The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1311: Long insight (one more)

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This is a vast and boundless world. The whole world can hardly see the edge at a glance. Looking at it, the whole world is full of throbbing human heads. Generally speaking, people in this world are afraid that there are No less than tens of thousands.

However, even with so many people, people from outside are still constantly flowing in, making this vast world more and more crowded, and the atmosphere is getting warmer.

"Yu, is this the Louvre auction? This is a huge country, even a small world, spectacular, really spectacular."

Between the crowds, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu also squeezed in with a lot of effort. As soon as they entered the auction venue, Yuan Feng glanced at the entire venue for the first time, and sincerely Admired.

In the eyes, the entire Louvre auction venue is almost the same as a small world. It can be said that there is no hole in the sky. Yuan Feng believes that even if the entire country of Montenegro is moved here, it can be completely put down.

Of course, if it ’s just big, it ’s not commendable at all. What makes Yuan Feng feel swaying is that the entire huge auction venue is surrounded by special crystals. The spar is full of energy, obviously is very rare treasure.

In such a space purely decorated by various spar inlays, the huge aura of heaven and earth has condensed into a spiritual mist, not to mention that the entrance fee costs spent outside are quite worth the environment here.

In the center of the spacious world, a huge square platform stands quietly in the center of the venue. The material of this pillar is absolutely unknown to Yuan Feng, but it is certain that this square platform itself is absolutely A treasure, it seems that the Louvre should have dug a vein directly, and then made the crystal veins into a table.

"I really want to smash this table and put it away. If I can have so many spar for arraying, even if it is a strong man in the yin and yang realm, it will be folded in my hands!"

Yuan Feng likes these spar, of course, to decorate the mysterious array. The power of the mysterious array first depends on the strength of the people who form the array, and the second depends on the material of the array. These spar here are obviously much stronger than the low-level things like Xingjing. If you use These things line up, the power is naturally conceivable.

"Fenger, don't talk nonsense, just look with your eyes and remember with your heart."

Hearing Yuan Feng's whisper, Jiang Qingwu frowned quickly, reminding Yuan Feng. This is already inside the Louvre auction, and among the crowd, there must be people who are arranged by the Louvre to hide in the crowd. If heard by the Louvre people, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"The mother is angry, the baby knows."

Scratching his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He just forgot about it just now. It seems that at this moment, he must quickly adjust himself and enter the rhythm soon.

"Follow me, don't run around." Jiang Qingwu didn't blame Yuan Feng. When she heard Yuan Feng's response, she couldn't help beckoning to the latter, motioned to the other party to follow her, and her eyes, He glanced in all directions without traces.

In the final analysis, Wuleijie is not absolutely safe for her. At first, she was worried that the people of Ziyun Palace discovered her existence. At the second time, they had offended Yi Cuicheng Gao Jia again. These two forces They are not what they can handle now, so of course they should be optimistic and hide.

However, she was promoted to the yin and yang environment at this moment. People in the Ziyun Palace found it unlikely that she was covered by the black veil, so she would not be easily recognized by the Gao people, so the safety factor was pretty good. High.

"There are so many strong men, there are literally countless yin and yang realms. Among them, there are bound to be dying powers that surpass the yin and yang realm. This Louvre auction really attracted a lot of hard characters!"

Jiang Qingwu's eyes were very spicy. Of course, she glanced at the entire auction at a glance. Although there are many people, her eyes almost have the ability to automatically detect. Filtered out directly, and the rest are almost all characters above yin and yang.

"Be cautious, act low-key, and definitely not be too eye-catching." He reminded himself secretly, Jiang Qingwu was even more careful than Yuan Feng, as if he was afraid of causing any further trouble.

The mother and the child walked slowly in the crowd, familiar with the environment here, listening to the people around them, slowly and completely calmed down, and Yuan Feng, who was still a bit uncomfortable, was also slow. Slowly adapted to the rhythm here.

"It's too early, it seems like more than half a day before the auction starts!"

