The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1273: Grim situation (three)

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The space inside Qingwu Palace is very large, let alone the people who transferred the whole country of Montenegro. Even if the entire people of the Tianlong dynasty are moved in, it is nothing more than nine cattle and one hair.

However, what really caused Yuan Feng some trouble was whether he really wanted to transfer all the people of the Montenegro to the Qingwu Palace. Although Qingwu Palace is very large, once you enter it, you will not be as free as outside.

The following time, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu analyzed the half-wandering, and they were discussing whether to transfer the whole Heishan country to Qingwu Palace. First of all, the entire Lingcui Mountain must be transferred. Above the Lingcui Mountain, the breath of him and Jiang Qingwu has been filled everywhere. If Lingcui Mountain is not transferred, the entire Danxia Sect must be destroyed. Disaster.

"Fenger, let's talk to others. In any case, Lingcui Mountain must be transferred. Time is urgent. No matter what the decision is, we must make it as soon as possible, so as not to be too late."

Jiang Qingwu has slowly stabilized at this moment. No matter what, now Ziyun Palace has come, this point, she has no way to change, but wants to survive from the strong hands of Ziyun Palace, first of all For one thing, she must be calm and calm. Only in this way can she and her family have more opportunities to survive.

"Baby knows, mother prepares, help the baby move Ling Cuishan to Qingwu Palace first, we are ready to leave the Tianlong dynasty and go to other worlds to avoid the limelight."

Yuan Feng also calmed down slowly. Although the Ziyun Palace was extremely powerful, he and his mother were not vegetarian either. If they did n’t know, they might be caught off guard, but since they already knew With the imminent danger approaching, as long as they are calm and calm, they may not be treated by the people of Ziyun Palace.

The middle world is so big, and he has the blood curse magic skill in his body, he can fully spread his eyeliner everywhere, and keep abreast of the movement of Ziyun Palace.

If it still does n’t work, he can even throw away the four **** crystals and return them directly to the other party. Anyway, there are no five **** crystals. These four **** crystals are also hot potato in their hands. .

Of course, this is only the most conservative decision, and it seems that it has not yet reached that point. After finally getting four **** crystals, he certainly didn't want to let things out like that.

"Dream Dust, come here!"

After discussing with his mother, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but look at Yun Mengchen aside, and beckoned to the other side.


Yun Mengchen was extremely obedient at this moment. When she heard Yuan Feng was calling herself, she said nothing, but just walked over to the latter, and took Yuan Feng's arm nicely, her face docile. Staring at each other.

She has realized the seriousness of the problem, and even knew that this matter is a matter of life and death for the entire Danxia Sect, even the entire Black Mountain Kingdom, and the Tianlong Dynasty, so she dare not say much!

"Is that right? It suddenly reached the seventh level of annihilation. It seems that it is not far away from Dongtian!"

After pulling Yun Mengchen, Yuan Feng caressed each other's green silk affectionately, but his heart was calmer.

The crisis is approaching, and now he must keep awake enough, and undoubtedly, Yun Mengchen in front of him is the one who can keep him awake, even if it is to make Yun Mengchen better alive, he must make himself Be careful and work hard.

Caressing Yun Mengchen's blue silk, Yuan Feng tried to keep the surrounding air from being so dignified, because he didn't want to see his woman in a panic.

"Huh, I thought you were taking care of everything else and didn't notice me!"

Even if Yuan Feng touched herself, Yun Mengchen pursed her lips and made an angry expression. Of course, the anger at this time is undoubtedly in order to cooperate with Yuan Feng and make the tense air more comfortable.

"Oh, no matter how much you ignore, it's impossible to ignore you."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's arm passed directly through Yun Mengchen's blue silk, but gently embraced the other side. He had previously promised that no matter what happened, he would never leave the other party. Now that the crisis is approaching, he must protect the other party.

"Stay here with my mother first, and I will come to you after I talk to my father and they will discuss it." Gently kissed Yun Mengchen's cherry lips, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and then a flash, disappeared directly In place.

He doesn't have that much time to accompany each other now, but he will not leave the other person anyway.

"Don't worry about it!"

When Yuan Feng left, Yun Mengchen's face became worried, and he muttered to himself.

There are too few and too few things she can do. Now it seems that the only thing she can do is to find a way not to worry about Yuan Feng. As for helping, she really can't help a little bit.

