The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1376: The Promise of Promise

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With the full vitality of a strong yin and yang realm, the last remaining checkpoint was finally completely opened.

This level is indeed a bit of a doorway, but it should have been the most difficult level. After encountering Yuan Feng, it seemed so pale and weak.

The level was opened, but the entire cave was finally presented in front of Yuan Feng. When he saw the scene deep in the cave, Yuan Feng's complexion changed slightly, and the corners of his mouth shook subconsciously.

"Well, a relic of the Promise, isn't that simple?"

In the eyes, there is an extremely ordinary cave. In this cave, except for a golden energy mass in the center of the cave, nothing else is visible. Obviously, the legacy of the so-called Promise Hidden, it should be the golden energy mass in the center of the cave.

"Can you be a bit stingy? Just such a thing, this is also called the relic of the Promise?"

Yuan Feng was really speechless. Originally, he thought that since it was the treasure left by the Promise of the Promise, there should be Promise Stone everywhere, heaven and earth treasures everywhere, precious spiritual soldiers everywhere, but Unexpectedly, the entire collection turned out to be such a golden energy group.

"It's a waste of time and energy. I hope this thing doesn't disappoint me too much."

After sweeping around, I really didn't see anything else. Yuan Feng couldn't help but sigh slightly, and then looked at the golden energy group ahead.

On the surface, this is an ordinary energy group gathered by a group of unknown energy, but when Yuan Feng focused his attention on this group of energy, he suddenly It was found that this group of energy groups obviously felt a little different.

"This energy group is weird, these energy ..."

Yuan Feng was more and more frightened. He suddenly discovered that this golden energy mass was definitely not an ordinary thing. From the surface, it seems that there is no energy fluctuation in this thing, but after carefully examining it, you will find that there is actually a tremendous amount of power in it.

People don't feel energy, but they seem to be full of energy. This is an extremely contradictory situation.


Just behind Yuan Feng's thoughts, behind him, a drooling voice came suddenly, but it was under the control of the five yin and yang scenes he brought. Now, he has involuntarily followed up from behind, every time Individuals are staring closely at the golden energy mass in front of them, swallowing continuously.

"Eh?" Hearing the voice behind him, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look back subconsciously, looking at his five Promise subordinates, and seeing the expressions of the five people at the moment, his heart couldn't help but some Weird feeling.

"What is it? Does this thing make people so appetite?"

At this moment, the expressions of the five yin and yang strong men look at the golden energy group in front of them, as if they want to eat the golden energy group. Obviously, these five guys should be more aware of the golden energy group than he is. Precious.

Frankly speaking, he has been in the Wonderland for too short a time, and his experience and insights are not very wide. Although he also thinks that the thing in front of him is a good treasure, but what it is, he is still a bit hard to say.

"Yue Yue !!!"

Seeing the expression of five people, Yuan Feng could not help but frown, and suddenly yelled at Yue Yue among them.

"Ah, young master, my subordinates are here !!!"

After hearing Yuan Feng's sudden shouting, the five people present realized that their performance was a little wrong, and they all returned to God one by one, respectfully lowered their heads, and did not dare to watch again. Golden energy mission.

"I ask you, do you know what this golden energy mass is?"

If you do n’t understand, you have to ask, he really does n’t know what this golden energy group is. Anyway, he is sure that he has never seen it or heard it.

"Uh, this ... the young master didn't even know what it was?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the five Promise Powerful couldn't help raising his head, and looked at Yuan Feng with disbelief.

They thought Yuan Feng knew what the golden energy was before, but they didn't expect that Yuan Feng didn't even know this thing, and they really had a hard time imagining it.

Yuan Feng's strength, they have all understood, it is definitely beyond the ordinary yin and yang environment, any one of the five of them, one to one case, will be completely abused by Yuan Feng. What's more, let alone one-on-one, even if they go together, I am afraid it will be difficult to be Yuan Feng's opponent.

However, it is such a Yuan Feng that they don't even know what the golden energy in front of them is, and they can't help feeling some unimaginable feelings about it.

