The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1327: God-level martial arts (one more)

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Yuan Feng appeared at exactly the right time. Twenty-nine auction items have been sold, and now 29 have been sold. Now, only the last auction item has not been sold. No doubt, this last auction item, It must be the highlight of this auction. Being able to catch up with the final highlight is also the perfect ending for him to participate in the auction.

What makes Yuan Feng herself somewhat unexpected is that almost all of the previous twenty-nine auction items were wrapped up by those three weird young people. This kind of generosity is really incredible.

From his mother, he has learned how precious these babies sold at this auction are. If all of them are counted, the babies sold this time have exceeded one billion yin and yang stones, and 900 million of them Most of them were spent by those three young people.

The three young people even spent a total of 900 million yin and yang stones to buy the baby, and it is no wonder that everyone present was so strange to see the three.

This amount of 900 million yin and yang stones is enough to entice any super big family power. You must know that at the previous auctions held by the Louvre, really did not sell so many yin and yang stones, this was a world first. once. It can be seen how huge the number of 900 million Yinyang Stones is.

"You, the auction has now come to an end. The next treasure of this auction is the next one. Of course, this last treasure is definitely the most precious one at this auction. Pieces. "

Above the platform, the young lady of the Louvre Palace, Luo Yan, finally spoke again. At this moment, the young lady of the Louvre Palace has a complex look, and I don't know what is in my heart!

Now that the auction is up, when there is still a finale baby, she has already sold more than one billion yin and yang stones, which is definitely a record in the history of the Louvre auction. However, if it is a normal record, this record is created by only three people.

Frankly speaking, such an auction was not what she wanted to see. After all, almost all the auction items were bought by three people, which did not seem to have much to do with her auction strength and means. She knew in her heart that if she did not support the auction, but the other Louvre people would preside over it, her score would definitely not be worse than that.

Therefore, this auction is not a test of her ability at all.

"It's the last auction item, and I don't know what kind of treasure the Louvre will bring out at last. It's really exciting!"

"Everyone has been stunned for so long. There will definitely be a lot of people in this last treasure."

"That is, all the babies in the front were taken away by the three fools. It is estimated that the money in their hands is almost spent. The last baby, I hope these three guys don't come out to make trouble."

"Hey, no, these three guys are obviously upstarts with big chances. Now that they have spent about one billion yin and yang stones, there may not be more yin and yang stones to compete for the last auction item."

"Yes, yes, I think so, but then again, what if this last auction item fell into the hands of the three of them? Couldn't they take it away?"

"Hahaha, that is, the wealth is not in vain. Now hundreds of thousands of people at the auction know that there are not only a lot of yin and yang stones on the bodies of these three people, but also a lot of treasures taken at this auction. I don't know how they will take these things away. "

"Why do you care so much? Look at your excitement, and wait until the auction is over and get ready to pick up the bargain, maybe we can get some soup!"

When Luo Yan on stage announced that the last baby was about to appear, the following people recovered some emotions and talked about each other.

Now that the auction is up, in fact, almost everyone's mind is no longer on the auction, because everyone knows that at this moment, all the treasures auctioned at the auction are put on the three weird young people. Just take these three guys down and they can get all the babies.

Of course, in addition to these treasures, I am afraid that there will be more yin and yang stones on the bodies of these three, because the expressions of the three have not happened until the last auction Variety.

"The last auction item can be said to be the most precious one of all the babies that have been auctioned since the Louvre held the auction. I believe that no one will be indifferent to this one. "

Speaking of the last auction item, Luo Yan's face couldn't help but be filled with different looks. Even this last auction item was very tempting. Everyone who wanted to be present would auction this last item. Love it.

"Look at you !!!"

Eyes glanced across the audience, but Luo Yan wasn't selling off the ball. Between raising her hands, a golden scroll was thrown out by her and spread out in the disk on the square platform.

"Well? There are pictures and words again? What is this time?"

"Take out a scroll for the final auction. It seems that this scroll is definitely not easy!"

