The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1334: One-sided massacre (four more)

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Deep in the dense jungle, in the shade of an ancient tree, a pair of eyes are looking through the layers of the shade to look at the sky in the distance, but at this moment, these eyes are full of uncertainty. color.

"This, this is too exaggerated, right? Those two guys, are they, are they transformed? Can they be more exaggerated?"

Yuan Feng was really shocked. In the sky in the distance, three young men battled with the top thousand. He saw it very clearly at this moment, and two of the three young men saw Man turned into a golden **** of war, and during the talk, he tore hundreds of strong men in the yin and yang realm. This scene really stimulated his nerves.

He heard his mother say that in a place like Wonderland, people in Dongtian Realm are definitely the mainstream, and people in Habitat are not uncommon, but in fact, there are very few strong men in the yin and yang realms. People, that is even more conceivable.

Right now these five Promise Powerhouses, thousands of Yin and Yang Powerhouses, but the powerhouses who gathered a lot of cities, gathered so many people, but this is just a few breaths of work, it turned out to be all right Hundreds of yin and yang figures disappeared.

"It's too strong, is this a martial art? It can suddenly make one person so powerful suddenly, so much that it doesn't let others live?"

He also saw all the previous battles. Originally, although the three young men were not very inferior, their advantages were definitely not obvious. But as the two young men turned golden, the situation immediately took a 180-degree turn.

The golden light was so eye-catching. After each light flashed, he could see the strong man in the yin and yang realm dying. It is conceivable that no matter who saw this scene, he would be absolutely startled.

"Divine skill, these two must use the martial arts of God. Only the martial arts of God can have such a magical effect. I just don't know what martial arts these three guys use."

It is impossible for ordinary martial arts to exert such a terrible power. He took a closer look. After the two young people became golden, they seemed to be ignited all over their bodies, and they usually had a little strength. It has become five points and may even be higher.

However, he believes that the use of such power can never be too long. If they want to use it for a long time, they will be overdrawn. By then, if there is no one on their side, then they will absolutely It's very dangerous.

"I guess that guy should know this kind of martial arts, but the three of them can't be used together. After the two of them are overdrawn, it should be that he has taken care of it."

Yuan Feng's thoughts are clear, of course, she wants to understand the details of it. Since the three young people are together, and it is obvious that the guy who does not use the means is much stronger than the other two. Naturally, this kind of aftercare work must be done by him.

"Yu, it's too cruel, it's too cruel. What is the origin of these three guys, and how could they have such terrible means? Fortunately, I did not act lightly, otherwise there would be big trouble!"

Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel very grateful. He guessed that these three guys would never be simple. Now it seems that he guessed a little conservative. Isn't it simple and simple for these three weird young people?

"It doesn't matter that it's nothing to do with hanging up high, I just have to hide myself honestly, these three evil stars, I really can't mess with them."

Leaving his mouth shut, he couldn't help running Wuying's magic to the extreme, and he didn't move at all, for fear that his slight movement would be discovered by three guys in the distance.

Meanwhile, above the jungle.

"Ah, run away, devil, all three of them are devil, and run away!"

"No more, no more, I don't need anything, I want to live, the base of Yin and Yang, burn me up !!!"

"Why is this happening? Why do you encounter such a pervert? No matter what, life-saving is important, burn it !!!"

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The three young people are almost like a massacre. It seems that the three of them are also worried that the people around them will gather more and more, so every time they try to kill the opponent to the maximum extent.

The scene was utterly chaotic. After the two young people became the golden **** of war, where did the courage of those who lived in yin and yang stay? They watched as the strong men in the yin and yang realm were slaughtered, and this scene almost subverted their perception. You know, even if you are a powerful person, it is absolutely impossible to kill a dozen people in a yin and yang state with one shot.

Those who are far away are desperately fleeing to the distance, and some in the middle area have no time to escape. Therefore, in order to keep their lives, these people simply burned their own base of yin and yang, passed This way to move far away, to keep their own lives.

