The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1326: Epilogue (four more)

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The two living creatures did not have any resistance at all in front of Yuan Feng. In one move, Yuan Feng used only one move to subdue the two steadily, and then showed himself to the two. Blood curse magic.

Frankly speaking, Yuan Feng doesn't know how much his mind is now, but it is obvious that today, he must have too many minds to surpass the creatures, and even the ordinary Yin and Yang creatures A person in the realm may not be able to compare with his strength of mind alone.

Before breaking through to the cave realm, his mind unknowingly entered a very mysterious state. In that state, he didn't find it by himself, but his mental strength was too powerful. .

In front of the blood curse, the two Gao brothers became tragic Yuanyuan's first and second conquered creatures. After Yuanfeng controlled the life and death, the two Gao's strong men, But there is no temper at all. It was not until this moment that they understood that Yuan Feng was the most terrifying among the mother and son.

After conquering the two members of the Gao family, Yuan Fengshun took the three members of the Ziyun Palace and the two members of the Shadow Shag Palace together. They were all powerful men who were born and created. He cut off the cultivation, and this fell to the realm of the great realm of the cave heaven. However, as long as the restrictions on these guys are released, their cultivation will soon be restored to the realm of creation.

Once these people have returned to the realm of biochemistry, then there are nearly ten of them under his control, and it is definitely more convenient to act at that time.

"All of you have given me efforts to restore my strength, and I have used all of my powers. I do n’t have any waste under my hands. If you ca n’t restore the good fortune, then do n’t blame me for not being emotional.”

Arranging these quasi-natural creatures one by one in various spaces, Yuan Feng directly gave them instructions for hard work. He just wanted to tell these people that if he wanted to live under his hands, he must There is enough power to do it.

"Just rest assured, we will surely return to the realm of good fortune as soon as possible, and then make contributions to the cause."

The three in Ziyun Palace were the most obedient. They were really frightened by Yuan Feng. At the time, Yuan Feng was not strong enough to completely abuse them. Now Yuan Feng is obviously much stronger than before. Too much, of course not what they can resist.

"That's good, I hope you guys don't let me down, go!"

After arranging the crowd, Yuan Feng waved his hand, and sent the crowd directly to practice.

The three people in the Ziyun Palace should not have to worry. The two main lords of the Shadow Palace are not ordinary people. The worse one is the two lords of the Yunxi Sect of the Nether. The two have a weaker heritage, maybe not. Will be able to recover quickly. However, he is not in a hurry. After all, with his current strength, it doesn't seem too difficult to subdue some of his subordinates.

"It's almost there. The realm of Dongtianjing's quadruple sky won't improve much for a while. Even if it's ascended, I'm afraid it's hard to be an opponent of the strong yin and yang state."

Now he is very satisfied with this realm. With his current strength, the living environment can be completely abused, and the yin and yang environment is enough to simply counterbalance. This kind of him is obviously no longer the bottomless world. People.

"Unfortunately, it would be great if I had a powerful Warcraft on my body. This time the level is elevated, I can take this opportunity to take Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong a step further. It seems that after ample time, I have to find a way to find Headshot-like Warcraft, and then improved Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong a little. "

When he broke into the cave heaven, he had the absolute ability to transfer Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong to the next city, but he had no Warcraft blood, and there was no way to practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, but he wasted an excellent opportunity. .

Based on his current situation, if he wants to practice the 9th turn and the 6th turn, the required Warcraft is too harsh. Obviously, the ordinary cave world Warcraft may not be able to meet his needs. If I want to practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, I have to get a few heads of Warcraft beyond the cave world.

Where does Warren Realm have Warcraft? This has yet to be researched by him, but he has just arrived in Warren Realm. There is still a lot to learn, so there is no need to worry.

If he can practice the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong to the sixth state, then his entire body can be transformed into a spiritual treasure. By then, when he fights with others, he will obviously be much more active.

