The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1350: Let it be (four more)

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Mu Yuner came out of the customs, but the result made Yuan Feng quite happy.

During these months of retreat, Mu Yun'er obviously sighed, so the practice was extremely hard. At this time out, her cultivation behavior is the same as that of Yun Mengchen before, and she also hit the realm of the cave heaven and the sixth heaven in one breath. It seems that she really does not want to lose to Yun in cultivation Dream dust.

But unfortunately, Yun Mengchen hasn't been lazy since this time. Now she is in the realm of great celestial realm. Therefore, she is still a tad slow, and she still can't compare with Yun Mengchen.

Rejoicing and rejoicing, but the enthusiastic embrace of Mu Yuner after leaving customs, still makes Yuan Feng a little bit upset. He had just promised with Yun Mengchen, but then came out like this. In this regard, his heart could only be filled with bitter smiles, but his temper was gone.

"Fenger, what's going on with Xiao Ba and Xiao Jin? But is there anything moving?"

At the crucial moment, it was Jiang Qingwu who understood his son better, but it was the first time to shift the topic and open up a slightly awkward situation.

In Jiang Qingwu's heart, in fact, they are very satisfied with Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner. These two women are extremely excellent, but it is only because of their relatively low background that they are behind, but with her care Teaching, the future of the two will never be worse than her.

Mu Yuner's feelings about Yuan Feng are better than everyone else. In fact, during this period of practice, she also talked to Mu Yuner about Yuan Feng, and for Mu Yuner and Yuan Feng's feelings, the attitude she held, was almost a natural attitude.

Warriors are not like ordinary people. In their long lives, there may not be only one person with them. For Yuan Feng's excellence, in the future, it is bound to open up and develop a super family. According to him The idea is that there should be many, many women beside this son, so as to develop a super strong family.

This is the case of the big family without delusion. In order to train more talented people to come out, we must have a large team to screen. This is almost an unwritten unwritten rule without the delusion.

"If you go back to your mother, Xiaoba and Xiaojin are still practicing. Xiaojin's situation is a little worse, but Xiaoba seems to have devoured the World of Warcraft, and the possibility that he wants to be promoted to the World of Creation should be great."

After hearing his mother talk about Xiao Ba and Jin Mao Rat, Yuan Feng rushed to talk to his mother along the topic, but he directly left Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner aside. At this time, he still did n’t want to talk to It's better to say these two.

"Xiao Jin is indeed a little worse, but as long as Xiao Ba can be promoted to the good fortune, it is a great help for us." Nodded, Jiang Qingwu was really very satisfied with this result.

Although Xiaoba's predecessor was just a small and insignificant township Warcraft, it is undeniable that it is definitely a monster of Warcraft.

Although the original strengths of the five palaces were extremely weak, it was because they started late. In fact, if there was no such thing as power, the forces like Tian Lian Mo Gong and Tian Xing Gong would sooner or later become stronger Of power. It is a pity that these five clan forces were involved in the conversation because of the strong ones, all of them became poor victims.

Having said that, the five major palaces at the time were able to put together the forces of the Ziyun Palace, which is actually quite enough.

"Mother, we have stayed here for a while now, and everyone's strength has also made great progress. Next, the child wants to talk to his mother about future actions, and she also hopes that her mother will give an idea for the child. Comments."

It's been a while since he came to Wuleijie. Now, he can do all the things he can do. The next time, he needs to consider what to do.

If you have been nesting here, other people's cultivation can indeed continue to improve slowly. However, it is difficult for him and Jiang Qingwu to make great progress in this environment. Therefore, it is only for them to plan for the future. And they must never stay here.

"It's time to plan carefully, Mengchen and Yuner, you two continue to hurry up to practice, or go and see your father and brothers, and Fenger and I will discuss the future actions."

Jiang Qingwu's words are still very important. Whether it is Yun Mengchen or Mu Yuner, she has absolute respect for her. After all, not only is she the mother of Yuan Feng, but she has also helped them improve her cultivation. Publicly and privately, they all have to respect her very much.

"Auntie and Yuan Feng go on business, my sister Yuner and I go and see my father and them."

