The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1386: The picture is not small (one more)

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The entire Qifeng Pavilion is echoing the sound of Ao Xue's piano. The melodious voice lingers on everyone's mind, but it makes the entire Qifeng Pavilion immersed in a weird atmosphere.

Yuan Feng keeps himself clear all the time. Of course, he is also the only person who can keep himself clear. As for the others, at this moment, all of them have entered the world of piano sounds and can't help themselves.

The beautiful face, coupled with the intoxicating piano sound, has to say that the means of this proud Snow Maiden has reached the point of peaking. Yuan Feng knew in his heart that he was fortunate that he had swallowed up martial arts. Otherwise, he would be like other people at this moment, but he had already fallen into that dull state.

"What is the origin of this woman? Being able to make so many strong people lose their clarity by relying on their looks and the sound of the piano, this guy is really amazing. I just don't know what the purpose of this is for her."

Yuan Feng also kept a dull look, but she kept thinking about it. A woman mixed in the wind and moon, of course, cannot have this ability. He is very clear that the means by which so many strong people can be sluggish is not what ordinary people can do.

With this kind of means at hand, even if she is placed anywhere, she can definitely be said to be a super power. Any power, I am afraid, will be demanded by the power.

Imagine if this piano player was allowed to play a song over a certain family power, I am afraid that all the strong players in that family would be affected by the sound of the piano. By then, wouldn't it be left to others to kill?

"Well, it seems I should have made a surprise this time!"

Looking at the woman above Fangtai, Yuan Feng can feel that although this woman seems to be cultivated only as a habitat, but no matter how the other party hides it, the breath of the strong yin and yang can not escape him. Tian Wu Ling's perception.

A yin and yang woman in a mixed place, the fool can see that this person has a problem. Of course, except for him at this moment, no one else has the ability to think, so naturally it is impossible to see what the problem is.

"Well !!!"

Just when Yuan Feng's mind was turning, thinking about the sacredness and purpose of this woman, the other party's piano sound suddenly stopped abruptly. The rhythm of the sudden collapse let Yuan Feng When the breath stagnates, it feels extremely uncomfortable.

"Buzz !!!!"

By the time the piano sounds disappeared, each of the warriors present returned to God one by one from stagnation. However, even if they returned from God, their faces were still obsessed, as if they were completely inseparable. I want to continue listening to the sound of the piano before I start.

"The beautiful sound of the piano, I have never heard such a beautiful piano sound in my life. If I can hear it again, it is worth it even if I die!"

"It's wonderful. There is such a wonderful piano sound in the world. Compared with this piano sound, all the sounds are noise. No, no, I must listen to it again."

"This song should only exist in the sky. How many times have I heard it !!!"

"Audrey Snow, play another song for everyone, I am willing to spend a lot of money, I just hope Audrey Snow plays another song."

"I'd like to, as long as Aussie can play another song for everyone, we are willing to spend a lot of money to thank, begging Aussie to play another song!"

The awakened people, like crazy, asked Aoxue on the platform to play a song again. It can be seen that these people have become fascinated with the piano sound, and even more so, these people are simply already in the magic Already.


Yuan Feng was a bystander, Qing. At this moment, he was absolutely certain that this woman named Aoxue was definitely in great trouble. From the performance of these people, it seems that she has become dependent on her piano sound, or is addicted.

"It's too overbearing. Just listening to a tune makes these people lost. What kind of place is this Qifeng Pavilion?"

Looking at the reactions of the people present, Yuan Feng was really speechless. He thought that only when Ao Xue played, these talents would be addicted to it, but he did not expect that even if the sound of the piano stopped, these people would still be addicted to it.

Turning his head around, Yuan Feng couldn't help but glanced at Yuxi Palace, the 13th master Yu Chenglong, not far away, but found that the latter and his two masters were also staring at the center. Ao Xue on Fangtai had an expression on her face that she wanted to listen to the music again, and even temporarily ignored her unhappiness with him.

Yu Chenglong and the two masters brought by him are definitely not comparable to ordinary people, but even they have fallen. It is conceivable how powerful this woman named Aoxue is.

"Thank you for your care for Aoxue. Since everyone loves listening to music, the little girl will play another song for everyone."

