The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1309: Heji City (three more)

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For the two members of the Gao family, Yuan Feng certainly wouldn't really kill them. After all, they are both powerful men who created the realm. It is a pity to kill them. Moreover, he is currently short of staff. Since the people in the family are ground snakes, they can just stay with them.

It is a pity that at present, his realm is insufficient, and it is impossible to conquer the powerful men who make up the realm. Therefore, the management of these two people can naturally be left to Jiang Qingwu.

Today, Jiang Qingwu is promoted to the yin and yang environment, and it is naturally more than enough to clean up the guys of two habitats. Under her mighty temptation, the two people of the Gao Shengsheng creation have to choose to surrender and become temporarily Jiang Qingwu's prisoner. Of course, are they really sincerely attached? Only they know it.

At least, they are very obedient at this moment, and many situations will be reported truthfully.

"Gao Meng, Gao Hu, how far is your Cuicheng from here? Also, Gao Zhensheng ran away now, but will return to Gao's house to rescue the soldiers?"

Of course, Jiang Qingwu would not waste these two resources, and asked almost everything he wanted to ask, for fear of any omissions.

"This is the intersection of Yicui City and Heji City. It is almost three months away from the Gao family. As for Gao Zhensheng, at this moment he should have rushed back to the Gao family, but when he moved back to the rescue team, We are no longer here. "

Gao Meng and Gao Hu, two Gao people, did not dare to lie. They faced a strong man in the yin and yang realm. Although the other party didn't advance to the yin and yang realm for a long time, that was not what they could compare. They thought To kill them, it will not be too laborious. Therefore, as long as Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng's question, they will answer honestly.

"Three months away? That's nothing to worry about."

Hearing the explanations of the two, Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng were both relieved. Frankly, they were also afraid of trouble. If Gao Zhensheng brought more and stronger strong men back, then they must have Difficult to get rid of trouble.

"By the way, I heard that Gao Zhensheng said, are you going to participate in the auction in Lincheng?"

Looking around, Jiang Qingwu suddenly remembered something, and then asked lightly.

"Yes, the three of us left Yicui City just to attend the Louvre auction in Lincheng Heji City. The Louvre auction is very famous, and every time there are good things in the auction, and every time An auction will attract a lot of strong players around to go to Taobao. "

"Oh? The Crane Tower of Louvre? Sounds pretty good!"

Jiang Qingwu has never heard of Yi Cui City and He Ji City. Obviously, there should be a long, far distance from Ziyun City. This allows her to rest assured, and not to be worried by Ziyun. People from the city came up.

"Fenger, are you interested in going to the auction? There should be some good treasures in the auction without arrogance!"

Looking back, Jiang Qingwu glanced at Yuan Feng and raised an eyebrow.

When she came to Wuleijie, she knew what Yuan Feng needed most. Anyway, she didn't have any goals at the moment. This so-called auction was worth a trip.

"Mother, would you take some risks?" Yuan Feng frowned, a little worried and authentic, when she heard her mother's proposal. He has always sought stability, and if he dared to run to the auction at this time, God would know if it would cause trouble.

"At that time, let's be careful, there should be no major problems. Rarely encountered an auction, I want to see if there are any good things there, which can help Fenger to help, and will be repaired and improved soon."

Of course, she also knows that she shouldn't make a public appearance at this time, but in order for Yuan Feng to break through and repair as soon as possible and become a true master, this risk is worth taking.

"Well? Help me break through what I've cultivated? The original idea was that my mother did it!"

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng knew his mother's thoughts. After learning about Jiang Qingwu's thoughts, he couldn't help getting a little hot.

No one wants to break through the cultivation more than him, only to find that the realm of creation is the bottom of existence, but he is still staying in the annihilation, at least, he must be promoted to Dongtianjing?

"Not to mention, first go to the Heji City auction to take a look. If you can see the treasure that breaks through the realm, you have to have everything in hand."

Although he is not rich now, he has previously won the four of Ziyun Palace, and now he has subdued Gao Meng and Gao Hu. He still has little savings on his body. The average baby should still be able to afford it of.

"Okay, that's the decision. You tell Yunge and Mengchen first, and then we set off for the auction at the Louvre Museum in Heji City."

