The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1387: Conspiracy

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After playing a piece of music, Ao Xue's second piece of music rang, and with this second piece of music played, the entire Qifeng Pavilion has changed greatly, and the only Yuan Feng who has remained sober has found At this moment, Qifeng Pavilion is a huge mysterious array. It seems that this mysterious array does not have much attack power and should be a sleepy array.

Of course, in such an environment, I am afraid that this mysterious array will also have some illusions in it.

Yuan Feng can also be regarded as a daring artist. He is like everyone else at the moment, pretending that he has been deceived by the melody, but everything that is happening now is completely clear to him, without any omissions. .

Having said that, even if Yuan Feng wanted to leave at this time, it was obviously not that easy.

Since this Qifeng Pavilion dared to count so many people at once, it naturally has their reliance. There are few, and there must be a presence in this Qifeng Pavilion that transcends the yin and yang realm.

However, yin and yang state, or the endless state, is not invincible for him now. Moreover, after he stayed in Yuxi City, he has already left his avatar outside, as well as his natural environment. The servant is coming here this time, so he doesn't worry about his safety.

"This woman's piano sound is really powerful. If I have heard it correctly, this song itself should be a sonic martial art, right? Oh, you can lose the sonic martial arts, and then be performed by a stunning woman. This is a perfect match! "

As one of the warriors fell down, Yuan Feng was still strong, but at this moment, he still had the energy to appreciate the women's piano sounds.

According to Yuan Feng's feelings, the tune played by this woman is probably a high-level martial arts technique, maybe a skill that has reached the **** level.

You know, although this woman has hidden cultivation practices, it is actually the realm of yin and yang, and a person in yin and yang can actually make people of the same level lose consciousness and lose themselves. This is not what ordinary martial arts can do. owned.

Therefore, in all likelihood, this kind of sonic martial arts performed by women is a horrible god-level martial arts.

"No, it seems that not only the sound of this piano is wrong, but also this guqin."

Looking around, Yuan Feng finally looked at the piano touched by the woman. All his previous attention was attracted by the woman herself and her harp. At this moment, he discovered that the guqin on the table in front of the woman was probably an extraordinary treasure.

"This piano ..."

When he focused on the guqin, Yuan Feng could feel that the unknown guqin had an ancient feeling from inside to outside, whether it was the body or the strings, everywhere They are full of powerful breath unimaginable to ordinary people.

"No wonder, this woman turned out to be a complete set, from people to the piano, all of them are so horrible. It seems that she is well prepared to count these people today!"

When Yuan Feng came in before, he found that there are many people who come to Qifeng Pavilion today. Just on this floor, there are more than a dozen of you guys. As for the lower floors, , Simply countless.

He didn't know what the purpose of Qifeng Pavilion was, but he believed that in order to create today's situation, this Qifeng Pavilion was definitely prepared for a long time, and this is what it is today.

"噗通 噗通 !!!!!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, in the first floor of the attic downstairs, several strong men in the yin and yang realm fell down, apparently completely confused by the sound of the piano, and did not know what kind of entry status.

"Ding Ding Dong ..."

The woman's piano sound is still ringing continuously. It can be seen that she should not be in a hurry. The previous song can be regarded as a warm-up for everyone present, and this song is definitely working hard.

"It's almost there. Going on like this, it won't be long. The people present will all fall down. It seems that I should fall down too!"

A brief glance, Yuan Feng found that, except for the person in the top loft where he was sitting, the rest of the people in the attic had almost fallen down. Seeing this, he knew No matter what the other party's purpose is, it is clear that their purpose will be achieved immediately.

"Tongtong !!!"

The time spent talking, on the top floor of the pavilion, someone finally started to fall, and as this person fell down, it seemed like a chain reaction had occurred, and the strong ones began to fall down one after another.

"it's time!!!"

Seeing one by one fall, Yuan Feng knew that he couldn't sit like this anymore. In order not to make himself too eye-catching, he naturally couldn't be the last to fall.

