The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1312: Auction starts (second more)

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With the ringing of the bell in the auction, everyone looked subconsciously at the square platform in the center of the auction. When they saw the scene above the square platform, almost nine people in the whole auction Cheng Jiu suddenly became stagnation, and all the words in his mouth swallowed back into his stomach subconsciously.

Among these ninety-nine people, Yuan Feng is also included.

"Good, beautiful woman, isn't this the host of this auction?" Yuan Feng stared at the woman above Fangtai with a dull look, her eyes were full of admiration.

In the eyes, above the huge square platform, a beautiful woman in white clothes and a blue silk shawl appeared on the square platform when she did not know when she was looking around with a smile.

This is a very agile woman, with a beautiful face supplemented by a faint smile, her eyes are exuded with a touch of tenderness, and her brows are slightly charming. It can be said that this is a perfect combination of all the advantages of all women Complex, it is absolutely impossible for any man in the world to see such a woman.

Yuan Feng already had Yunmengchen in his heart. He originally thought that other women would not have any waves in his eyes, but at this moment he had to admit that the women in front of him were really beautiful and beautiful. He all had to be emotional.

Of course, the so-called heartbeat is nothing more than an attitude of praise. In fact, he certainly does not have any thoughts that should not be.

"Om !!!!!!"

After a short period of silence, the entire auction seemed to become a market all at once, and immediately it started to be noisy, and the already very warm atmosphere was burned up to the highest point.

"Oh my God, did I read that right? She was the host of this auction?"

"It's worth it, everything is worth it. The Louvre Museum 3000 gold personally presides over the auction, let alone the others. Even if you only look at such a beautiful person, the entry fee is all worth it!"

"Hahaha, what are some of my brothers and brothers saying that they can't afford the baby, why go to here to spend money unjustly, and when they go back, tell them who I saw and see if they don't regret it."

"Woohoo, it's really worth it, being able to watch this little half day, even if it costs a lot of entry fees, I'd like to."

"Don't stop me, just keep off, don't stop me, otherwise I'll blame me for turning his face."

"Well, what are the crowds? Can't you see anyone in front of them? Whoever rushes again, be careful I pick off his head."

The entire auction instantly became agitated. When they saw the women on the square platform, everyone seemed to be crazy, and began to approach the square platform fiercely, and everyone wanted to get closer. In order to watch this Louvre's proud girl more carefully.

In Heji City, no one knows the Louvre when it comes to the Louvre. When it comes to the Louvre, you do n’t know who the Louvre is, and you do n’t know how many strong people there are, but only For one thing, you absolutely must not know who Luo Yan, the master of the Louvre Palace, is.

The beautiful face and rare talents have created the title of Luo Yanhe Jicheng ’s first strange woman. I do n’t know how many superheroes in Hejicheng, the children of the family, have fought because of this Miss Luo Yan, and even The strong among many surrounding cities will come here in fancy, and want to ask for it at first sight.

However, no one thought that today, the three thousand gold of the Louvre appeared in the auction.

"Oh, everyone, please be quiet, my Louvre auction will start soon."

The soft voice, like a spring breeze, swept the entire venue and passed the heart of everyone present, and the voice seemed to have magical magic, making the originally noisy venue instantly change. Quiet, even the violent emotions of many people became soothing now.

"Well? This woman ..."

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng has already recovered from the previous stagnation. He has the devouring martial spirit, and the impact on the mind is still recovering quickly, and he waits for the woman from the stage When liberated, it was discovered that the woman was significantly more ordinary than before.

After hearing the woman's voice, Yuan Feng had a feeling. This woman not only said that she didn't grow up, it seemed that cultivation and means were definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"A good and strong woman should have realized the Promise, even if she has not yet reached the Promise, she is definitely half-footed into the Promise."

Aside from Yuan Feng, Jiang Qingwu, who is also a woman, naturally won't be lost by a woman. Her observations are obviously much more objective.

Regarding the appearance of the Louvre Palace, Qian Qingwu did not want to make any comments. What really valued her was the strength of the Louvre Palace. Can be sent to host the auction, at least, this woman's strength will definitely not be weak.

