The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1340: Lord of the Louvre Palace

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Above the dense jungle, there was a silence and a turbulent energy fluctuation at this time, indicating the tragic situation before here.

No one would have thought that in this jungle where there is no special, a whole five super-powerless superpowers, then the clouds and the wind fell lightly. As for the people in the yin and yang state, there is no need to calculate Already.

In order to reach the Promise, Xiu is actually very difficult to be killed, but difficult to return. After all, there are ways to make them fall. Obviously, the golden mages used by the three young people have the ability to destroy the Promise Power, and the instinct fire that burned all their strength and life potential can also kill the Promise Power.

Several Promise Powers fell, and the three young people also took the opportunity to escape. However, the man who burned the cultivation and the potential of life is probably very difficult to save his life. Even if he can save his life, his future will only be Being an ordinary person is no longer possible.

Of course, there is no way to cultivate, in fact, it means that it is going to fall. After all, the life of ordinary mortals is too limited. Even if they use more babies to continue their lives, I am afraid that it will not have a few years to live.

The remaining three strong men in the Louvre were obviously frightened by the man's behavior of burning life. They fled and fled far away, but for a while they did not dare to come back, for fear that they would also be fired by the opponent's gray fate. If you encounter it, you will have to peel off the skin.

The sky was clear again, but lingering was silence and killing. It is conceivable that there is a space where hundreds of yin and yang powerhouses have fallen and there are five super-character super-characters. Here, it can be called a land of evil.

"Finally quiet, this battle is really terrible."

In the jungle below, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced around, and he released his mind everywhere, and explored it slightly. When he found that there was no one around, he slowly came out. He sighed for a long time.

I have to say that this experience has given him a very clear understanding of Wuleijie.

Obviously, in a place like Wulunjie, it seems that no one can say that he is invincible, and no one is immortal, because you will never know what magical means the opponent has.

Just like this time, the golden light method used by the three young people, even if he encountered it, did not know if it could be carried. In addition, the Louvre ’s tricks to make opponents feel uncomfortable are also very headaches. It is precisely because several people at the Louvre have this method that only three young people are embarrassed. In the end, it can only be Sacrifice one to save two.

Of course, what happened to other people also applies to him. As cultivation grows, he will have more and more people to contact, and maybe which opponent has the weirdness of three young people. Unexpectedly, even if he wanted to win.

"No delusion, this is really a world where you have to be careful everywhere, even if I have reached the good fortune, even the yin and yang, the limitless environment, I am afraid that I have to be careful everywhere."

This lesson was very deep, and to be honest, he really appreciates everyone who was here before.

"Let ’s just ignore so much. There are so many night long dreams. It's better to leave this place of right and wrong. Staying here for a long time is not a fun thing."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng no longer thinks about it, he just wants to leave the place when he thinks.

"By the way, the two guys at Shicai seem to have lost a lot of things to the bottom. They don't seem to be ordinary things. Also, the battlefield after the war seems to have not been cleaned yet!"

Just before leaving, Yuan Feng remembered the two young people's littering items. Although they were just a quick glance, he remembered that the things thrown out by the two seemed unusual. Moreover, in the previous war, there must be a lot of spirit equipment in the jungle below. These things were lost by the strong men above the yin and yang realm, and the quality was definitely not too bad.

"Well !!!"

Thinking of this, he gave up the idea of ​​leaving for a while, and hurriedly searched within this area of ​​hundreds of miles.

The situation did not disappoint him. After he started to clean the battlefield, all kinds of spirit equipment were just eye-opening to him. Many spirit soldiers were of excellent quality. Compared to Xiao Jian, it can definitely be used.

In addition to these spiritual soldiers, Yuan Feng also found a lot of various treasures. Obviously, these two young people accidentally fell out when they were treating their elder brother.

"Well, it's not worth the risk, it seems worth it."

After all the spoils below were collected, Yuan Feng smiled with satisfaction, and his heart was somewhat balanced. Taking such a big risk, if there is really no gain at all, it is really worthless.

Of course, after all, to say that the biggest gain this time seems to be the rescue of the young lady of the Louvre, Luo Yan. He believes that the young lady of the Louvre should definitely not be saved, but just now To the immediate benefits.

"The land of right and wrong should not be stayed for a long time. Find a safe place and thoroughly cure the young lady of the Louvre."

