The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1276: The Road of Counterattack

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For the so-called space-time boat, Jiang Qingwu briefly explained to Yuan Feng, and when he learned the effectiveness of space-time boat, Yuan Feng's face could not help but look full of expectations.

According to Jiang Qingwu, driving the space-time boat can travel through endless spaces, such as from the realm of law to the realm of Mo Luo, it is almost a matter of thought, even under the serious urging, the distance of several middle worlds, It's nothing more than minutes.

There is no delusion to the dry light world, and the middle world in the middle is as much as a cow's hair. It can't even be counted. If it is moved by flying, I am afraid that it will fly up to 8,000 years. Only space-time boats can make such a long distance , Unlimited compression to two months.

What's more, what makes Yuan Feng yearn for is that if they can get the space-time boat, then they can use that piece of treasure to go directly to the realm of no delusion, which is what he most expects.

There is no delusion, that is where he will go sooner or later, and how he can get there, he really has no clue whatsoever. However, once this time has been obtained, all problems will be solved.

Therefore, after listening to his mother ’s explanation, Yuan Feng felt that the crisis was actually full of opportunities.

"Five of the creatures, and one of them is a powerful yin and yang creature. How can we deal with these people? This is really a headache!"

Although there are already some ideas in his heart, Yuan Feng knows clearly that the people who want to deal with these five fortune realms, especially one of them, have a difficult situation. He had seen the man who had made a change of yin and yang before, and frankly, in front of such a strong man, he really had no chance at all.

"Fenger, the most dangerous place is the safest place. There is a place that is actually the best place for us right now, and there are many things we can do if we go there now."

Just as Yuan Feng thought about where to flee next time, Jiang Qingwu on the side suddenly spoke and reminded Yuan Feng.

"Does the mother mean the dry light world?" Yuan Feng raised her eyebrows and asked in amazement at the words of Jiang Qingwu.

"Yes, it's the dry light world." Jiang Qingwu's face could not help but smile with a sharp wave, and she knew that her son must have thought of it, but he hadn't said it.

"People from the Ziyun Palace appeared in the world of Qianguang. For that, they must have done a serious search, so they never thought we would return there. And, as Feng Er said, here The Shadow Shag Palace and the Yunxi Zongqiang in the dry light world have all left with the people of the Purple Cloud Palace. Now we can gain a lot from going to the dry light world. "

Jiang Qingwu's eyes shone with a strange light. It can be seen that she also wanted to communicate with the people of Ziyun Palace this time. Although Ziyun Palace was so powerful that it made her tremble, after all, this time It is only five people who create the realm, even if one of them is a master of yin and yang, but it is not all-powerful.

"Harvest? My mother is talking about the Dongguang Realm of the Qiangguang Realm?" With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng didn't understand his mother's meaning? Obviously, the other party is telling him that he can start with those who have completed the Heavenly Realm to deal with those who created the realm.

"Fenger possesses such magical skills as blood curse, which can make every accused person fully obedient. In this way, as long as Fenger captures enough people in the cave and the great consummation, he can create a giant who has always been a mysterious formation Coming to the army, if our hands can control some of the Xuanjin giants of the fortune-telling realm, then even the strong forces of the fortune-telling realm may not be able to take advantage. "

She thought about it before and thought about this breakthrough. Before, they did not have any sense of crisis, so they did not continue to strengthen the power under their hands, but now that the crisis has come, they must give themselves some pressure.

Obviously, if they can capture a large number of Dongtian Realms, they can create a lot of mysterious giants. Maybe one or two mysterious giants don't work, but if there are dozens or even hundreds of mysterious giants, then it will be completely different!

It is conceivable that when the five people of the Ziyun Palace are surrounded by hundreds of giants of the Xuan Zhen Xuan Zhen who are surrounded by hundreds of circles, are they not going to run away with their tails? At that time, even if it is a strong yin and yang creature, they will have to rest.

