The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1287: The perfect first step (one more)

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In the dark and strange space of the mysterious formation, Dong Yun, a high apprentice in the Ziyun Palace, felt that he was suffocated.

In the eyes, a pair of huge dark green eyes looked so horrible, and the breath released from the owners of these dark green eyes also made him feel a little shudder.

Several formidable powerhouses surrounded him in the mysterious space of the others. Frankly speaking, this incident alone is a thing that makes people feel terrible. Even more frightening is that at this moment, he was isolated and helpless, and his strength was also affected and it was difficult to fully exert it. At this moment, he really did not know how to deal with the siege of so many strong men.

"Who the **** are you? If you have the ability, don't pretend to be a ghost. Let's fight face to face and see who's fist is hard." Taking a deep breath, Dong Han screamed arrogantly while preparing for the shot at any time. .

He could hear that the other party was obviously afraid of him too, and this eloquence made him escape, and he naturally wanted to see if the other party was determined to fight with him.

Xiao Ming'er must be the most important, but if he didn't even move his hands, he would just grab his hands, and he would not be worthy of being a disciple of Ziyun Palace.

"Well, where's so much nonsense? Since you don't want to be arrested, just leave your name here, kill !!!"

Hearing that Dong Han did not give up the resistance at all, the rough voices around came again, and with the sound of the sounds, all the winds suddenly gathered from all sides, and in a moment, Dong was in it. Han is feeling that he has been caught in a stormy attack.

"Afraid you can't do it? Dripping swordsmanship !!!"

With a shocked expression, Dong Han no longer thought about it, relying on Superman's perception, the long sword in his hand flew up and down, and he really took the surrounding attacks one by one.

It's not impossible for him to confess defeat, but if the other party does not show a little force to let him confess, wouldn't he be very shameless? Moreover, the fool knows that if it really falls into the opponent's hands, then it is not just a matter of admitting defeat.

"Well, it really has two hits, but this is so patience. Do you want to make it happen? Today, you can't even die if you want to die, kill me !!!"

Dong Han's resistance seemed to anger the people in the dark, with a shouting killing exit, with Dong Han as the center, within a few miles of it was suddenly filled with violent murderous spirit, this time, the sword The light knife shadow, like raindrops, hits the other side continuously, and that kind of violent scene will make everyone feel shocked.

"How can this happen? There are eight or nine people, and each of them absolutely has the power to create a realm. How can such a battle be fought?"

Feeling the fierce blow of the surrounding storm, Dong Han's heart was full of bitterness. He did want to resist, but now it looks like he really doesn't have that strength. One-to-eight, or even one-to-nine, and in this unfavorable environment, there is no possibility of winning at all.

"Ugh !!! Hmm !!!"

Almost in the time of Dong Han's thoughts, a swordman suddenly passed his eyes without waiting for him to respond, he felt a pain in his shoulder, a huge mouth, and immediately began to soar. Blood comes.


The pain from his shoulders made Dong Han snorted subconsciously, and as his humming dropped, the other party seemed to have discovered his situation and began to launch a more violent blow.


Dong Han only felt the sound of wind breaking in his ears, and then he felt a lot of mouths on his body. The pain felt slowly becoming numb.

"Xuan Zhen? It's another set of Xuan Zhen, shit!"

The long sword in his hand could not withstand so many attacks, and even in the end, Dong Han could not feel that there were several people in the other party. It seemed that the other party had become one and the other was completely indifferent. Obviously, this must be a set of combined strikes, blending the strength of each other's forces.

"Is it really impossible to die here?" No matter how unwilling he is, Dong Han has to admit that if he continues to do so, he will eventually be killed by the other party.

There are more and more wounds on the body, and the more wounds, the slower his reaction speed naturally. Under this vicious circle, some decisions, I am afraid he must do it faster.

"Stop it, I confess defeat!" Seeing that there was no possibility of winning, Dong Han simply simply shouted the words of confession and was willing to be the captive of the other party.