"My child is really unusual. He recovered from this woman's means so quickly. It seems that the child really has hidden a lot of secrets!"

Looking back, Jiang Qingwu sensed the surrounding situation, especially Yuan Feng's situation. She found that at this moment, ninety-nine people in the venue were still obsessed with women's means, but her son had completely jumped out. This alone was enough to prove Yuan Feng's potential. Much higher than most people present.

"Thank you for your cooperation. The little girl, Luo Yan, Luo Yan, has been entrusted with the main responsibility of the Lord, to preside over this auction. I hope that all of you will be able to support and be considerate."

When everyone became quiet again, above the platform, the Louvre Miss Luo Yan opened her mouth again, the tone that made people feel like a spring breeze, so that the hearts of countless people will melt, now It's almost Luo Yan's words. They can go to the sword and go down the sea of ​​fire, without frowning.

"Ha ha ha, girl Luo Yan, I did not expect that this auction was hosted by you. I am Wang Shichuan of the King's Family of Heji City. At this auction, my Wang Family absolutely supports it. If anyone dares to get in trouble, Wang Shichuan One does not agree. "

"Well, Wang Shichuan of the Wang family? I have never heard of it. The Wang family, where can I be qualified to protect the girl Luo Yan? Leaning on the Cuicheng Fan Jia Fantiandi, I have heard that the girl Luo Yan is beautiful and beautiful today. It ’s really better to meet than to be famous. "

"Well, Brother Fan came here, but Brother Fan just recently completed the marriage with Miss Xu Jia. Now it is not time for me to be a messenger outside, let me Ouyang Yan to protect the girl Luo Yan."

"Well, are the people from Ouyang's family here too? But I advise you to be a man with your tail in the back. Girl Luo Yan is hosting the auction this time. I will fully support the Yuqingcheng Yujia family. As for the others, save it ! "

When the words of Luo Yan from the Louvre Palace fell down, young people in the crowd stood up at this time, and they all wanted to be the messenger of the auction.

These people have always admired Miss Luo Yan at the Louvre. However, they usually can't see each other even on weekdays. With this opportunity, they certainly have to seize the opportunity to do something.

"His, a lot of big people, Wang Shichuan of the Wang family, Fantian Fandi, even the Ou family and the Jade family of Yuqiancheng are all here? This auction is really a lot of big people!"

"It is really an incredible auction. It seems that this auction must have a lot of treasures."

"How many babies are hard to say, but one thing is certain, if you want to come to any auction at this auction, you will be able to sell some good prices."

"Yes, I'm so troubled by these gimmicks, it's hard to save money!"

Seeing the second ancestors jumping out, many people present could not help but frowned. These people who jumped out at this time were naturally the first clan members in the major cities. Maybe their strength is not outstanding, but they are really rich and powerful.

It is conceivable that in order to show his financial resources in front of Luo Yan, this time, the situation of spending a lot of money may not be less, and it is definitely not too much to want to take an auction item casually at the auction. Possible thing.

"Oh, thank you, Prince Wang, Prince Fan, Son Ouyang, and everyone for your support. The little girls all remember it."

The corner of Luo Yan's mouth was curved. She wanted this effect. In fact, the Louvre sent her out to host the auction. The original intention was to mobilize the young people of these big families. There are these people. Are you afraid that the auction items will not be fired?

"Well, a good woman, a good plan in the Louvre, a silly bunch of buns!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng said three good words in a row. He could be said to have cleared the onlookers. Naturally, he had nothing to say about the charm of Miss Luo Yan, and what he had to admire was the calculation of the Louvre powerhouse. He was even thinking about cultivating such a woman to come out, and he didn't know if it was just for him to sell.

As you can imagine, asking this host to host an auction every three minutes isn't that going to attract all the young handsome men in ten miles and eight cities?

"You guys, I won't say anything extra. Next, let's get back to business. I believe this auction will definitely not let everyone down."

Luo Yan's gaze swept across the audience again, which meant that she had everything under her control. During the conversation, she suddenly raised her hand. Suddenly, a table case appeared on the square. On the table case, there was a playing tray, but the tray was covered by red silk at this time, and the things below were not clear at all.

This is the first auction item.

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