The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1349: Jealous of the wind (three)

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For Yuan Feng and his party, this period is undoubtedly a very crucial period. From the middle world to the world of no delusion, everyone is in a stage of rapid improvement. Only by grasping this stage can their future be more relaxed and less troublesome.

With huge resources and the efforts of several experts, everyone in the Yuan family and Dan Xiazong are steadily improving. The most prescient effect is Yun Mengchen. Her repair has already broken through to the cave heaven early. Sixth Heaven's realm is a good start for everyone, and the next time, everyone will be promoted to Dongtian Realm and become a master's active period.

Of course, not everyone can directly reach the strong realm of the Six Heavens of Heaven, like Yun Mengchen. After all, no matter from the cultivation potential or the use of resources, no one else can talk to Yun Mengchen. Comparable. It is Yuan Feng, the father of Yuan Feng, who must also be treated differently. Jiang Qingwu naturally will not let her husband be compared, so after helping Yuan Qingyun impact the cave heaven, she also paid no Less mind.

Unfortunately, Yuan Qingyun's understanding is indeed inferior to Yunmeng Chen's. The same resources were hit on him, but the final result was not satisfactory.

In the following time, the masters of Dan Xiazong and Yuan's family constantly attacked the cave world, and whenever someone attacked the cave world, Jiang Qingwu would **** himself to increase the success rate of everyone.

Not to mention, as a whole, Dan Xiazong and Yuan's success rate is quite high. Except for some individual accidents, many of the well-qualified people eventually broke through to the cave.

For these people, they never thought that there would be a day when they would reach the cave world, but when they felt the atmosphere of this world, naturally, they did not take the cave world as much as before.

Time passed, and another whole year passed quietly. During this period, Miss Luo Lou Palace gave Yuan Feng another batch of resources, and with these resources, Dan Xiazong and the Yuan family went up and down. However, everyone who can be promoted to Dongtian Realm has already been promoted. The promotion cannot be achieved. It can only be closed in the light dance palace to fight for the final struggle.

In this year, Yun Mengchen's repair was the fastest promotion. Yuan Feng provided her with everything that she could provide, and she naturally did not disappoint Yuan Feng. Xiu was connected to the three cities and reached the realm of the great completion of the cave heaven. In this way, in terms of cultivation, she completely surpassed the current Yuan Feng.

In the quiet space, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen sat opposite each other and talked about the cultivation issues as usual.

"Dream Dust, you have been promoted a little too fast during this period of time. When the Heavenly Realm is completed, just stop for a while. As for the realm of good fortune, you can wait until you have a good grasp before you sprint. "

Looking at Yun Mengchen in front of him, Yuan Feng nodded with satisfaction. In the past two years, Yun Mengchen has completely surpassed him in terms of cultivation, and will soon be able to impact the realm of creation. In this regard, he really sees it and enjoys it.

"Well, I'm higher than your cultivation anyway, so I'm not in a hurry to impact the creation!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Yun Mengchen couldn't help blinking at Yuan Feng, half jokingly and seriously. In fact, she really ca n’t continue the crazy leveling. In the past two years, she has already improved enough. In the next time, she must repair the basics of polishing for a long time. However, some people get on the bus first and then pay for the tickets. feel.

"Hey, from now on, in the realm of cultivation, I'm afraid I can't compare with you!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng also understands that his practice is difficult to improve. When Yun Mengchen is promoted to the realm of creation, he must still be in the heavenly realm. To say that, I am afraid that others will slowly surpass his.

"Rest assured, I will protect you well after I break into the good fortune, haha!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's depressed expression, Yun Mengchen couldn't help but stand up and take a few steps forward. He sat down beside Yuan Feng and leaned tightly on Yuan Feng's body.

Frankly, this time is really too happy for her. Needless to say, the rapid improvement of Xiu Wei is the key. She has always been accompanied by Yuan Feng. Every day is very fulfilling and worry-free. Carefree.

She knew that there would not be too many days like this. When Yuan Feng eased up, I'm afraid he would be busy again, and in order to be with Yuan Feng when he was busy, she had to Become stronger, so as to be eligible to accompany Yuan Feng.

"Haha, okay, then I'll wait for you to protect me!" Aloud with a smile, Yuan Feng reached out and took Yun Mengchen into his arms, lovingly caressing the latter's green silk, and then enjoying the beauty of being alone Time is coming.

