The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1333: Unexpected (three)

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No one had thought that a super-powerful who had reached the limitless state would have been in a face-to-face job, and one of the three young people had one arm destroyed by one shot. This scene can't help but let everyone's My heart was a little tight, and no one dared to underestimate the enemy.

"Hahaha, a group of cockroaches and dogs, in front of the little one, is simply vulnerable. Today, I will let you know the consequences, kill !!!"

One shot abolished the arm of a Promiseless old man, and the young man instantly came to his spirit. The golden spear in his hand shook slightly, and he went straight to the old man to catch up. Obviously, from the beginning, he did Look at the old man in the opposite direction.

"Hum, boy, do you think the old man is afraid you won't succeed? Give me death !!!"

Just after being cut off his arm, he suffered a big loss. At this moment, Yan Sidao didn't dare to have the slightest intention. In a shock of his body, he first recruited a very simple armor to wear on his body. At the same time, In his hands, a long blue sword, like the Yangtze River, greeted the young man directly.


The golden and blue rays are intertwined, and two huge forces make a loud noise, and this time, Yan Sidao has already fully struck his spirit, and this sword has exhausted all his strength.

"Well !!!"

Between the surge of power, two strong men—one old, one young, one after another—were lifted off. This time, the young men did not take much advantage. Obviously, he is still a bit behind the old man in strength.

"Wo Ji Realm, this young boy is really the realm of Promise Realm. It seems that it is not difficult to grab their treasure."

Originally, the strength of the three young people was only in the realm of yin and yang, but now they can be sure that all three are obviously hidden from cultivation, in fact, they are all infinity.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

In addition to two people, one old, one young, and the other two, the flames of war have been completely ignited. The other two of the three young men also started fighting with their opponents at this time. The same is not small.

"Hahaha, old guy, let's both of you go together and see how I can pack you up and die !!!"

The second of the three young people has released his hands and feet at the moment. He is also holding a golden spear in his hand. However, the golden spear in his hand is obviously more powerful than the most. The young man was much stronger. Between the gun shadows, the two old men opposite him were beaten back and forth, and they were afraid to shake them.

"How is that possible? What is this marksmanship? How can there be such terrible marksmanship, this is impossible !!"

The two old men who played against the second of the three were even more unbelievable at the moment. They had already guessed that the other party was definitely a powerful man without limits, but they still underestimated the strength of the other party. In the case of one enemy and two, the other party can still have an advantage, which is absolutely impossible for the two of them.

"Such dripping-free marksmanship is truly unheard of, isn't this, this is a god-level gun skill?"

The two old men became more and more frightened, and they had already done their best, but no matter how hard they tried, the opponent's marksmanship would make them unable to parry, let alone kill each other.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

However, just when the two old men were surprised by the strength of their opponents, not far from them, the last youngest man, the oldest, had already begun to play against the last two endless old men, but, When I saw the three of them fighting, the crowd on the side felt a cold feeling.

"How, how can this be? How can these three young boys be more perverted than one?"

In front of everyone's eyes, the oldest of the three was the oldest man. At this moment, it was like walking in a courtroom, and the spear in his hand couldn't see how fast it was. However, it was such a simple attack. The two super-powerfuls who were opposite him were only able to scramble, and everyone was already scarred.

"This this………"

The situation in which five old men of the Promise, against three young men, should have taken advantage, turned out to be such a situation. This scene made other guys in the yin and yang environment dare not even step forward. Ahead.

"What are you doing? Let's go together, come on !!!"

Slightly less serious thinking, finally shouted regardless of the image, but he did not expect this situation, at this moment, where does he care about what the image is not image, if so many people were given to the town by three young people If they live, then they may never see anyone again.

"Goo !!!"

Hearing the roar of Yan Sidao, the people in the surrounding yin and yang environment, but no one immediately started. They're not running without a baby, but they don't want to lose their lives. Seeing three young men showing their mighty power, He made five super-powerless superpowers * look like this, and they could not help but quit.

