave today!"

Jiang Shang is very chic, without a homeowner. Although it is a pity for him, it is a little less burden. Now he can do what he wants, no need to think about it anymore. This is also one of his gains!

"Om !!!"

However, when Jiang Shang was thinking of leaving the mansion and going outside to find some opportunities, there was a sound of spatial shock outside his space hall, but it was the mystery of his layout outside. Someone approached.


Hearing frowns, Jiang Shang frowned and shouted outside the hall.

"Father, the baby has something to ask for !!!!"

As soon as Jiang Shang's voice fell, a man's voice came from outside, and when he heard this voice, Jiang Shang's brow couldn't help but a slight wrinkle, and there was a clear flash of anger in his eyes.


His complexion became slightly black, and Jiang Shang's brow could not help wrinkling and tightening. He had heard the identity of the person who turned out to be his second son Jiang Yan, who was also the culprit that caused him to suffer great losses.

"Well, I'm practicing. If it's okay, don't disturb me."

For Jiang Yan, he really didn't want to see each other. To be honest, if the other person was not his son, then he would have destroyed the other person. It is a pity that tiger poison does not eat food, no matter what Jiang Yan's fault is, it is obviously not necessary to kill the other person.

"Father, the child has something to report to his father. It's about the father's heart. If the father doesn't want to see the child, then the child will retire."

Jiang Yan's voice came again, and his voice fell, Jiang Shang was able to feel that Jiang Yan at this moment was obviously going to leave, as if he didn't want to stay.

"Well? The knot at that time?"

Hearing Jiang Yan's words, Jiang Shang could not help but tremble in shape, but he could not help feeling a weird feeling.

He didn't know what Jiang Jun's so-called heart knot meant, but no matter what, Jiang Jun's words succeeded in arousing his curiosity.

He didn't remember what he had in mind, but when he heard what Jiang Yan said was true, it was difficult for him to ignore it.

"Slow!" Jiang Shang couldn't help but suddenly raise his hand, and then, in the space hall where he was, there was an extra wide and narrow portal.

"Come in and talk and hope you don't waste my time."

Opening the door to the space, Jiang Shang saw the **** outside outside at first glance. However, at the moment, Jiang Yan looked very natural. There wasn't any sadness caused by the change of ownership of the owner. In this regard, Jiang Can't help but be more angry.

"The baby has seen his father."

Jiang Yan is still polite, so Jiang Shang can't pick up any problems at all.

"Just say something. I have something to do later. I don't have time to waste time with you." After glancing at each other, Jiang Shang's eyelids were lowered, as if he really didn't want to say a word to the other.

"I can't delay my father much time." Jiang Yan was not angry. When he heard the other party's words, he picked a little, and then continued, "Father, the baby is here to send you a letter. As for how you decide, that's your own business. "

After the words fell, Jiang Yan suddenly raised his hand. Then, a jade card was directly thrown to Jiang Shang, and after the jade card was handed to the other party, he didn't say a word and turned around. It was straight out.


Jiang Shang was obviously made a little dazed by his own son. By the time he subconsciously took the jade card, Jiang Yan had already left his space hall without any trace.


Holding the jade card in his hand, Jiang Shang's heart was full of curiosity.

ps: There is something temporary today, let alone make up tomorrow, sorry everyone! !! !!

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