"Dream dust, come here !!"

The hall started, Jiang Qingwu glanced at Yun Mengchen who was standing there, and then beckoned.

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's call, Yun Mengchen quickly rushed to her heart and slowly came to Jiang Qingwu's side, but her look now was unable to restore the joy of being talented anyway.

"Oh, don't worry, it's not a big deal. With Feng'er here, everything can be resolved." Raising her hand to signal Yun Mengchen to sit next to her, Jiang Qingwu smiled slightly, and continued chatting with the other person. It's like nothing happened just now.

However, although she didn't look anything strange on the surface, Yun Mengchen could still feel it. At this moment, Jiang Qingwu's heart was clearly out of her body. As the strongest of Yuan Feng's side, she must exert enough power to do it. In the case of last resort, she even needs to sacrifice herself to protect other people ...

At the same time, Yuan Feng has found Dan Haizong, Muhai, and has called his father, Yuan Qingyun, and Yun Jinlong, Yun Jinlong, all together, and announced his decision.

"What? Move the entire Danxiazong away? Fenger, are you kidding me?"

In the main hall, the ancestor of Danxia Sect Mu Hai suddenly stood up, and the whole person's face was full of incredible color.

Just now, Yuan Feng told him that the country of Montenegro is facing great danger and it is necessary to move the entire Lingcui Mountain to other places for development. In this regard, he really has some incredible feelings.

He moved the entire Lingcui Mountain to another place. He didn't know how Yuan Feng would move it, but no matter how he moved it, this was not what he wanted to see. Lingcui Mountain is located here, then it is called the real Lingcui Mountain. If it is moved elsewhere, I am afraid that it cannot be counted as the real Lingcui Mountain!

"Fenger, this is no small matter. Is it really necessary to move the entire Lingcui Mountain to another place?"

At this time, Yuan Qingyun also looked low, and said with a look of solemnity. At this moment, he has reached the sixth level of annihilation, but it is not the same as before. However, at the moment, he has not even had time to mention his new power with others. It's time to make a decision.

"Suzerain, father, the incident happened suddenly. I ca n’t explain it too carefully to some people, but Lingcui Mountain really has to be relocated. Otherwise, let alone Danxiazong, even the entire Montenegro. Even the entire Tianlong dynasty will be implicated and suffering. "

Yuan Feng also really didn't know how to explain the situation to everyone. Frankly speaking, the crisis this time was purely brought by him and his mother. It was as if he and his mother must be responsible.

However, this is not the time to hold accountable. In any case, he must keep Dan Xiazong, this is the most critical thing.


Sovereign Muhai's face changed and changed, but for some time it was quite difficult. He was absolutely unwilling to relocate. We can see Yuan Feng's expression. He also knows that this must be a matter of life and death. If he does not move, I am afraid that the entire Danxia School will be ruined.

Neither Yuan Qingyun nor Yun Jinlong spoke. In fact, the two of them had nothing to think about. Yuan Feng's words were their decision. Yuan Feng said that they would relocate, so they would definitely not oppose it. For now, the only thing to consider is Only Muhai.

"Fenger, first talk about where you want to move Dan Xiazong!"

Muhai also understood that, looking at Yuan Feng ’s posture, it seemed necessary to move Lingcui Mountain, but even if he agreed to move Lingcui Mountain, at least he had to know where to move.

"Lord, look !!!"

Hearing Mu Hai's problem, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look straight, then raised his hand directly, and suddenly a palace with a height of one person appeared in front of them.

"Well? This is ..."

When I saw the palace in front of me, no matter whether it was Yuan Qingyun or Mu Hai, his face changed slightly. Obviously, he didn't understand what Yuan Feng meant.

"Sovereign, father, uncle Yun, you three don't resist, I'll take you to see the new site I chose for Dan Xiazong."

Seeing the three people's horrified expressions, Yuan Feng didn't explain too much. After knowing the three of them, he raised his hand slightly. Suddenly, the three people's figures disappeared directly.

When the three of Muhai opened their eyes again, the scene in front of them had completely changed. In the eyes, there was a vast and boundless space, just like a chaotic space just born. There were wandering auras everywhere. , Looks like a fairyland on earth.

"This this………"

The Muhai three had forgotten the relocation at this moment. At this moment, all three were shocked by the sight in front of them, and had no energy to think about other things.

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