Jiang Qingwu thought the most carefully, but did not forget to report a peace to the two of Yuan Qingyun.

"Well, mother, wait a moment, the baby told his father and Mengchen so that they don't have to worry about it." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng directly contacted the two in Qingwu Palace and gave a brief overview of the current situation.

It is natural that Yun Mengchen and Yuan Qingyun can't show up at the auction next time. Their repair is too weak, which will undoubtedly be too eye-catching. In Wulei Realm, what they need to do now is cultivation. At this moment, Qingwu Palace has been connected to the outside world, and the heaven and earth in it are so rich that they can practice for a while.

Speaking of which, at this moment, Dan Xiazong and the Yuan and Yun families have already started the nationwide cultivation practice. They have never experienced such a pure heaven and earth aura. In such an environment, even one Fool, for a long time, you can be infected with a strong one.

It is impossible for Yuan Feng to help them improve one by one. At this moment, they have provided them with a sufficiently superior cultivation environment. To what extent they can reach, it really depends on their own efforts.

In the following itinerary, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu both disguised slightly. Jiang Qingwu even covered his face with black sha, and at the same time changed his breath with the power of yin and yang. In this way, even Gao Zhensheng hit It is not possible to recognize her as soon as she returns.

You have to be careful about everything. The Gao family is not a small family or a small force. It is definitely not what they can provoke now, so it is better to avoid it.

A pair of high tigers led the way, and Jiang Qingwu and his party embarked directly on the journey to the Louvre Museum of Heji City, which is still far from Heji City. However, the Louvre auction will be held after three months. So, they don't have to worry too much. In these three months, they seem to be able to do a lot of things.

In the final rush, only Jiang Qingwu was alone. Yuan Feng could not help him, and he returned to the Qingwu Palace to guide everyone to practice. He himself also took the time to adapt to the situation of no delusion and broke through to the heavens for himself. Do some preparation.

Frankly, after coming to the Wonderland, he has felt a trace of looseness in his true martial arts. Even without the help of foreign objects, he can break through to the realm of the cave sooner or later, but when will he Breakthrough, this is not so easy to say ...

Heji City is a very common city among countless large and small cities. The entire family of Heji City has many schools and schools, and the most powerful force is the famous Louvre.

The Louvre is very powerful. Among the dozens of surrounding cities, the Louvre can be said to be the most powerful one among countless family forces, and the reputation of this super power is accumulated bit by bit. One of the more famous events for the Louvre is the Louvre auction, which is held every five years.

The Louvre auction will attract a large number of powerful people every time, and at the auction, there are indeed many incredible treasures. As for the origin of these treasures, it is not known to outsiders.

At previous auctions, there was a situation of trouble, but it was easily solved by the people of the Louvre. It is said that in the Louvre, there are people who transcend the limitless state. This is enough. No one dares to provoke this super power easily.

It can be said that the Louvre auction is enough to call it a grand event of ten miles and eight cities. The lively scene of this day can only be felt if it is truly immersive.

After spending more than two months, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu finally came to the location of Heji City, and immediately saw the grand occasion of Heji City at this moment.

"A lot of strong men, is this the world of no delusion? Those who create the realm are as worthless as Chinese cabbage!"

When Yuan Feng saw the constant crowd in Heji City, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching, his eyes were full of speechless bitterness.

In the "wild countryside", he didn't feel much yet, but now that he was on the right ground, he realized that in a place like Wonderland, the person who created the real world really looked like Chinese cabbage. many.

"Oh, Fenger, do n’t think too much. These people are all due to the Louvre auctions. Almost all of them are strong in the surrounding cities. In fact, the most vain worlds are those who are in the heavens. Above the grand event, those under the realm should be completely hidden, after all, this kind of grand event is not something that ordinary cavemen can participate in. "

Seeing Yuan Feng's gloomy look, Jiang Qingwu smiled and explained to Yuan Feng.

"It turned out that, it scared me. I thought that the arrogant world was a figure above the realm of realm!" With a sigh of relief, Yuan Feng realized that he had put up an oolong again.

"That being said, there are really too many people in this world who have no delusions!"

With a sigh of regret under his heart, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but observe in this super magnificent city and feel the magnificence of the city.

ps: Let's go together, depressed! !! !! Brothers and sisters, Huahua walks up! !! !!

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