The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1286: Start (four more)

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The nine strongmen of the fortune realm are plunged into the space of the mysterious array. Originally, if everyone was not dispersed, in fact, with the strength of the nine individuals, even the strongest mysterious array, I am afraid they simply do not want them.

However, it is a pity that after falling into the mysterious space, the nine people did not gather together, but chose to take separate actions, and it was precisely because of the separate actions that everyone was isolated and fell into one after another. It was completely dark.

How exquisite is the Jiuqu Yellow River Big Array. This is a world of its own. Everything is controlled by the master of Xuanzhen. People who want to separate from each other are not a piece of cake?

Of course, in the final analysis, it is actually because the trapped people are too unsettled. If everyone can stay in place when they feel something wrong, then they still have a chance to get together. . At least, every two guys who are together should not be taken apart.

Darkness descended, all the nine powerful men could not sense each other's existence, and they fell into the dark space, and the boundless darkness made every strong man in the dark bewildered, not knowing what would be waiting for himself !!

And at this moment, somewhere in this mysterious space, a young man was flexing his muscles, with a look of excitement.

"Okay, it's great. I can't think of God helping me so that these guys are scattered one by one. In this way, I can carry out the plan of dividing and eating!"

Through Xuan Zhen, Yuan Feng can control every trace of change in Xuan Zhen space, and when he saw these people scattered with each other, one after another in a Xuan Zhen space, he knew that his next action must be more Energy saving.

"This time I was really desperate. In order to decorate this super array, I used all the energy spar in my body, and the energy source of the mysterious array was the energy sea of ​​the entire Shadow Fiend Palace. It ’s a super array, and it ’s definitely impossible for me to do it for the second time before I reach the good fortune! "

In addition to excitement, Yuan Feng's heart could not help feeling a little emotional. This time he arranged the mysterious array, he can be said to be truly unreserved. Since such a long time, all the energy spar he has collected has been taken out by him this time, and he has arranged this entire bag to cover hundreds. Super array here.

Even Yuan Feng himself didn't know how much energy spar he used to arrange this large array. What makes this super array more unprecedented than ever is that Yuan Feng's formation of this array has used the energy of the Shadow Shag Palace as the core energy source of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array.

How huge the sea of ​​energy in Shadow Fiend Palace is, Yuan Feng is really unclear, but one thing is certain, if only from the energy point of view, the energy sea of ​​Shadow Fiend Palace is definitely worthy of many creations. Realm of the strong.

In the face of a mysterious array of this scale, even if it is a powerful yin and yang creature, you should not even try to get out of trouble.

"Well, you just want to scramble around. The more you run around, the farther you will be from each other. At that time, you don't have to let me slaughter one by one!"

Yuan Feng can feel that almost all of the nine formidable powers at the moment are scrambling like headless flies. Unfortunately, no matter how these people scurry, under his deliberate arrangement, they all It is impossible to find out where others are.

"It is indeed a strong person in the realm of yin and yang. The guy is much better than everyone else, but when you have cleaned up others, you will be cleaned up at that time."

Among the nine people, Yan Yan is undoubtedly the one that attracts the most attention from Yuan Feng. At this moment, Yan Yan calmed down quickly and stopped still, which made Yuan Feng slightly surprised.

However, he didn't expect to be able to arrange such an appalling array this time. Even if the analysis of the yin and yang creation environment was not scared, it would not be a big deal. He really didn't believe that, in a mysterious array of his size, the other party could not be turned upside down?

"It's almost there. Let's start with the person from the Ziyun Palace. It seems that this person is very proficient in searching. In this case, get him done first, mother, it will depend on you."

After arranging the mysterious array and trapping all the strong, Yuan Feng's mission has been completed for most of the tasks, and the next battle involved, of course, by Jiang Qingwu.


The time spent talking, Jiang Qingwu's figure has already appeared next to him, and at the same time, there are eight huge incomparable mysterious giants.

"Fenger, the next time, you can control the entire mysterious array. This time, we can only succeed and not fail."

