The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1277: Trumpet sounds (three more)

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In the realm of law, within the territory of Yunlong Protector of the Blue Jade House, above a quiet square space, the calm space suddenly shook slightly, and a dark space crack appeared directly on the square. Subsequently, a woman ’s Body shape is to emerge from the cracks in space.

At this moment, the woman's body is rippling with an extremely shocking energy wave. This energy wave is slightly unstable, but the more it feels unstable, the more it can explain the huge energy.

"Burning the life and flesh and blood of a formidable powerhouse, I really don't have the power to say, it seems that Hong Haitian can really die this time!"

He stretched out his palm and put it on his chest. Jiang Qingwu took a look at her hands. She could feel that after burning Hong Haitian's body for a while, her power was more than several times stronger. Although only temporary, but She was already fascinated.

"The dry light world, with the strength I have now, will certainly be able to rush to the dry light world soon." After feeling his strength, Jiang Qingwu no longer thought about it, tearing up his hand again The cracked space began to move rapidly toward the dry light realm.

Originally, if she kept on, it should take about a month to reach the dry light realm, but at this moment there was a physical body of a powerful creature who burned. She believed that she could certainly reach her destination quickly, Launch the fastest action and lay the foundation for the struggle with Ziyun Palace.

The speed of Jiang Qingwu, who started to move, is not what ordinary people can imagine. Her heart has the position of the dry light world, and every time she moves, she is almost equivalent to crossing a middle world. Below, Hong Haitian's physical body began to decrease sharply almost visually.

When the pieces of flesh kept disappearing, Hong Haitian obviously felt the danger he was facing, so the rest of the flesh was trying to recover. Unfortunately, in front of Jiang Qingwu, no matter how much he struggles, there is no chance at all.

The long journey, because of Hong Haitian, was compressed indefinitely. In less than five days, Jiang Qingwu's figure came to a familiar world, and here is her He Yuanfeng had just left the dry light world less than two months ago.

"In four and a half days, I couldn't think of such a long distance. I actually moved it in only four and a half days."

In a hidden space in the dry light world, Jiang Qingwu was carefully hiding in the depth of the space at this moment. He breathed a sigh of relief while expressing his longing emotion.

When they first found the Qiangguang Realm from the French Realm, she and Yuan Feng spent more than four months, and even after returning from the Qianguang Realm to the French Realm, they still spent about a month. time.

It's better now. In four and a half days, she came from the realm of law to the dry light realm. Such an efficiency, even herself, has an unbelievable feeling. But having said that, time is life. If she and Yuan Feng don't hurry up for some time, waiting for them is really a life-threatening danger.

In four and a half days, Hong Haitian's physical body has been consumed more than half, but at this moment there is not even a small half left. Now, even if Hong Haitian is restored to fullness, his strength will probably be less than half of his previous , There is no way to compare with the real good fortune.

"Fenger !!!"

After standing in the Qianguang Realm, Jiang Qingwu moved his mind, and then Yuan Feng's figure flew out of her cave world and stood in front of her.

"Uh, this is ......... Qing Guangjie? It's arrived so soon?"

The first time he stood out, Yuan Feng felt the strangeness around him. He found that the space where he was now was basically the space of the dry light world, but it was only four days. When he came to the dry light world, he was really unbelievable.

"With the help of Hong Haitian's physical body, otherwise, we wouldn't be here so soon." Jiang Qingwu could not help but smile slightly when he saw Yuan Feng's surprised expression.

"So it seems, I'm afraid I have to thank him well this time!" Hearing Jiang Qingwu's explanation, Yuan Feng showed a faint expression, and then he turned his gaze on Around, and carefully released his mind.

"Very well, the dry light world at this time is really very quiet. A few guys in Ziyun Palace, as well as several good fortune realms in the dry light world, don't know where to follow us It's over! "

I sensed the surroundings, and looked at the situation through the eyes of those caves in the dry light world. The corner of Yuan Feng's mouth could not help but reveal a shallow curvature.

The strong man in Ziyun Palace is very strong, but at least this game, he may not lose.

"Mother, first go to the snowy ice field where the Yingsha Palace is located. There, there are a lot of human resources waiting for us to compile it. This time, I will let a few guys in Ziyun Palace regret to vomit blood.