After cleaning the battlefield, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated this time, and flew out of this cold space. His current strength is not low, and it is difficult to cause much trouble for him under ordinary circumstances. He hides himself and behaves in a low-key manner. There is no delusion, and he can still be mixed.

When Yuan Feng also left, the space became colder, but what Yuan Feng did not know was that not long after he left, three black figures appeared again. Over the jungle, these three black figures are, of course, the three strongest men in the Louvre.

The bosses of the three young men had set their own lives and scared them to flee the scene directly, but after they fled, they realized that if they escaped back to the Louvre, they would obviously have no way to make a difference. At least, they Also have to find out if Luo Yan is really dead and whether she has left a body.

The three searched for a while in the depths of the jungle, but eventually they could not find Luo Yan's body. Seeing this, the three couldn't help sighing, their hearts were full of sadness.

"Hey, pity Yaner's girl, I had a genius at the Louvre. It was such a pity that I didn't expect it to fall."

"I do n’t know how to explain it to the palace master. Yaner came out with us. Even now, there is no body left, and the palace master will be very angry."

"Then what can I do? Don't say Yaner, even the three brothers Luo Yi have fallen. This time, my Louvre is really hurt!"

"The world is capricious and fateful. I think the Louvre should have such a calamity, but the trouble is not over yet. The three young people may be of extraordinary origin. This time, maybe it also left a hidden danger for the Louvre. Ah! "

"Let's go and return to the Lord Gongzhu. I hope the Lord Gongzhu can be considerate!"

The mood of the three was not high, and there was always sadness on their faces. Originally, they were acting together by the six strong men. It can almost be said that they were indestructible and attackable. But in the end, they were turned into this by three young people. This time, a scolding is bound to be indispensable.

Of course, the scolding is small. The main thing is that they cannot easily accept the facts of this time. For a while and a half, they may have to endure this kind of psychological torture for a while.

From here to the Louvre, the distance is not very close, but with the strength of three people, under the speed of full speed, but it took less than half a day to return to the Louvre.

Back to the Louvre, of course, the three of them immediately found the helm of the Louvre, that is, the master of the Louvre, Luo Shixin!

This is a huge palace. The entire palace does not know where it exists. Inside the palace, the mist is faintly floating, making it look like a fairyland.

At this moment, in the upper position of the palace, a middle-aged man was calmly looking at the three people who came in from the outside, and when the faces of the three men were met, the real helm of the Louvre, but his complexion It's getting more gloomy.

"Have seen the Lord of the Palace !!!"

The three strong men of the Louvre came to the front, respectful to the middle-aged people who got started, and their tone was full of languor.

"What's going on? Why are only six of you six people going to execute together? The other three? And, my Yaner?"

Lou Shixin, the master of the Louvre Palace, suddenly had a bad feeling, but he was unwilling to believe it anyway.

"Master Gongzhu, the situation has changed. We underestimated the strength of the three young people, the other three were Yan'er, and they and all of them have fallen."

The strong men of the three Louvre museums groaned a little, and finally reported rashly. Things have already happened, and those who want to conceal them can't conceal them. As for the punishment they have to bear, they all agree.

"What? All, everything?" Are you joking with this palace? "

The three infinitely powerful men are almost a quarter of the power of the Louvre. If they fall like this, he cannot accept it anyway. And the main thing is that his baby girl has fallen, which is the situation that makes him most unacceptable.

"Drive me !!!"

After a brief sacrifice, Luo Shixin suddenly waved to the space next to him. Then, a small space appeared in front of everyone's eyes. In this small space, a piece of jade brand was placed inside one by one. But, the twelve jade cards in the top row are actually three pieces that have been shattered at this moment. They look so conspicuous.

"Really, really all dead?"

Seeing these three jade cards, Luo Shixin knew that no matter how unwilling he was to accept, the facts were already facts and there was no way to change them.

"Well? Yan'er's jade ..."

However, when Luo Shi's confidence was cold and he looked hard at his daughter's natal jade card, he found out that the natal jade card belonging to his daughter was intact.

"Yaner is still alive, Yaner is still alive !!!"

Seeing that intact natal jade card, Luo Shixin's face flashed with a touch of excitement. No matter what, as long as his daughter is alive, others will die. Compared to the life of his daughter, the lives of others are really not very valuable.

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