The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1308: First victory (second more)

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"Boom boom boom !!!"

The violent noise suddenly rippled through this huge mountain stream, and with the sound of the roar, a loud scream also echoed suddenly in the mountain stream.

"Ah, what is the situation? What is the situation?"

"How could this happen, where are so many big guys coming out, is this a joke?"

"My elder brother is helping, their strength is too great !!!"

The strong men of the two Gao families originally thought that they could easily capture Yuan Feng, and then use this to fight Jiang Qingwu who was fighting Gao Zhensheng. However, what they never expected was that when they thought the plot was successful, waiting for them turned out to be a long-awaited trap.

"Fight me to the death and kill without amnesty !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't care so much at this moment. After the eight big Xuanzhen giants shot, he directly issued a death order to kill without pardon, and suddenly his body flashed a little while talking, but it disappeared directly. In the whole space, there are eight giant mysterious giants left, which attack two Gao people in groups of four.

"Boom boom boom !!! Hey !!!"

The two Gao men didn't expect such a situation at all. They had no defense at all. This time they suddenly suffered four mysterious giants who were not weaker than them. For a moment, they didn't have any. With the slightest effort to fight back, in a moment's time, the two were already scaly and spit up with blood.

Although the people of the Wonderland are strong, they can absolutely not withstand such a perverted blow. The main thing is that the Xuanzhen Giants are not afraid of death. After Yuan Feng's order was issued, their task was to kill the other two. As far as their own lives are concerned, they will not care about it!


Between the electric light and flint, the energy knife in the hands of a mysterious array giant directly hit the shoulder of a Gao family man. Then, the entire shoulder of the opponent was cut off stiffly.

"Ah, my brother save me !!!"


"My legs, my legs, Myna, Myna come and save me !!!"

When one of the men's arms was cut off, the other was cut off because of distraction. Suddenly, there was already a scream of noisy decibels, which suddenly became bigger.

"Well !!!" Obviously, the giants of the Eight Mysteries will not have any mercy. Their goal is to obliterate the enemy, and at this moment, it is obviously far behind to obliterate the two people!


On the other side, Gao Zhensheng was in a state of strength. He had almost seen the other side lose, and was forced by him to the scene of time and space. But at this moment, the screams and calls for help came directly from his ears, but they were direct. Draws his attention to the past. When he looked intently, he just saw the two brothers he had brought, and his hands and feet had been cut off, and his body had become bloody.

"This, this ..." Suddenly seeing this scene, Gao Zhensheng was undoubtedly greatly shocked, because the scene in front of him was undoubtedly telling him that this time, I am afraid they have kicked the iron plate, at least If it is a group of ordinary people, there will never be such a combat ability on the body.

"Huh, how dare you be distracted at this time? Death !!!"

Suddenly Gao Zhensheng was distracted. However, he could be distracted, but Jiang Qingwu, who had been waiting for this moment of opportunity, was certainly not distracted.


Starting with a sword in hand, Jiang Qingwu is a sword that directly incorporates the power of his yin and yang rules, and it is almost hateful and uses his full strength.

"Ugh !!!" "Ah !!!"

With Jiang Qingwu's sword cut out, Gao Zhensheng, who was distracted by him, suddenly screamed, and during the time of speaking, one of his arms broke out of his body and flew high. Fortunately, he avoided the main part at the last moment, otherwise, at this moment, he may have been split in half.

The battle of the strong in the yin and yang realm obviously does not allow anyone to be deliberate. Once they are delusional, they are trying to kill themselves. If it were not for Jiang Qingwu's strength, Gao Zhensheng today would be very dangerous.

"Damn, this boyfriend will definitely report, there will be a period later !!!"

His arm was cut off, and Gao Zhensheng screamed first, then he put down a ruthless word directly, and then flew out of the mountain stream and fled.

When he wanted to come, Jiang Qingwu was able to suddenly have eight big blocks of good fortune, which is obviously a symbol of status and strength. Since the other party is not the ordinary person he wants, this loss, he must have Swallow.

At least, there are three people on his side, and the other side now looks like there are at least eight or nine. In comparison to this number, he is a fool if he doesn't run. As for the two who were brought by him, they were Gao's siblings. Even if they were dead, it was nothing. Anyway, there were many such people under his hands.