"Tongtong !!!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and with a moment of thought, he just slipped down from the chair just like everyone else, and then lay on the ground like he was asleep.

Any action at this time is actually causing trouble and danger to yourself, so pretending to be dizzy is definitely the most reliable.

"Tongtong !!!"

Almost immediately after Yuan Feng had fallen, beside him, the three of Yuxi Palace also fell down one after another. At this point, the entire Qifeng Pavilion, except for the proud snow above the central suspended square, the rest All of them have fallen.


After the last three people from Yuxi Palace fell, above the platform, Aoxue, who had been quietly touching the piano, suddenly closed her hands. Suddenly, the entire Qifeng Pavilion suddenly became quiet. Came down.

"Yoo !!!"

Qianxianyu moved away from the strings, but Aoxue could not help but exhale for a long time, and with this breath exhaled, she could not help flashing a pale color.

Obviously, playing two songs in a row, even for her, should have a lot of load. Maybe if she let her continue playing another song, I'm afraid she won't be able to persist.

If you think about it, such a horrible piece of music, if she can continue to play continuously, it would be too abnormal.

There is no such thing as invincible world in this world. Any powerful method will have its ills in it. This is simply the principle of universal application.

Really running, Aoxue dispelled the discomfort in her body, slowly got up from the seat, and stood on the edge of the square. Then, she glanced down at it, feeling , Like a queen above, overlooking her subjects.

"There isn't a bunch of waste that can hold on for a while."

Glanced at everybody up and down, her eyes flashed with contempt. In fact, her skills are not yet perfect. According to the theory, this song has not been finished, and there should be many people who can persist, but now it seems that she really overestimates these people.

Speaking of which, although her tunes are powerful, if the listener can keep her heart and not be attracted and dormant by her looks from the beginning, there is still a chance to stay awake. Unfortunately, her charm is too strong. These animals, which only use their lower body to think, obviously do not have such ability.


In the time of the woman's thoughts, a shadow suddenly emerged from the dark, fell directly on the square where the woman was, and bowed down respectfully to the woman.

"Miss worked hard!"

Hei Ying stood behind Aoxue, and then said softly. I can hear that this dark shadow seems very kind to Ao Xue, but due to the difference in status and status, the tone of speech obviously still has a huge gap in it.

"Oh, no hard work, my skills are not enough, I should have practiced a few more times." Aoxue apparently knew the existence of Heiying. When she heard the other party's voice, she couldn't help but smile a little, and then passed Head over, "Uncle Yan, take a look at the guy at Yuxi Palace. It took so long to attract the people of Yuxi Palace. Don't make any mistakes!"

In order to calculate the Yuxi Palace, she and the black shadow beside her have stayed in Yuxi City for a while, and several plans have failed. Only this time, she successfully attracted the people of Yuxi Palace and brought them down. Here, no matter what, this is a big step for her next move.

"Miss, wait a minute, Ronnie takes a look."

The black shadow called Uncle Yan by Ao Xue didn't say much. When he was in shape, he just walked up to the top loft, standing right next to the three people of Yu Chenglong in Yuxi Palace. When he raised his hand, He grabbed Yu Chenglong and returned to the high platform where Ao Xue was.

"Miss, this person has been completely deceived by the girl's piano sound. It is estimated that she is dreaming at this moment. In the next time, the lady can play the piano sound to him alone, so that he completely obeys the lady."

The tone of the old man in black was full of joy, and he really paid a lot for this day. After coming out from there, he and Aoxue were alone, without any help at all, and everything was done by the two of them. It can be said that what they have achieved today is the result of their hard work.

"Very well, as long as I control this person, I will be able to infiltrate the power into Yuxi Palace. Maybe it won't be long before I can get what I want."

Her eyes narrowed, and Aoxue's eyes couldn't help but be full of yearning. She believed that her goal could be achieved. At that time, she would be able to go back beautifully and never be called a vase by others.

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