The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1272: Make trouble (second more)

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Ziyun Palace, when these three words came to Jiang Qingwu's ears, the powerful fortune-maker, like a frightened deer, instantly became abnormally anxious.

Once upon a time, in the boundless and boundless realm, the celestial palace is one of countless small forces. Their survival depends on the breath of those big families, and the top force of the celestial palace is the Ziyun Palace.

At that time, the strong men of the Ziyun Palace discovered the five-party beasts, and eventually hunted them one by one, and obtained five precious five-element **** crystals. Originally, the strong men of the Ziyun palace and the Ziyun palace were under their hands. Several forces transported five five-element **** crystals together, but in the end, the five major forces led by the star palace and the sky refining magic palace suddenly turned against the water, snatched the five five-element **** crystals directly, and escaped with the power of the whole palace The Nether, in this regard, the Ziyun Palace may already have taken these five forces as the targets of killing.

After so many years, Jiang Qingwu thought that she should never see the people of Ziyun Palace in a short time, and she would not even hear the name of Ziyun Palace, but she did not expect that it was just calm. When she came down, she heard the least wanted name.

"Fenger, tell me carefully, what is going on? And what have you seen?"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Qingwu worked hard to force herself to calm down, but the thought of those three words, no matter how much she wanted to calm down, was useless.

Compared with Ziyun Palace, the Star Palace is just a little mouse. Naturally, no matter how big a mouse is, you must be scared when you see a cat.

"Mother, you don't have to hide the child until now. If the child didn't guess wrong, the five five-element **** crystals originally got from the hands of the strong Ziyun Palace?"

The situation is almost obvious. Obviously, this so-called Ziyun Palace must be the palace where the five major palaces robbed the **** crystal and ran away from the realm. In addition, there should be no other forces. .

"Yes, the five major palaces, such as the Celestial Palace, robbed the gods from Ziyun Palace, and fled to the Nether." Although she was very reluctant to mention Ziyun Palace, at this moment, she also had to Mentioned, because listening to Yuan Feng's meaning, people in Ziyun Palace seem to have reached the middle world!

"Hey, it really is." Affirmed by Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. He knew that the trouble this time was really too big.

"Mother, if I'm not mistaken, after we gathered the four **** crystals before, I'm afraid that they have been sensed by the so-called Ziyun Palace. At this moment, Ziyun Palace sent five formidable powers, In addition, there are about two hundred people who are in the Great Heaven Realm, who are looking for the whereabouts of the **** crystals in the Qiangguang Realm, and depending on their posture, I'm afraid they will find them sooner or later. "

Yuan Feng also stopped worrying, and told one by one the situation that he saw through the eyes of the Shadow Shag Palace one by one. However, after listening to his story, Jiang Qingwu's face turned out. It became more and more dignified, until the last face was pale and extremely pale.

For Ziyun Palace, she really feels afraid from the bottom of her heart. That ’s not a force like the Star Palace. For Ziyun Palace, no matter how much you can do, no matter how lucky you are, At times, they are of no use at all.

Judging from Yuan Feng's commentary, Ziyun Palace has dispatched five great fortunemakers, and it seems that among these five people, there is also an extremely powerful character.

"One of the five creatures, I am afraid that they have realized the yin and yang realm. What is this and what to do!"

Her complexion changed, and Jiang Qingwu was really in trouble at the moment. She could face one or two fortunes, but there were as many as five, and there was one that could easily destroy the two major shadow-sharing palaces. The palace master's yin and yang good fortune realm, if it is a confrontation, she and Yuan Feng have no chance at all.

The whole hall suddenly became unusually quiet. Jiang Qingwu had no words for a while, and Yuan Feng was also thinking about her mind and did not want to speak at all.

Aside from Jiang Qingwu, Yun Mengchen didn't dare to speak out. She originally wanted to show off her progress with Yuan Feng, but now seeing the performance of Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu, she knows that the next time, I am afraid that there are major events going to happen.

She knew that she couldn't get in and help, and now all she could do was stay honestly without disturbing Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng's thinking. Of course, in her heart, naturally, she felt anxious for Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu.