"Run? Is this run?"

Seeing that Gao Zhensheng ran away while talking, Jiang Qingwu really felt like crying and laughing, but did not go after the other party.

He knew in his heart that although her opponent cut off an arm while she was not checking for a while, it was actually difficult to affect the other side too much, so even if she fought again, her win rate was not great.

Since he scared the other side away, he was so happy that the province's own power eventually failed, but he was hurt by the other side.

"Brush !!!" Between Jiang Qingwu's astonishment, a light flashed in the space aside, and Yuan Feng's figure had no idea when he came near him.

"It's running too fast, right? I thought it was a bull, and for a long time it was a waste of life and fear of death, even my brother didn't care."

Yuan Feng's face was also filled with astonishment. In fact, he never expected that the situation in front of him would happen. Originally, he thought that he would continue to fight, but now it seems that the battle can be ended.

"Oh, it's really a waste, but we are too deserving of him!" Seeing his son's appearance, Jiang Qingwu's eyes could not hide a smile.

In fact, this time the action was also directed by Yuan Feng in secret. Even the opportunity she just seized, Yuan Feng secretly informed her and designed it for her. Whether it's controlling the timing of Xuan Zhen Giant's shot or telling her when she can make a shot, they can all be said to be quite perfect.

"Hey, mother, don't say it, let's solve those two first, and I don't know if these two guys have any meaning to us."

Now that Gao Zhensheng has run away, they have no way to chase it back. In this case, their resentment, of course, can only be sprinkled on the remaining two.

At this moment, the two Gao family members had already been beaten by the four mysterious giants. The blood of their mouths and mouths had all stained the woods below. After seeing Gao Zhensheng running away, the two People are directly destroyed by their self-confidence. If Yuan Feng did not issue a stop order, then they would really be killed alive by the Eight Big Xuanzhen Giants.

"It's a shame to kill them. In this case, Fenger will wait a bit. I will meet them both."

Anyway, these two are the creatures of the realm, and it won't be so easy to die in a while.

"Mother be careful."

When Jiang Qingwu left, Yuan Feng hurried to remind him.

In terms of Jiang Qingwu's strength in yin and yang, two guys who were seriously injured and besieged by a group of mysterious giants, of course, could not have any resistance. It was almost an instant effort. The strong was born. But having said that, this time they captured each other, but the two were quite grateful to her.

You know, if she didn't take the shot earlier, the Big Eight Mysterious Giants would really blast them into mud, where would they care about their life and death.

"How can this be? How can this be!"

"Damn Gao Zhensheng, even left us two, ran back and ran away on his own, really a seedless guy."

"If I can go back alive this time, I must reveal his bottom, so that he doesn't even want to look up in his life."

After both were captured by Jiang Qingwu, the two Gao family members were almost anxious and angry. Where would they think that they had thought that it was a very ordinary shot, and it turned out to be what they are now. Now it ’s okay. The other side is a strong yin and yang, a big man in eight habitats, and two of them are absolutely running.

At this moment, the two were just full of complaints against Gao Zhensheng. If they could return to Gao's house alive, they would definitely ruin each other's lives in order to repay their abandoned hatred.

"If I were the two of you, it would definitely be honest."

Seeing the two Gao family members still complaining, there was no consciousness of being captured, Jiang Qingwu on the side couldn't help smiling, and said coldly.


When Jiang Qingwu's words came to an end, the two realized that at this moment, they had already become prisoners of the ranks, and they were no longer qualified to speak casually.

"Fenger, how to deal with the two of them? Kill or stay, you decide!"

Seeing that the two had become honest, Jiang Qingwu nodded with satisfaction, but then looked at the same Yuan Feng and asked with a smile.

"Are you killing or staying? You have to think about it!"

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Yuan Feng could not help raising his eyebrows deliberately, thinking about thinking, and hearing the conversation between the mother and son. The price of anger was instantly replaced by a color of horror.

"It's a shame to kill them. My mother asked them some information. If they speak well, then they will be killed for a while. If they don't answer well, it's not too late to kill them again."

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a sense of spirit at this moment. Obviously, even when he reaches the boundless world, he can still control the life and death of others. This feeling is really refreshing.

ps: The deposit box is really unreliable, it is stuck! !! !! Tears for flowers! !! !!

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