"Okay, let's go to Gan Guangjie, and now, there is indeed a big meal waiting for us to enjoy!"

When Jiang Qingwu's words fell, Yuan Feng did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed with the other party's proposal.

He did think about it in the Ganguang Realm. Even if Jiang Qingwu didn't say, he actually planned to go there because only he knew it. At this moment, in the thousands of miles of snow in the Ganguang Realm, There is indeed a great gift waiting for him.

"Mother, this time you are on your way. Let's try to reach the Qianguang Realm soon, and then end the battle with thunder."

The last time they traveled to the Qianguang Realm, it took them four or five months to arrive, but this time the situation was urgent and they had to improve their efficiency. Five months is obviously not enough. At most, they have to rush to the Qianguang Realm within one month, and then quickly end the battle without leaving the other party a chance to breathe.

"Rest assured, this time the goal is clear, we can reach the destination soon." As soon as she looked, Jiang Qingwu also knew that this time, she really had to give a little pressure to the bottom of the box. Coming back, wanting to reach the dry light realm from the French realm within a month's time is really not an easy task.

"Fenger, give me the body of Hong Haitian. It's also time for this old guy to pay back the damage to our mother and son."

With an eyebrow raised, Jiang Qingwu suddenly looked at Yuan Feng and said it to the other side. With her own strength, it is indeed difficult to reach Qianguang within a month, but if there is outside help to help, then it is another matter!

"Well? Hong Haitian's body?" Yuan Feng couldn't help but hesitate to hear Jiang Qingwu's words, but immediately understood the meaning of the other party. Obviously, her mother has to rely on Hong Haitian's physical strength to speed up her journey! And once the flesh of a powerful creature is burned, God knows what kind of strength blessing can be obtained.

"Hey, it seems that the lord of the star house can die well!"

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he looked, he took Hong Haitian's sealed body and put it in his mother's hands.

He originally intended to keep the physical body of the other party. When he became stronger in the future, he would regroup Hong Haitian and subdue him as his subordinate, but now it seems that this guy should have more use.

"Fenger, for the time being in my cave world, I will inform you as soon as I reach my destination."

In the next hurry, Yuan Feng couldn't help anything, and she really didn't need the other party to help her. With Hong Haitian's body for her consumption, several middle-level worlds, could she not arrive soon?

"Mother be careful, if in danger, call out the baby as soon as possible."

Smiling slightly at his mother, Yuan Feng gave up the resistance directly, and let his mother put away her. He will not enter other people ’s cave world, but his mother ’s cave world is nothing if he lives there.

"Relax, nothing will happen." Nodded his head, Jiang Qingwu raised his hand, Yuan Feng's figure was directly included in the world of Dongtian. Suddenly, there was only her left in the entire space. A person.

"Ziyun Palace, how can it be so easy to catch our mother and son and **** our divine crystal?" His eyes narrowed slightly, Jiang Qingwu's complexion was never more serious, and in speaking, she took it out directly. Hong Haitian's body was ignited directly between her thoughts. Suddenly, the huge energy wrapped her whole body. At this moment, her strength was suddenly increased several times.

This is not just the power of a person who creates the realm. This way of burning essence and blood can be said to be completely fatal. When she burns every piece of flesh in Hong Haitian, then this The lord of the celestial palace is really going to disappear in the whole world!


With the blessing of the power of burning the person's life, Jiang Qingwu suddenly became full of confidence. When she raised her hand, a space in front of her was torn directly by her, and then she flashed. There was a crack in the space without any trace.

The whole ruin suddenly became completely silent, no one knew. Not long ago, the most powerful force in the Montenegro kingdom, even the strongest strength of the entire Tianlong dynasty, left so quietly. Already. Of course, leaving is only temporary. After the crisis, they may return at any time.

Of course, once we can survive this crisis, whether Jiang Qingwu or Yuan Feng will get a qualitative improvement, which will have an unimaginable effect on their future.

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