The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1341: Knowledge of the graph (three more)

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It is still over the dense forest. At this moment, the master of the Louvre Palace, Luo Shixin, stepped out of the sky and stood on the sky. The huge heart was swept again and again within tens of millions of miles, and below him However, the three great electrodeless powerhouses of the Louvre Museum shuttled through the forest, just like three search and rescue dogs, tirelessly shuttled over and over.

"Find it, find it over and over again, even if you dig the ground three feet, you must find out my Yaner !!"

Luo Shixin's face was gloomy and scary. He originally thought his daughter was really dead, but after seeing the other party's destiny jade, he discovered that his daughter was still alive.

Unfortunately, when he returned with three of the Louvre powerhouses to find him, he could not find any trace at all, as if his daughter had disappeared out of thin air.

His daughter is still alive, which is of course a great joy for him, but it can be found fruitless, but this is what makes him angry.

Obviously, the responsibility lies with the three people below. According to the three, his daughter was directly annihilated by the invincible means of the other party, which left no corpse, but the problem now is that his daughter is still alive. Since So, then these three people are not doing well, and did not find his daughter in time to protect them.

Frankly speaking, he really had the urge to shoot three people with one palm at the moment, but the Louvre's power was so great that he obviously couldn't take another shot at himself.

"Where did it go? Where did Yan'er go? Was she rescued by someone else, or was she controlled by someone else?"

As the master of the Louvre Palace, the whole world of the arrogant world is a strong person standing on top, and he hates this feeling of helplessness. Unfortunately, he has searched many times by himself, knowing that his daughter is really not here anymore, even if no matter how to find it, I am afraid it will not be possible to find it.

The Louvre is bound to be lively this time, and this search will be fruitless. Luo Shixin will inevitably launch a large number of strong men out of the Louvre to find people. However, Luo Yan at this time is under the control of someone, even if the entire Louvre People are dispatched, but it is absolutely impossible to find people ...

When the Louvre began to search for people on a large scale, the target they were looking for was finally sober, but at this moment, Luo Yan was not as good as the people of the Louvre thought.

In the space world of Qingwu Palace, Luo Yan, the young lady of the Louvre Palace, was sitting on the bed with a miserable face, and opposite her, a man and a woman stood side by side with a smile on her face. Looking at her.

Luo Yan has woke up for a while, and of course, after waking up, of course, she started to check her physical condition for the first time. Her injury was not very serious. After the most troublesome golden energy was cleared by Yuan Feng, her body had recovered the ability to recover automatically. With the help of Yuan Feng's spirit planting spirits, of course, she could recover soon. Eight or nine are inseparable from ten.

"Me, am I still alive?"

Luo Yan couldn't help blinking and muttering to herself when she checked her body and found that there were no problems in her condition.

She still remembers that she was pierced by that powerful golden energy, and her body was instantly filled with golden energy, and then she fell into a coma. And at the last moment of the coma, she knew that she might not be able to wake up, because the annihilation ability of the golden energy was really hard to resist.

At that moment, she was really full of endless nostalgia. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to die at all. If she died like that, she wouldn't be a ghost.

However, at this moment, she actually found that she was still alive. Obviously, someone must have saved her life. As for who saved her, it seems that there is no need to guess randomly because the whole space At this moment, there are only her and the two in front of her.

"How do you feel? It shouldn't be a big deal?"

When Luo Yan's eyes were on the two of them, the young man among them couldn't help but smile and stepped forward.

Of course, it was Yuan Feng who spoke. After spending so many days, he finally rescued Luo Yan completely, and finally did not waste his resources.

"Did you save me? You ... you ..."

Luo Yan's eyes subconsciously glanced at Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu. From the situation in front of her, her life must be saved by these two people. However, just calmly observe her now She found that the two people in front of her had a relationship.

In the previous auction, almost all of the thirty auction items were taken by those three young people. Only three of the auction items were taken by others, and one of the items that she temporarily added was in front of her. These two shot away.

"It seems that girl Luo Yan still remembers our mother and son. At the auction, everyone had a fate, but now it seems that our fate is not too shallow!"

