The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1377: Sexism (three)

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Yuan Feng never thought that when they had entered the cave where the relic was located and they were about to get the relic, someone would appear around them.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that the comer only heard his voice and could not feel the energy fluctuation of the other party. This situation surprised him.

The six people, including Yuan Feng, all became very vigilant at this moment. They did not feel any energy fluctuations, and the more so, the more they felt horrified.


The dazzling white light finally dissipated, and after the white light disappeared, the six members of Yuan Feng opened their eyes for the first time and looked at the direction of the sound. Then, everyone's face, It was one after another that was inconceivable.

"Uh, this ..."

In the eyes, a beautiful woman was looking at them with a smile on her face. The woman was extremely beautiful, and after looking at it, there was always a feeling of wanting to be close.

However, these are not the main ones. What surprised the six of Yuan Feng most is that the woman in front of her is not a real living person, but a very illusory image.

"Sudden me, it turned out to be just a ghost. I thought a super master had arrived!"

When he saw the ghost in front of him, Yuan Feng's heart was slowly falling back into his belly. An image that is almost transparent, there is nothing to worry about. Moreover, from the words the other party just said, the identity of this image is already ready!

"Unexpectedly, at the last moment when I was going to dissipate, it was possible to have guests, which is not bad."

The image of the woman did not control the performance of Yuan Feng's people, but simply glanced at the six members of Yuan Feng, and she continued to talk by herself. Her tone was very bland. After listening to it, she naturally felt relieved, as if everything in the world was empty and worthless.

"This girl is polite. If I didn't guess wrong, you should be the owner of this group of Promise?"

Yuan Feng's response was extremely fast. Although the other party had only a touch of image left, no matter how he was the host here, of course he could not be too rude.

"Oh, this doesn't seem to be difficult to guess." The woman's influence smiled slightly, but with this smile, her figure became a little more illusive, as if it had to dissipate at any time.

"I don't have much time, but I should say something short!" It seemed to feel that she was about to dissipate. The woman's face inevitably flashed a helplessness, and then she looked at her. Yuan Feng facing forward.

At present, six people came to her collection, and Yuan Feng stood in front, and the other five stood respectfully behind. Obviously, among the six, Yuan Feng must be the head.

"How come all men? Didn't you come with a girl?"

The image of the woman staring at Yuan Feng seemed to be a little unpleasant in her tone, and there was such a pity.

"Oh, this girl, we got the map you left. This is how I found out here. Then, you have the power of this group to be handled by us, right?"

Yuan Feng didn't talk, because he didn't know what the other party was thinking. At the moment, he just wanted to grasp the essence of this group in his own hands, and then slowly digest these things.

"I left this relic in the first place, and even left a map. Naturally, it was for someone to get my heritage, but unfortunately, none of you were eligible for this relic."

There is a hint of slyness on the face of the woman's image, and it can be seen that she was also an eccentric person during her lifetime. Even if only a shadow of the mind is left, she still maintains her original character.

"Well? None of us are qualified? What do you say?"

Yuan Feng is not in a hurry. The image of the woman in front of her is almost weak. If he wants to destroy the opponent, it is just a matter of minutes. Therefore, he is not worried about what the other party is doing.

"You did not qualify for this collection, or even if you have the power of the Promise, the six of you will not be able to use it unless you are willing to become women."

The eyes swept around the six members of Yuan Feng, especially the lower body parts of the six, and they deliberately stopped for a few more seconds, and then the image of the woman continued to laugh.

"What? Become a woman? Isn't it ..."

After hearing what the other person said, where did Yuan Feng still not understand what the problem was? Obviously, the golden energy in front of them does not seem to be able to be used as they want.

"It seems you should have guessed it. Yes, this collection of mine is reserved for women only. Only female warriors can digest my endless origins. As for men, hum, don't even think about it."

In the end, the woman's face has long been filled with the color of hatred, and it seems that there is a big prejudice against men.