Yun Mengchen's performance is still very large. Although Mu Yun's enthusiasm for Yuan Feng still made her a little uncomfortable, many things are not what she can change. What will the future look like? No one can Make it clear.

"Hee hee, yes, yes, my aunt and Master Yuan Feng will be busy. Me and Chen Chen will not bother you."

Mu Yun'er was absolutely unwilling to be outdone. Seeing Yun Mengchen behaved so well, she also hurriedly stood up and said to Jiang Qingwu abnormally.

"Well, you can arrange it yourself, Fenger, let's go!"

Seeing that both women were so sensible, Jiang Qingwu could not help but smile at the two, and then greeted Yuan Feng and disappeared directly.

"Neither of you is allowed to be lazy !!!"

When Jiang Qingwu left, Yuan Feng also told Yunmeng and the two, and then hurried to walk along and left with his mother.

"Sister Yuner, congratulations on your successful promotion to Dongtianjing. It seems that in the past few months of retreat, Yuner sister has learned a lot!"

When Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu leave, the whole space is left with only two men, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, but they are both sensible people, and there will be no unpleasantness.

"Hee hee, wherever I go, Aunt Qingwu teaches well, but I still can't catch up with you!"

Yun Mengchen always refers to Mu Yuner by the title of her younger sister. However, Mu Yuner does not want to call her sister, because when she thinks of the word sister, she always has the feeling that the other party is big and she is small.

"Take your time, don't be anxious. At the present state, there is no need to worry about the later state. It won't be long before Sister Yuner will be able to reach the state of great completion of Dongtian like me."

"Well, I will work very hard." Mu Yun'er felt that it was safe to hear Yun Mengchen's safety. The realm of creation is not so easy to break through. She believes that before Yunmeng can impact the realm of creation, she has already reached the same level as the other party. As for understanding the realm of creation, they are not necessarily fast!

"Let's go and see our father first."

Looking at each other with a smile, the children are swept away together towards the space where Lingcui Mountain is located, but everyone's heart is thinking carefully.

At the same time, in a separate space of Qingwu Palace.

"Yu, this is really a battlefield without gunpowder. In the future, we can't appear in front of both of them at the same time, it will be fatal."

Body shape appeared, Yuan Feng could not help but take a long breath, relieved his nervousness.

Mu Yun'er just hugged that for a moment, and he almost jumped out of his heart. Fortunately, the Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong he practiced has made his whole body free of burdens. Otherwise, just now, he really wants to put his heart It jumped out.

"Hehe, you child are not afraid of a powerful man who is countless times stronger than yourself, and now they are scared into this look by two girls."

Aside, Jiang Qingwu also appeared along with Yuan Feng. When she saw the expression of her son's face after the death, she couldn't help but feel like she couldn't smile.

"Mother also said, I was still guaranteeing to Meng Chen that I and Sister Yun'er had nothing, but Sister Yun came back this way, and I don't know if Meng Chen would be angry."

With a helpless smile, Yuan Feng really felt a little ignorant of what was going on. He can face powerful enemies without fear, but when it comes to feelings, his experience is much weaker.

"Oh, Fenger, in fact, you don't need to pay too much attention to this, because the more you care about these, the more various problems will arise, and everything will go naturally and you will face it generously, maybe right It will be easier for you. "

Regarding these things that Yuan Feng was worried about, Jiang Qingwu simply felt that these were superfluous. How could a powerful genius like Yuan Feng, two women, restrain his steps?

"This ... Thanks my mother for pointing, the baby understands a bit."

After listening to his mother's words, Yuan Feng's heart flashed a light, but to understand everything, it seems that it is a little worse, anyway, he is better now than before Some more.

There is still a long way to go. Your eyes must look forward. As her mother said, everything must look forward. If there is no way, let it be.

"Mother, let's talk about the business. Now the baby is strong enough, and it has a little foundation in the vain world. I think it's time we left this crane and city and headed for Ziyun City."

In this short time, he has considered a lot. Anyway, I do n’t know how far away it is from Ziyun City. In the next time, they can hurry and practice while waiting. When they reach Ziyun City, their power, Want to come is already very powerful!

"Way to Ziyun City? This ........." Hearing Yuan Feng's proposal, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but look dull, and for a while there was still a little hesitation.

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