When Jiang Qingwu's figure appeared, his face was very serious. Frankly, she did not expect that Yuan Feng could arrange a mysterious array of such a size. In her thought, although Yuan Feng was very proficient in the method of Xuan array, it was also at best to arrange a mysterious array that could affect the people of Ziyun Palace. But he did not expect that the other party actually arranged a super array that trapped everyone.

Judging from the current situation, at this moment, they are completely occupied with the initiative, as long as it is properly managed, then this time, it is really unknown who deer died.

"Relax, mother, we have reached this point, we can't afford to lose."

Yuan Feng nodded solemnly, and his heart became clearer. He has exposed the Xuanzheng method this time. If this time he can't wipe out the other group of people, then his Xuanzheng method will be difficult in the future Effective. So, this time they really can't afford to lose.

"Archive !!!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng was not complacent because he temporarily trapped his opponent, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, but her smile was not received, she suddenly moved, and talked. The remaining eight mysterious giants were Together with her, formed a very mysterious battle.

"Om !!!"

The eight great formation giants, together with Jiang Qingwu, the super powerful creature of good fortune, when the nine combat powers are combined, a force that destroys the world is brewing in the middle of the nine instantly. .

"Okay, there are nine great and powerful formations by nine formidable realms. The power is really not said. This time, the victory must belong to us."

Seeing his mother cooperate with the Eight Mysterious Giants, and exhibited the ninety-nine return to the true array, Yuan Feng suddenly increased his confidence. He actually wanted to see how ordinary ordinary creatures can resist the attack of their mother. .

Thinking of this, he directly passed the instructions to the minds of the eight giant mysterious giants, and guided them toward the position of the first target.

The first goal is Dong Han, who is best at tracking the atmosphere at Ziyun Palace. At this moment, the master of Ziyun Palace is wandering in the darkness, nervous.

Under Yuan Feng's guidance, Jiang Qingwu and the other nine people soon came to the space where Dong Han was located, and then lurked in the dark, waiting for the other party to throw in the net.

Although the other party has been in chaos at this moment, how can you say that people are super-powerful creatures. They want to easily destroy people, but it is not easy.

"Well, what kind of ghost mission is this? It's obviously a low-level world like the middle world, and there will be such a terrible mysterious array. Is this to play the dead?"

Dong Han flew forward while cursing resentfully. His idea is very simple. If he keeps flying like this, he will never fly to the end of this space.

"It seems that brothers and sisters should all be isolated, but I am so flying, maybe I can meet them at any time. As long as I can meet other people, I can't say anything this time."

Although he was still scared, but in action, he has become very cautious. The most basic instinct for prevention is obviously never lost.

"Om !!!"

However, while Dong Han was flying in a dark environment and flying forward in a straight line, at a certain moment, a strong energy wave suddenly passed from all directions and wrapped him in the middle. Suddenly, he seemed to be suddenly confronted by numerous siege of the good fortune, and his body became tense.

"No, there is an ambush !!!"

Feeling the surrounding energy fluctuations, Dong Han's heart flinched sharply, and the long sword that had long been held in his hand was directly across the chest, guarding the surroundings with vigilance.

"The guy in Ziyun Palace, give up the resistance, we will save you a life, if not, this is your burial place."

As soon as Dong Han was prepared for it, a rough drink came into his ears from all directions. As the voice came, the cold killing sentiment surrounded him directly, and both flashed. The green eyes appeared around him, and behind each pair of eyes, the energy fluctuations of the environment were constantly turbulent.

"This this………"

Seeing that there were so many powerful creatures in the environment, Dong Han, who was swaying by heart, was even more frightened at this moment. He knew that this time, I was really in big trouble.

If a person of two creations appeared, he wouldn't feel anything, but now there are eight or nine people of the creation, such a force, where he can deal with it alone ? Although the other party may not be able to kill him, but he wants to escape the siege of so many people, and it is still in the mysterious space of others, it seems unlikely.

Feeling all kinds of unfavorable situations, at this moment, Dong Han was somewhat helpless.

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