When I heard Dong Han confessed his defeat, the surrounding attacks stopped as if it were raining and sunny, but every breath still locked Dong Han and prevented him from making any wrongdoing.

"Okay, the current affairs expert is Junjie. Now that you give up, then ... kill !!!"

Both sides stopped, and the sword in Dong Han's hand had naturally dropped to the ground, apparently really intending to give in. However, at this moment, an intimidation came. Then, a golden sword-horse was instantly enlarged in front of Dong Han's eyes, and under his incredible gaze, a sword was split diagonally.

"I block !!!"

However, when the opponent's sword was cut off, Dong Han's sword was raised above his head in an instant. Obviously, although he conceded, he was not without defense!

"Huh, the mantis arm is a car !!!"

Seeing that the long sword in Dong Han's hand was lifted, the owner of the golden sword-mang was completely invisible and still cut it down in self-care.


A muffled noise came, and Dong Han hadn't had time to see what was happening. The sword in his hand was already divided into two. When he went to see it again, his body had also been divided into two. half.

"Om !!!"

Almost immediately after his body was split, the surrounding space trembled a little, and then Dong Han who was still thinking felt that there was a huge suction from the surrounding space, and his two halves , Was directly sucked into different directions, and the power in each half of the body, like a discouraged ball, became extremely dry instantly.

"What? My power, my power !!!"

Because the body was split, everything was directly exposed to the outside. In the face of such a huge suction, his two halves did not have any resistance at all, that is, 50% of the power was instantly absorbed. Go out, scattered into the surrounding space, and dissipate directly.

"Gather me !!!"

Feeling the rapid loss of strength in his body, Dong Han almost worked his life and wanted to bring his two halves together again, because only when he closed his body could he have the strength to resist the suction around him.

"Huh, how can it be so easy?" Dong Han wanted to reunite, but at this time, where could he still decide? Just when his two halves were about to get together, the golden sword-mang appeared again, and then, Dong Han's two halves were once again divided into two, and they became four pieces directly.

"Buzz !!!!"

The more the body is cut, the weaker the control of strength is. Of course, in this case, the suction around it is like hungering for a long time, tearing the power in every piece of his body crazyly, The feeling of power loss almost made him faint.

"Be more thorough, broken !!!"

Dong Han has no fighting back, and the time between speaking, his four-half body has become sixteen and a half. In this way, his physical body has almost no ability to resist suction.

"Buzz !!!!" A lot of energy was sucked away by the dark space around, and Dong Han was completely stunned by this scene. He even thought that he would die, but he never thought that his power would be sucked up by the other party, which was something he could never think of.

The whole person was cut into pieces. This time, Dong Han really didn't chant, and his eyes became visible, his strength was getting weaker and weaker, and his pieces of body became thinner and thinner. .

"Do not!!!"

Only the flesh of Dong Han was left in the dark space, and the people who were still besieging him before were gone. Under the huge suction of the surrounding space, Dong Han's sixteen flesh bodies were suspended there, and there was still strength being continuously pulled away.

The unwilling roar continued to emanate from Dong Han's mouth. At this moment, he could not accept the reality at hand.

"Om !!!"

At this moment, the surrounding space suddenly trembled, and then the huge suction force disappeared completely.

"Stop? Actually stopped?" Feeling the suction disappeared, Dong Han suddenly showed an excited look, without saying a word, he was controlling his own body, and put these bodies together again.


In the blink of an eye, Dong Han put his own body back to the original, and he was restored to intactness all at once, but when he recovered, his face became abnormal. Hard to look.

"Dong ... Dongtianjing? My strength fell to the realm of Dongtianjing?"

His complexion changed. At this moment, Dong Han really had an impulse to understand himself directly, because at this moment, he actually turned from a strong person who created the realm into an ordinary person who had only the great realm of the cave. Man, he didn't really accept such a change for a while.

"Come here !!!!"

Dong Han was not given too much time to panic. During the time of speaking, an imaginary palmprint was caught against him, and he was directly controlled in place without any movement.

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