"Give me all, you got the baby, everyone is divided equally, whoever hinders, I will see one after another and think hard."

Seeing the crowd hesitating, it seemed that they had resigned, Yan Sidao couldn't help but glance at him, and suddenly intimidated.

"Fighting, anyway, we have so many people, are we still afraid that the three of them will fail?"

"Kill! They have so many treasures on their bodies. They can benefit a lot by biting a piece of meat."

"Everyone join us, don't back up, otherwise everyone will be the one in the future!"

Yan Sidao's prestige and temptation obviously played a big role. Everyone at the scene knew that Yan Sidao had a good background and his own strength was even stronger. If this is remembered by the other party, then I am afraid there will be a big Trouble. Moreover, if so many of them work together, it seems that they should not lose.

Having figured this out, the crowd no longer hesitated, their teeth bite their hearts, and they rushed up to the three young people, one after another, and greeted the three.

"Well? I really don't know if you have the courage to be commendable, or if you want money but not your life."

When thousands of strong men in the yin and yang realms fired, the three young men immediately felt the pressure. With their terrible marksmanship, they are indeed much stronger than the five old men. However, the attack of these yin and yang people is not tickle. If they are hurt by these guys, it will not be easy to bear. .

"Brother !!"

Seeing a large number of strong yin and yang realms coming from the surrounding area, the second of the three suddenly whispered and seemed to be trying something!

"Second and third, let go and kill, life or death!"

In the encirclement, the boss of the three young men suddenly raised his eyebrows, followed by a cold look and a low voice.

He originally didn't want to create too many kills to avoid irritating his third brother, but now it seems that everything seems to be beyond his control. He doesn't want to kill people, but some people just want him to kill him.

"Hahaha, get orders !!!"

After receiving the instructions from his elder brother, the two young men were happy, and the time between speaking was a glance at each other, and then they could not see any action. Suddenly, both of them were on their bodies. It was a golden light that bloomed, directly turning the two of them into golden men.

"Buzz !!!!"

The golden light was rippling from the two of them. At the same time, the two seemed to be suddenly possessed by the gods. The strength of each person was greatly strengthened. The frequency of that growth was almost achievable. Describe it by shocking.

"You guys, since you are looking for death by yourself, then blame the three of our brothers, kill !!!"

The golden light shrouded the whole body, and the golden spear was originally, and now it has completely turned into the color of shining gold. The huge lance is almost a few feet long.

With a killing word exit, two young men stabbed a shot, and with this shot, a group of strong men in the yin and yang realm in front of them seemed to become paper-like, only In one shot, there are no less than a dozen people in the yin and yang realm being pierced by golden lance holes.

"Puff puff!!!"

The golden gunman hole penetrated more than a dozen yin and yang realms, and almost as many as a dozen of them were pierced, the complexion of these people became extremely wonderful. The time between speeches, a dozen yin and yang The person, as if snow and ice encountered the warm sun, disappeared directly, but there was no trace of breath left.

"What? This, this ..."

The two young men shot together, each of them shot a shot, and when this shot was shot, nearly thirty strong men in the yin and yang realm disappeared in this way. All have a feeling of swaying.

"Ha ha ha, kill kill kill !!!"

The golden light was brilliant, and as the golden lights lit up, the strong men of Yin and Yang were swallowed up by the golden light, and that scene really made people dare not look straight.

Three young people, two have become golden gods, but the last one has not changed, but even if there is no change, his strength is really too strong, as long as someone dares to approach him, the same It is necessary to lack arms and legs, and the situation is terrible.

Originally, the five **** powerhouses took thousands of yin and yang powerhouses and besieged three young people. This should be a one-sided situation, but no one would think of it, but the facts are not the same. At this moment, three young men shuttled through the crowd, and the lives of the strong men in the yin and yang realm became fragile.

Obviously, this group of superpowers in major cities are really kicking the iron plate today.

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