At this moment, except for life, everything else can be thrown aside, repaired to fall, they can slowly cultivate back, but once swallowed up by the golden lance, that life is lost.

However, not everyone has the courage to burn the base of yin and yang to escape. Many people have the fluke and feel that they can escape with their own strength. Unfortunately, they do n’t wait for them to fly away. The man would chase him, and then unceremoniously rewarded them with a golden lance.

I don't know what kind of existence the three men's golden guns have. In short, as long as they are touched by their guns, it is almost a dead or wounded ending.

"Well !!!"

The sound of Li Man tearing his body, and the sounds of the strong ones falling into the forest after being severely hit one after another. Soon, the whole sky is very clear, and a small half of the strong yin and yang are here. Some of the deadly wounds were burned by the base of yin and yang, and finally there were some people on the periphery. At this moment, they also ran far away and spread out in all directions.

"Hahaha, happy, killing is really happy!"

"It's so cool. It's been a long time since there was such a big killer. It's been opened today! Hahahaha !!!"

The two young golden men, like fighting machines, continued to harvest some guys who hadn't escaped yet, but in the end, their attention was focused on the person of a Promise. The idea of ​​two Promise Old Man.

"Killing so many guys in yin and yang, there is no sense of accomplishment. It is better to kill two guys in the infinite environment, and it is not a waste of this shot opportunity."

Two golden young men found a Prom Elder respectively, and in front of them, these two Prom Elders are like bow-struck birds, and they dare not even go back except to run.

"Three friends, please stop, we have something to say!"

"We were wrong, we all knew that we were wrong, and we asked the three to stop and talk calmly."

"The enemies should be solved or not. The three of us should stop and hurry up. The three of us gave up."

Two young golden men, and another young man who hasn't transformed, are now entangled with an old man without a limit, but the three guys at this moment are almost going to regret their intestines. .

They never dreamed that this situation would be the case. Everything at present was too much too different from their ideal picture, so much that they couldn't accept it.

Anyway, there are no more people in the yin and yang environment. The three elders at this time have stopped worrying about their face and dignity, and now they are asking for forgiveness.

"Admit defeat? Since you are about to admit defeat, it means that you know that you are wrong, and since you are wrong, of course, you must pay for it with your life and die for me !!!"

The youngest golden young man can't listen to this. After his killing mode is turned on, he doesn't want anything at all except killing. In front of this endless guy, he will wipe it out anyway.

The other two people obviously have the same idea. They haven't enjoyed killing yet, and of course they can't just let the other out. Killing so many people in the yin and yang state is not very enjoyable. Only the characters of the endless state can give them a sense of accomplishment.

"Ah, ah, why, how could you meet such a perverted guy, let alone 2 billion yin and yang stones, even if it is 2 billion infinity stones, I don't want to, open it!"

Of the three endless old men, the old man who finally played against the strongest man couldn't help it. Although the young man he faced had not transformed, the strength of this man was not weaker than the two guys after transformation. If you continue to fight, it must be him.

Therefore, after a brief consideration, he also made a decision.


With a bang, the old man suddenly swayed a terrifying power. With this power, the old man's body was surrounded by a layer of chaotic gas, and then suddenly disappeared. In the space.

"His ... Feng Baiyu actually burned Wuji's base? This, this ..."

Seeing that the old man disappeared, all the people present were slightly stunned, apparently did not expect that a prodigal figure had so abandoned his practice before he was completely defeated, and escaped at the cost of a realm. .

"We're here too!"

Seeing that Feng Baiyu had fled, the remaining two old men had the same learning style, and they also ignited their own Promise Foundation, and used the power of Promise Foundation to fight for a glimmer of hope.

"Well? I want to run, how can it be so easy? Give me death !!!"

The young man who has not yet transformed has already vacated his hands. When he saw the other two old men who wanted to run away, he said nothing and lifted his hands to throw out his golden spear.


With his spear thrown out, the endless person who was about to run away was actually penetrated by this hole and exploded directly. The other one took the opportunity and fled.

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