The 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the 6th turn is expected to help him resist the attack of the Habitat Strong. Imagine that when he fights with the people in the Habitat, he will go there and let the people in the Habitat bombard him. What a spectacular sight!

"It's time to go out and see, and I don't know how far the auction has gone, whether all the 30 auction items have been auctioned out, and after the auction, can it be a little lively to see."

With this breakthrough, he didn't take too long, everything was done naturally, and he didn't need to spend any time at all. According to the previous auction, at this moment, the auction should not be over yet, and he should be able to catch up to a tail.

Also, for this auction, he has a strong hunch. The real drama is definitely after the auction, so he really doesn't have to worry too much.


In my heart, Yuan Feng did not hesitate. Between the thoughts, he was out of Qingwu Palace, and brought Qingwu Palace into his cave world, and passed his heart to his mother.

"Fenger, have you made a breakthrough?"

The moment Jiang Qingwu saw Yuan Feng, she couldn't restrain the excitement on her face. Being so close, of course, she can feel that at this moment, Yuan Feng is already a true strongman in the Heavenly Realm. The fluctuations are so clear and tangible.

"Hey, mother, the baby hasn't let the mother down. From now on, the baby can take care of you and protect you again."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng could not help but chin slightly, his face was full of pride that could not be concealed.

He believes that in this world, there are absolutely not many people who can have the efficiency of his cultivation, and it is impossible for anyone to have such a weird situation. The realm of Dongtianjing's fourfold heaven, however, has the strength to transcend the habitat, which is definitely the fact that it is against the sky. I am afraid no one will believe it.

"Okay, okay !!!"

Jiang Qingwu had a lot of things to say at the moment, but all the words eventually turned into a good word. She knew that her son was absolutely a natural wizard. Although he had just arrived in the world, no one could stop his footsteps, and no one could threaten him.

Since Yuan Feng dares to protect her, then naturally she has the strength to protect her. Although she should not be able to keep up with the people in the yin and yang realm, she believes that even if Yuan Feng is now compared with the strong yin and yang realm, she may not Lose to each other.

"Mother, what happened to the auction? But is it over?"

After looking up, Yuan Feng no longer talked about the matter, but looked around and asked his mother at the same time.

At this moment, the entire auction venue was quiet and the atmosphere was obviously a bit weird, but it was really hard to say whether the auction had ended.

"It's not over yet, but something happened at this auction, everyone's auction sentiment is not very high."

Hearing Yuan Feng's inquiries about the auction, Jiang Qingwu also looked back, and also looked weird and authentic.

"Oh? Something happened? I wonder what the mother said?"

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Yuan Feng suddenly became interested. Of course, faintly, he had actually guessed what the other party said.

"You said you wanted to bet with your mother, but now it seems that you won this bet." With an eyebrow raised, Jiang Qingwu looked at Yuan Feng's gaze, full of respect. She didn't quite believe what Yuan Feng had said before, but it turns out that Yuan Feng guessed something pretty good.

"Oh? Mother is saying ...... more than half of this auction was really taken by those three guys?"

Of course, Yuan Feng did not forget this gamble, so when he heard his mother's words, he immediately understood the meaning of the other party.

"More than half and a half? Fenger didn't know. Just now, the three guys took another auction. At this moment, the three of them have already taken 26 treasures."

Shaking his head, Jiang Qingwu didn't know what to say. Thirty auction items, in addition to the first two were photographed by others, and one was picked up by her and Yuan Feng for cheap, all the other things that were regarded as treasures were actually photographed by three people. This situation is definitely the most special one since the Louvre auction began.

"Eh? Twenty-six? Doesn't that mean that almost all the things at this auction have been bought by these three guys?"

Yuan Feng was also a little speechless. He did think that the three would buy a lot of things, but he did not expect that the three would buy almost all of them.

Unconsciously, he looked in the direction of the three young men. At this moment, Yuan Feng couldn't help expecting something.

Since these three guys dare to do so, they must have fearlessness, but no matter how they fearlessly, this time, I am afraid they will cause them a lot of trouble.

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