"This, this ..." Yuan Feng was really speechless at this moment, and she had lost so much energy, and she had already found the power of the Promise, but in the end, he couldn't enjoy it.

Frankly, this situation really makes him depressed. As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. If the situation is not okay before, but with the great hope just now, it will become disappointment again now. He is not depressed if he is not so surprised!

"Treasure that only women can use? This, this ..."

The five people behind Yuan Feng also became horrible at this moment. Yuan Feng had promised them that everyone could share a little bit of the original taste of the Promise, but now it ’s good. Gone! At this moment, the depression under their hearts was deeper than Yuan Feng.

"Are there any women here? If not, then go back and find a woman. Otherwise, these things will be a mirror for you, which is beyond our reach."

The woman's expression was a bit funny. She left the relics in the first place and set up a method to sacrifice the lives of others to complete others. She did not want people to easily get her relics. As for only women can use her power Her hardest request.

At first, what she hated most was men. If it weren't for a certain man, she would already be a transcendent figure. Where would she fail, she would fall into the pinnacle of the limitless state.

Therefore, even if she wasted her original power in vain, she would not let this energy be obtained by men.

"Hey, don't worry, there are women, of course, and many more! Mother, dream dust, sister, come out and breathe!"

Hearing the woman's urging, Yuan Feng suddenly showed a smile. Speaking of which, although he can't use these Promise Sources by himself, he feels a little bit upset, but in any case, these things are ultimately his.

"Brush brush !!!"

With Yuan Feng's thoughts moving, Jiang Qingwu, who has not appeared for a long time, took Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner together and appeared from the Qingwu Palace together, lined up in his body. Aside.

Jiang Qingwu was originally instructing Mu Yun'er and Yun Mengchen to practice. During this time, she had just promoted her husband to Dongtianjing, and Yuan Qingyun's qualifications were there. After being promoted, he had to retreat for a while Time to stabilize cultivation, so Jiang Qingwu found the two women, while instructing the two to practice, while improving their relationship.


When Jiang Qingwu and his two girls appeared in the cave, of course, they were attracted by the golden energy group and the images of women before the energy group.

"Well? There really are women. It seems that their qualifications are pretty good. It seems that you guys are well prepared!"

Seeing Jiang Qingwu appearing with two women, the woman's virtual shadow could not help but smile slightly, seeming to be very satisfied with the situation in front of her. Frankly, she didn't want her inheritance to be broken like this. Now someone takes over, and she can disappear between the world without regret.

"What is your name?"

When I saw Jiang Qingwu, the woman's eyes stopped looking at Yuan Feng and the other five big men at all, but she focused entirely on Jiang Qingwu.

"Mother, this girl is the owner of this relic. She asks you anything. Mother can just answer it."

Jiang Qingwu was suddenly called out at this moment, no doubt there would be some doubts. Seeing this, Yuan Feng hurried forward and explained to his mother.

"Relic?" Hearing Yuan Feng ’s words, Jiang Qingwu also flinched. She had previously heard Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner say that Yuan Feng was looking for some treasure outside because it was too dangerous. I didn't let them both follow, but now it seems that my son should have found the treasure!

"Jiang Qingwu, I am very happy to see your Excellency."

Jiang Qingwu is also a thought-provoking generation, but for a moment, he immediately calmed down and was generous and authentic.

"Jiang Qingwu? Very good. Your qualifications are good. My power of these Promise Sources can help you achieve Promise Realm. However, I am afraid you can't afford these energies alone. These two girls are not bad. , These three of me, one of you! "

The woman's eyes glanced around Jiang Qingwu, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, but her face became more and more calm.

At the last moment of her life, she was able to see what she was like, and she could really rest assured by talking to her heart.

"Hope you three can use my power on the right path, goodbye!"

Smiling slightly at the three women of Jiang Qingwu, the woman's image suddenly turned into a little bit of light, slowly disappearing in place.

ps: Three more arrivals, brothers and sisters, give Little Smoke a little motivation! !! !! Seeking flowers, seeking rewards and recommendations! !! !!

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