Jiang Qingwu also took a step forward at this moment, while looking closely at Luo Yan in front of her, she smiled and said with a smile. She never thought that this young lady of the Louvre would appear to her in this situation at this moment. When she saw her son rescue the other party, she was really shocked. Jumping.

"It turned out that you saved me, Luo Yan thanked the two for their life-saving grace."

It was determined that the two in front of him were his own benefactor, Luo Yan didn't hesitate, hurried down from the bed, and owed them to Yuan Feng, sincere thanks.

She doesn't know how the two men rescued her, but she believes that it will be a very difficult and complicated process. After all, even herself has no way to the golden energy. They don't seem to be as strong as her, of course, they need special means.

"Girl Luo Yan is not polite. When the road sees unevenness to help, this is what we should do. Although it took a lot of thought, it was finally a cure for Girl Luo Yan, and it was not wasted effort."

He waved at Luo Yan, and Yuan Feng couldn't help but follow the other side. Frankly, he didn't really spend much energy this time, but since the other party felt that he had paid a lot, let the other party think so, and he didn't have to deny it.

"Girl Luo Yan, you should already feel it when you come to me. When I was treating you, I did a little trick to you. Of course, I am not malicious, just because I was worried about saving you, Girl Luo Yan She will turn her face and do n’t recognize people, so she has to do it, and I hope that Luo Yan will forgive her. "

Suddenly his face was slightly positive, Yuan Feng's words turned sharply, and he was quite authentic.

Some things have to be said, he has performed the magic of blood curse on Luo Yan, and as an accused person, Luo Yan can not feel it, anyway, now that he has mastered the initiative, these situations, nothing to say Big deal.

"Oh, that's the case. I thought it was the previous injury that left a dark illness, and for a long time, it turned out that this boy's hand."

Upon hearing Yuan Feng's words, Luo Yan's eyebrows could not help but raise a slight smile, but then she showed a smile and did not show any unhappy expression.

She did feel abnormal. It felt like her life was no longer in her own hands, but in the hands of others. But where did this feeling come from? Didn't really figure it out.

At this moment she knew that everything was the hand of the young man in front of her.

After knowing this, she couldn't help feeling that her life seemed to be connected with the young man in front of her. If the other person died, she would surely die. Also, as long as the other party is willing, then this little life of her, I am afraid she is not alone.

"Hey, my name is Yuan Feng. In the future, girl Luo Yan will call my name directly, but there is one thing I want to tell girl Luo Yan. The method I use for you is an irreversible method. Yan girl forgive me. "

Since the blood curse has been performed, of course he will not lift it. After all, Luo Yan, a woman, did not have a good impression. He still controlled the opponent with blood curse, and it was safer.

"The son talked a lot. My life was saved by the son. This is a trivial matter, of course.

With a slight smile, Luo Yan still did not have any bad performance. To be honest, being controlled by one's life, or even controlling oneself, is certainly not very comfortable. However, as she said, her life was saved by the other party, and the other party did something to her, and she seemed to have nothing to say.

"Haha, in that case, you can rest assured." Seeing that Luo Yan had no unpleasant expression, Yuan Feng could not help but laugh loudly, and then continued, "Girl Luo Yan, your injury is almost the same, mother and I I will not stay with you anymore, but my mother and I are not familiar with the place of life here, and I do n’t know much about it.

Such a good resource is absolutely unnecessary. Although he uses a negotiated tone, in fact, this is the command of the controller to the person being accused. For his instructions, Luo Yan has no ability to violate it.

"As long as the little girl can do it, she will definitely find ways to do it for Yuan Feng's son. Please also rest assured."

Luo Yan's brow frowned slightly, because according to her original character, Yuan Feng, she would definitely think about it, but this time, she did n’t even think about it, so she gave it directly A positive answer came out. In this regard, her heart was helpless.

It seems that from now on, she will almost become Yuan Feng's servant, and she knows that she still has it.

However, even so, it seems to be better than her life, and she still owes Yuanfeng mother and son.

ps: The brothers helped Xiaoyan to break through a hundred cents! !! !!

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