Above the suspended platform, Aoxue played a song, and then suddenly smiled slightly and whispered to everyone present.

A beautiful smile bloomed on her face, and all of a sudden, everyone who saw this smile was filled with a strong sense of happiness.

"A beautiful smile, a beautiful voice !!!"

Watching Aoxue's smile blankly, listening to her cherry lips slightly revealing, everyone felt that the other party was talking to themselves, and the sweet voice sounded directly in their ears same.

"Don't talk, Ao Snow Maiden is going to play a song again. I ca n’t think that Ao Snow Maiden is not only beautiful, but also unparalleled. If you can hear Ao Snow Maiden playing the music every day, it will not be happy dead."

"Crap, so far, Ao Xue has made two appearances in total. Who has the kind of blessing I hear every day?"

"Okay, let's hurry up, Ao Snow will play the piano again."

Hearing that Ao Xue was going to play the piano again, the crowd present was simply excited, and they all calmed down, waiting with anticipation for the other party to play the piano again.

"Well !!!"

Just as everyone stared at the square above, waiting for the sound of the piano to sound again, Ao Xue's jade finger fell on the string again, and as her jade finger moved the string, this The sound of the piano once became deeper and farther.

"Om !!!"

A piano sounded, and an invisible wave of energy rippled like a water wave, but this ripple was three-dimensional and instantly filled the entire Qifeng Pavilion.


Yuan Feng is close to Ao Xue. The other party ’s vocal sounds. He and Yu Chenglong are the most direct audiences. With this vocal sound coming into his mind, Yuan Feng feels like he is Like being hit hard, the whole person was stunned, and his mind was full of dizziness.

"It's a mental attack !!!"

When the feeling of dizziness came, Yuan Feng felt a dangerous sensation all over him. He didn't want to think about it, he just rushed to run his devouring martial spirit and protected his mind.

"Good guy, this woman is so black? This is clearly a sonic mental attack!"

After swallowing up the Wuling spirit to protect his mind, Yuan Feng was slowly relieved, but still felt a sense of fear. Fortunately, he was always on guard, otherwise just after that, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

"噗通 噗通 !!!!!!"

Suddenly in Yuan Feng's heart, fortunately, when he escaped a disaster at the last moment, in the entire Qifeng Pavilion, one after another the warriors, like cutting trees, fell down one by one.

"His ... this woman ..."

With Yu Guang, he glanced at the crowd below. Yuan Feng found that almost all the fallen soldiers were living in the habitat. Among them, there was no lack of yin and yang. Obviously, these people were unable to carry the one just before. , All stunned by this mental attack.

"Well, it's interesting. It's really interesting. It seems that Qifeng Pavilion is really a big picture!"

Glancing at the fallen crowd, Yuan Feng was still sitting in his position, listening to the sound of the other side's piano quietly. Of course, he didn't sink his mind into it at this moment, because he knew very well that if he devoted himself to it, then even if he had the swallowing martial spirit, I'm afraid he would be confused by the sound of the piano. .

The sound of the piano continued, but at this time Yuan Feng discovered that I do n’t know when the whole Qifeng Pavilion had already changed its appearance. First of all, the original Qifeng Pavilion door was long gone. It's like it never existed.

"Uh, this ......... still a hit!"

After seeing the location of the gate, he glanced at the surrounding scene again, and Yuan Feng's heart was bitter.

"I started Xuanzhen without my knowledge? Awesome, awesome!"

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the entire Qifeng Pavilion was obviously in a mysterious array at this time, but he did not even feel when this mysterious array was operating.

That being the case, he has actually won.

"No matter how much it is, I want to see what this woman and this Qifeng Pavilion want to do. Anyway, with my current strength, I am not afraid that these people will treat me."

Mysterious formation is already open, even if he wants to leave now, it is not so easy. In this case, he can only count for the time being, after seeing what the other party is going to do, he will not make another plan. late.

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng simply stopped thinking about it and hugged Yuan Shouyi, just waiting quietly.

ps: Brothers and sisters, come with a few flowers to support it, and you can continue to burst chrysanthemums soon, wow! !! !! !!

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