"That's for sure. How could it be simpler?"

Seeing Luo Yan come up with a scroll, all the people present were spirited, one by one staring at the scroll, trying to see what the treasure was.

Unfortunately, Luo Yan just opened the scroll and then closed it directly, but it didn't mean that everyone could see it clearly.

"this is…………"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng, who reappeared, was always watching the situation on the stage. He saw the last auction item naturally, and not only saw the scroll, he even glanced at the content of the scroll. .

"It's a martial art? Why did the Louvre put out a martial art for auction? Isn't this thing more valuable than all the treasures before?"

Judging from the text and pictures on the scrolls, this should be a martial art, but he really couldn't figure it out with an martial art.

"Wait, what's wrong, the finale is a martial art, isn't it ..."

Taking a sharp breath, Yuan Feng's heart suddenly thought of a possibility, a very shocking possibility.

"You, the last baby, everyone wants to see it. This is a martial art, a martial art that has never appeared in the world of no delusion. Someone should have thought of this martial art. Elementary level martial arts, called the burning sky palm !! "

When countless people speculated what the last baby was, Luo Yan's voice finally rang again, but when her voice fell, the entire auction scene suddenly became extremely noisy. stand up.

"Om !!!!!!"

"What? God-level elementary martial arts? Me, am I right?"

"Oh, crazy, the Louvre is really crazy, and even offered God-level martial arts for auction? Isn't this crazy?"

"Woohoo, God-level martial arts, I have only heard of this thing, but I have never seen such magical skills."

"Divine martial arts, what kind of price does this thing have to cost? 50 million? 80 million?"

"Oh my god, you still know the preciousness of god-level martial arts. If it is fifty-eight million, is it still called god-level martial arts? It is estimated that at least 100 million yin and yang stones will be taken up?"

"One hundred million is not enough. I really don't know why the Louvre Museum wanted to take this thing out. In principle, the Louvre Museum should have left such a treasure when it saw it. Why would it be offered for auction?"

"It is estimated that the price of the person who took out this treasure was too high, and the Louvre could not eat it!"

As soon as the god-level martial arts came out, the entire auction venue was ignited. Everyone knows that the god-level martial arts are too precious, and you can even say rudely that the god-level martial arts is actually a taboo. Anyone who has mastered the skill of martial arts can be said to be an extraordinary person.

First of all, God-level martial arts can not be practiced by anyone, even the worst elementary-level martial arts, it is not easily practiced by those who create the realm. To cultivate god-level martial arts, you must first have a strong mind Secondly, it depends on the chance. It can be said that among the 10,000 formidable powerhouses, it would be very rare to find a person who has the ability to practice the martial arts of the gods.

However, no matter whether the cultivation can succeed or not, any warrior definitely does not want to miss the opportunity to cultivate martial arts skills of God, this is undoubted.

"It turned out to be martial arts of the gods. The Louvre is really fierce enough. Such treasures are even offered for auction."

Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, he had already guessed that this martial arts skill should be a god-level martial art, but then again, when he was really sure that this was a god-level martial art, he was still a little bit surprised. Sense.

What is the role of god-level martial arts in the world of no delusion, he doesn't know very well now, but just from the god-level martial arts he has mastered, this thing is absolutely against the sky. Fortunately, it is only a martial art of the elementary level. If it is intermediate or advanced level, then this thing really becomes a chicken rib.

God-level elementary martial arts, and those who may be cultivated and accomplished by the creatures. As for martial arts above the intermediate level, there is no need to think about it, because no matter how talented it is, normal people can never practice it. Divine Intermediate Martial Art.

"It seems that the three guys should also be very enthusiastic about this martial arts skill. I don't know what kind of floor price the Louvre will give, and who will eventually be snatched by it.

Eyes froze, Yuan Feng at this moment couldn't help but look forward to it.

ps: Xiaoyan is about to be resurrected with blood, brothers and sisters, everyone is a little bit hard! !! !!

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