"Ahem, I have a short training period, but I have never seen it before, Yue Yue, tell me about it!"

Yuan Feng's face flashed a bit of embarrassment, but then she recovered as usual. He is the owner of these five people, of course, there is no need to have any embarrassment in front of them.

"Young Master, this is the power of the Promise of the Promise. With this thing, if you are lucky, you can impact the realm of yin and yang. This power of the Promise looks absolutely Promise of Promise There is a relatively strong presence among those, young master, this time we are lucky. "

Yue Yue's tone seemed a little excited. He had seen the power of the source left by the Promise, and he knew how rare this thing was. At the moment, such a large power of power was in front of him. I can't wait to pounce directly on it, and take all these original powers as my own.

Unfortunately, such an idea can only be thought about. With Yuan Feng in there, he would not dare to think about this thing at all, otherwise, the previous bad reputation would be his next end.

"What? The source of the power left by the Promise? After absorption, there will be a chance to impact Promise? This ..."

After listening to the other party's introduction, Yuan Feng knew that the golden energy of this group turned out to be such a high-quality goods.枉 He was still thinking about Wuji and Tiancaidibao. After a long time in trouble, this thing is the biggest treasure, and it is countless times stronger than Wuji and Tiancaidi!

"Good guy, developed, this time it really has to develop. Wouldn't it be able to help me to break into the realm of treasure?"

Obviously, the baby's energy in front of him can help people to impact the state of the Promise, then it must inevitably help him to impact the realm of creation.

He is now stuck in the realm of Dongtian Realm, and he has no clue about the realm of creation. If he can break through the realm of realism with this thing, then he can stand very high in the realm of arrogance. !!

His bio-environment is different from others' bio-environment. At this moment, he only has the realm of Dongtian Realm and Seventh Heaven, and his strength is comparable to that of the yin-yang realm. I believe that even if he is a person without limits, he will not be afraid at all. By then, with all his means, it seems that there is nothing impossible to torture the strong without limits.

"The five of you are taking a step back and waiting for me to try the effect of this thing, rest assured, you will be needed later."

The color of excitement overflowed in words, and Yuan Feng's heartbeat accelerated at this moment.

He has been looking forward to the realm of creation for too long, too long. In a place like Wulei Realm, he did n’t reach the creation, and his heart is still a little bit bottomless, and the opportunity now is very rare. !!

"And ours?"

Hearing that Yuan Feng said that their benefits are indispensable, the five people in the yin and yang behind are all a little excited, and they never dreamed that this life for Yuan Feng would have such benefits, so it seems that Doing things for Yuan Feng is more reliable than before.

Yuan Feng did not care about the reaction of the five people. He was not a stingy person. He wasted so much energy that he found the place to hide and gave these people a little sweetness. Moreover, if some of his subordinates can really break through the Promise by the power of the Promise Power, then haven't they earned it?

"Let me try the effect first, and I don't know if there is any difficulty in absorbing this thing !!"

Stepping forward slowly, Yuan Feng hesitated a little, and then suddenly raised his hand, trying to divide the energy in this energy group into a trace and feel the effect.


He was kicked out by a qi, and went straight to the energy group in front, but just when this qi contacted the golden energy group, the whole energy group was slightly shaken. Then, a bright white The light suddenly flashed out, making Yuan Feng step back subconsciously.

"Well? What's the situation?"

The white light that flashed suddenly caused Yuan Feng to close his eyes subconsciously, not only that he closed his eyes alone, but the other five strong men in the yin and yang state all closed their eyes at this moment. How bright and dazzling the Tao light is.

"Welcome guests from afar, I have been waiting for a long time!"

When Yuan Feng and the other five people closed their eyes, and then slowly opened them, a very sweet female voice was ringing in everyone's ears, making the six of them surprised. Suddenly more surprised.

"Someone else?"

Yuan Feng's mind suddenly became vigilant, because until someone spoke, he hadn't felt someone approaching. At this moment, he couldn't help being nervous.

ps: There are too many trivia these days. Today I will make up as much as possible. Xiaoyan writes as much as possible. !! !! Goal, break through two hundred today! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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