"It's a little bit early, but it's much more comfortable to breathe the aura of heaven and earth in the Louvre auction here than outside, I think I'm late!"

"That is, do you say you are stupid? Come in early and come in late require so much entry fee, why not come in early and absorb some of the aura here?"

"Don't tell him, let's absorb some of the aura here while the auction has not started. After the auction is over, even if we want to continue to absorb it, we have no chance!"

At the venue, many people were discussing with each other. Everyone's topic is different. Some are guessing what kind of best products may appear in this auction, while others are guessing how many people will be attracted by this auction. Some are like these people at their ears, talking about absorbing aura of heaven and earth and earning the entrance fee.


Yuan Feng listened to the words of the people around her, and at the same time inhaled the mist in this space. Suddenly, his whole body had a very transparent feeling.

"It really is very good. It seems that this is also a marketing strategy of the Louvre!"

Yuan Feng's time to come to Wuleijie is relatively short, so it is easier to distinguish the breath outside Wuleijie from this atmosphere. He can feel that the mist here is obviously more angry , But it is a lot stronger than the pure natural aura outside.

The simple auction will have to wait for some time to start. Yuan Feng has nothing to do, so he simply absorbs the surrounding mist and polishes his foundation.

It is cheap and it does n’t occupy the bastard, not to mention that this cheap is delivered to the door.

Jiang Qingwu would not say more. When she saw Yuan Feng start to absorb the surrounding mist, she just smiled in her heart and let Yuan Feng absorb it at will.

She can also feel that the heaven and earth aura in the Louvre is indeed deep-processed. It is now an auction, but it should be a place for disciples to cultivate.

In this way, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu are each busy with their own affairs. Jiang Qingwu has now entered the ranks of masters, so it is necessary to learn more about the masters, otherwise, she will be eliminated by the boundless world. Really speaking, she has really left Wuliang Realm a long time since she left it.

Time passed, and half a day passed in this way silently, and within this half day, countless people poured into the auction. However, the huge auction venue obviously has an unimaginable volume. Even if more warriors enter it, it will not look very crowded as Yuan Feng thought.

It feels like this huge space. It can automatically adjust the size of the space according to the number of people. The end is magical.

"Om !!! Hey !!!"

At a certain moment, in the huge auction venue, a burst of spatial vibration came suddenly, and at the same time, a melodious bell chime sounded instantly in the entire auction venue.

"Well? This is ..."

Yuan Feng has been immersing himself in absorbing the surrounding mist, but with his strength, the absorption of the mist here is extremely slow. Even if he is allowed to absorb it for a year and a half, he may not be able to absorb much.

And just when Yuan Feng was absorbed in the mist, thinking about nothing in his heart, the melodious bell interrupted him, almost subconsciously, his gaze was in the direction of the sound. Looked.

This bell sound was obviously uploaded from the square platform in the center of the space. When Yuan Feng looked at the square platform, a huge energy clock phantom appeared just above the square platform. Obviously, the sound should be this energy clock. Come out.

"Good means, even if the bells of the entities are condensed with energy, there is no delusion bound or no delusion bound. Isn't it true that the lower bound can be compared?"

With more and more contacts, Yuan Feng can now also accept all kinds of magical things without arrogance. Speaking of which, his ability to adapt is really quite strong.

"It's started. Let's talk about it quickly. The show will begin soon!"

"Well, every five years, I don't know which big man the Louvre will send to host the auction this time."

"It doesn't matter who he is hosting, anyway, we paid the entrance fee, and we came in to see the baby, who can host ......... Uh ..."

The bell rang, and everyone looked subconsciously towards Fangtai. Everyone was talking and talking. However, just as everyone worked, on the Fangtai, a white figure suddenly appeared. Come out, and with the appearance of this figure, the people who were still talking, but stopped, and even their eyes became dull.

ps: Come early in the morning first, be sure to keep the bottom! Ask for strength! !!

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