I don't know how long it has been, Yuan Feng embraced Yun Mengchen like this, and in a relaxed mood, he almost fell asleep, but at this moment, Yun Mengchen in his arms suddenly moved. Moving, the opening broke this tranquility.

"Yuan Feng, how do you want to arrange girl Yuner?"

In the faint voice, there was no strange emotion, but when I heard Yun Mengchen's sentence, Yuan Feng, who had really fallen asleep, suddenly looked suddenly and suddenly changed. Must be awake.

"Cough, Mengchen, why did you suddenly ask this? Sister Yun'er is my sister. Of course, I want to help her improve her cultivation and make her stronger and stronger?"

Standing straight up, Yuan Feng tried to make himself very serious, facing Yun Mengchen very seriously.

"Hey, you know I didn't mean that." Anyway, there were no outsiders around, and Yun Mengchen didn't dare to say anything. "I'm afraid Yuner's feelings for you are more clear to me than others. You have always been affectionate, and you can't say nothing at all, right? "

Sitting up straight, Yun Mengchen stared at Yuan Feng's eyes tightly, authentically.

One year ago, Mu Yun'er had already passed the customs. After leaving the customs, Mu Yun'er did not cover up his feelings for Yuan Feng. All this, Yun Mengchen saw in his eyes.

Three months ago, Mu Yuner followed Jiang Qingwu's retreat into the cave world again. When they separated, the other side looked at Yuan Feng's resentful look, and even she looked very distressed.

Regarding Mu Yuner's feelings about Yuan Feng, I am afraid no one can see the entire Dan Xiazong and Yuan family. Originally, Yun Mengchen didn't think too much about it, but since the last time he met Mu Yuner, After the sorrowful look, she could no longer ignore everything in her mind.

"This ......... Dream Chen, don't think too much. Sister Yun'er has Sister Yuner's way to go. I believe that after a while, she will devote her mind to cultivation. Energy to think about other things! "

Looking at Yun Mengchen in front of him, Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help but feel a bit bottomless. The woman's heart is under the sea. He can't guess what Yun Mengchen is thinking about at the moment, so the best way is to think about him and never answer the question directly.

"You, you, if a woman really gives up her goal so easily, then she is not a good woman." Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Yun Mengchen shook his head and said bitterly.

The attraction of Yuan Feng is more clear to her than anyone else. The main thing is that Mu Yun'er and Yuan Feng almost grew up together. Is the relationship between the two as simple as Yuan Feng said? As a woman, she knows Mu Yuner's feelings now. She believes that it is almost impossible to let Mu Yuner give up.

"Yuan Feng, Yuner is a good girl, if in the future ... I won't blame you."

After a little groaning, Yun Mengchen hesitated and hesitated, but in the end he said something against his heart. No one can be too selfish. Yuan Feng's strength and excellence are incomparable to anyone. Although she hopes that Yuan Feng belongs to her alone, sometimes it seems that learning to share is the key.

"This ... Mengchen, I think you really think too much. This time is an exception. Don't allow the next time. Otherwise, I will be angry!"

Yuan Feng couldn't help but be a little speechless. He said that he never really thought about so many things. With Yunmeng Chen, he was very satisfied and satisfied, and naturally he didn't dare to have other thoughts that he shouldn't have. As for Mu Yuner, he believes that as long as the other party's energy is focused on cultivation, one day they will downplay something.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, you think I would say it?"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Yun Mengchen couldn't help but let go of her lips. Of course, she was also reluctant to mention these things. However, these situations always have to be raised. If they are allowed to breed and develop, they will be more troublesome in the future.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Just as Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen talked, the surrounding space suddenly heard a shock, and then a light suddenly appeared not far from the two.

"Brother Yuan Feng, I'm out of customs !!!"

As soon as the light appeared, the familiar voice was transmitted in the whole space for the first time. During the time of speaking, Miss Dan Xiazong Mu Yuner appeared in front of Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen. Naturally followed Jiang Qingwu.

"Oh!" Almost shouted, Mu Yun'er's figure was like a cheerful bird, directly approaching Yuan Feng, and before the latter hadn't responded, he drilled. Into his arms.

"His, this ..."

By the time Mu Yuner had rushed into his arms, the expression on Yuan Feng's face couldn't help but stagnate, and the whole person was a little uncomfortable.

Aside, Yun Mengchen's complexion didn't change much, but Yuan Feng was still able to find that in her eyes, there was a clear flash of bitterness.

ps: Ah, ah, it's been bursting again! !! !! Brothers and sisters, how about going back? Roar! !! !!

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