After identifying the direction, Yuan Feng said directly to his mother.

"Okay, let's get over here!" Jiang Qingwu didn't hesitate. He pulled Yuan Feng aside, while continuing to burn Hong Haitian's life spirit, he flew towards the snowy ice field where Shadow Shag Palace was located.

Not long, Jiang Qingwu took Yuan Feng and appeared on the edge of the snowy ice field. When she came to the edge of the snowy ice field, she realized that her son said that the manpower What are the resources!

"A lot of great consummates are not less than two hundred? Are these all the people brought by Ziyun Palace?"

In Jiang Qingwu's perception, she has found that in the middle of the snowy ice field, the huge Shadow Shark Palace has now been pulled out from the ground and quietly stands on the snowy ice field, and At this moment, around this huge Shadow-Sharing Palace, there are no less than two hundred complete cave heavenly great conquerors, like a guardian, surrounding the Shadow-Sharing Palace, blocking this. Super big palace.

"That's right, the five former great fortunemakers of the Ziyun Palace left these people to watch the Yingsha Palace, and they took the two main palace owners of the Yingsha Palace and the two Yunxi sects to track their mothers. At this moment, these two hundred great consummates are almost ready for us. "

Seeing his mother's surprise, Yuan Feng couldn't help smiling. He always observes the outside scene through his subordinates in the Shadow-Sharing Palace. Naturally, he knows the situation on the Shadow-Sharing Palace. For the two hundred great conquerors who stayed here at Ziyun Palace, it was almost his confrontation. The spirit of the five great creatures of the Ziyun Palace lies.

There are two hundred people in Ziyun Palace, and there are bound to be a few among them. At least, this time he can create six mysterious giants in the realm of fortune.

The six great formation giants of the Fortune Realm, plus one that he already has, is the combat power of the Seven Fortune Realms. At that time, he will quickly sweep the entire Qianguang Realm again, and at least one good fortune will be created by then. The mysterious giant of the realm comes.

Once he has mastered the eight Xuan Zhen giants in his realm, even the five Ziyun Palace might not be ignored, let alone he has other means besides these.

"Fenger, it's not too late. Let's get out of the way quickly and quickly. Capture all these people in one fell swoop, and then quickly capture all the people who have successfully completed the caves in the dry light world."

Although she and Yuan Feng have no resentment with the leaders of the Qianguang Realm, but the situation is special now. For her and Yuan Feng's lives, she can't care so much.

People don't die for themselves, and they don't want the life of the other person, they just use them temporarily.

"The mother is anxious, and the baby starts to set up the mysterious array, and wipes out the whole Shadow Shag Palace and these people around the Shadow Shag Palace."

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng signaled Jiang Qingwu to enter his world of caves for a while, and then he started to work without shadow magic and disappeared directly.

Wuying Shengong, a god-level martial art, has been cultivated by him to the level of Dacheng. Although he may not be able to escape the investigation of the so-called yin and yang creation, the ordinary person who creates the creation is hard to find him Hidden, as for the people in the cave, it is even more unnecessary to think about it.

In a short time, Yuan Feng's body was lurking in the shadowy palace of the snowy ice field, and when he came here, all of them could not find any strangeness, and they still took care of themselves. He stayed where he was, holding on to his post.

Yuan Feng is definitely not polite. From now on, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is fully alive in his hands. His array does not need to be set up in place at all, but can pass through the different dimension space. , The perfect arrangement of the entire mysterious array, and then suddenly reversed from the different dimension space, it can be said that there is no trace.

Soon, Yuan Feng completed his own mysterious array layout in the different dimension space. When the mysterious array was completed, Jiang Qingwu, who had been waiting in his cave world for a long time, immediately started the action. .

"Well !!!"

The dark space crack suddenly appeared at the top of the Shadow Shark Palace. At the same time, a horrifying force was to seal the entire area of ​​the Shadow Shadow Palace directly, making each one around the Shadow Shadow Palace. The great perfectionists have a sluggish moment.

At the moment when everyone's figures were imprisoned, the entire space moved slightly, and the Jiuqu Yellow River array hidden within the different dimensions was reversed at once, turning all the people present. And the huge Shadow Shades wrapped in it.

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