The whole hall is deadly silent. Jiang Qingwu really has no idea. She knows the power of Ziyun Palace, and Yuan Feng has seen the shots of the strong Ziyun Palace. Understand the tyrannical force of this force, the mother and son's hearts are a little lack of confidence.

This is not a matter of courage. After all, the strength of the other party is there, and it is not possible to defeat the other party with courage and confidence.

"Mother, the five of them have begun to follow the whereabouts of the four **** crystals in the breath. Among them, there seems to be masters who are very proficient in sensing breath. My Dongtianjing can no longer see them, but I saw The route they chose was exactly what we had before when we left the Shadow Shark Palace. "

After a long period of silence, Yuan Feng still solemnly opened his mouth, letting his mother know as much as possible about the situation, and it was also good to make targeted arrangements.

"Ah, with the power of the Ziyun Palace, no matter what means are used, they will surely follow the vines until they find us, not to mention that among them, there is a strong man in the realm of yin and yang."

There is no need to remind Yuan Feng, she also knows that she cannot escape this time. When she left the Shadow Shark Palace, she must have left her breath there, and although she entered the Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng ’s breath would also remain. The probability of finding the Tianlong dynasty is almost half.

"Yin and Yang create a realm? Is the mother talking about the strongest guy? Is there a level division in the realm of good realms?"

This was the first time he heard the so-called yin and yang creation, and he was inevitably curious.

"Yes, the good fortune is just a unified statement. In fact, this realm is actually divided into three levels, namely the living fortune, the yin and yang fortune, and the ultimate infinite fortune, and what we usually call the fortune , Generally refers to the first level of life and creation. "

Although the situation is very tense, there is some knowledge that Jiang Qingwu still has to convey to Yuan Feng, which can at least make Yuan Feng's heart count.

"Eh, it turns out that there are three different levels of the realm of good fortune. Yin and yang good fortune seem to be very strong!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's dignified feeling could not help but become stronger at this moment. Yin and Yang created the realm. Just by listening, you can feel the power of this realm.

Speaking of fact, Jiang Qingwu had wanted to tell him this, but later, considering that his cultivation is still shallow, telling him too many things may not be of much benefit to him. .

"Mother, what are we going to do now? If the guys find it here, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Obviously, it is absolutely impossible to meet the five super powers, let alone him and Jiang Qingwu, even if you double the current power, it is also impossible Human opponent.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to want to be hard.

"How to arrange it? Hey, how can it be arranged now, since Ziyun Palace already knows that Shenjing is in this middle world, then it will definitely find the bottom. Even if this time the five people failed to find us, they still More and stronger people will be sent, and they are unlikely to give up anyway. "

Originally, Ziyun Palace did not know where their **** crystal was taken, but now that they already know, they will of course not let the **** crystal be controlled by others. The people who come this time are only those who create the realm of Yin and Yang. Once the people fail this time, the next time they come, I'm afraid they are the superpowers of Wuji.

"Fenger, there is no other way right now. In any case, we must ensure the safety of Dan Xiazong, Yuan Family, and Yun Family. Therefore, what we need to do now is to quickly put everyone on Lingcui Mountain, all of them. Transfer to Qingwu Palace, and then quickly leave here, if you can, you can even transfer the entire country of Montenegro into Qingwu Palace just in case. "

It can be expected that once the strong man in the Ziyun Palace has determined that the **** crystal is on the side of the Black Mountain State, if she and Yuan Feng cannot be found then, they will inevitably be angry with these ordinary people, and I am afraid they will be lifted casually As soon as I raised my hand, the whole country of Montenegro was afraid that it would be destroyed.

"Transferring the entire country of Montenegro is definitely a big project. All people are transferred to Qingwu Palace, but they don't know if those people are willing."

Yuan Qingwu's proposal came to mind. Seeing now that the strong men of Ziyun Palace are coming, the only thing they can do is to bring everyone, and then quickly escape from this place, to escape further, even where the people of Ziyun Palace cannot find .

It is not too difficult to transfer a country in Montenegro, and the space in Qingwu Palace, just taking out a larger space is enough to accommodate everyone in Montenegro.

However, if all people are transferred to Qingwu Palace, then they are equivalent to losing their freedom. Depriving everyone of their freedom, this is obviously not what he wants to see.

For a moment, he couldn't help but have some troubles.

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