The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1251: Win (one more)

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For Yingsha Palace, this day is simply terrible. The **** crystal was deceived away, and the entire Shadow Fiend Palace was also severely damaged. This day can be said to be the most depressing day of the Shadow Fiend Palace.

The two main palace masters' follow-up to those who deceived the **** crystal stopped in the end because of the obstacles of Yunxi Sect. Regardless of whether they are Lord Luochuan of the Shadow Palace or Luobei, the vice-principal, they know in their hearts that since Jingjing has been lost, it is really impossible to find it, so there is absolutely no need for them to find one. Shenjing, then clashes with Yunxi Sect.


"Is there such a reason, it is just this, who is it, who is the one who opposes my Shakespeare Palace, and I will crush him to death! Ah!"

In the broken interior space of the Shadow Shag Palace, Luo Bei, the deputy of the Shadow Shag Palace, roared again and again, and his tracking just returned without success, and he was blocked by Yunxi Zong's strong man. Of course, his heart became increasingly uncomfortable. At this moment, when I returned to the Shadow Shag Palace and saw the sight in front of me, my anger could burn the river and cook the sea.

"Luo Bei, hey, be quiet, this is the end, no matter how angry it is, it's useless, this time it's the brother's fault, I really shouldn't be so careless!"

Seeing the vice-lord Luo Bei roaring again and again, the whole person was like a furious male lion, Luo Chuan could not help flashing a trace of regret, and at the same time whispered comfortably.

The **** crystal is under his control and there is no fake. However, the **** crystal, but the thing returned by the lives of countless strong men in the Shadow Shark Palace, of course belongs to the entire Shadow Shark Palace, and now the God Crystal is lost in his hands, It can be said that he is the sinner of the entire Shadow-Sharing Palace, and fortunately he is the Palace Lord of the Shadow-Sharing Palace, otherwise, it should really be pulled out and cut.

"Hey, brother, what's the use of saying these now? Brother didn't blame you, just, I just can't swallow this breath. Dignified shadow palace, let people attack and hurt my countless disciples. After leaving the Shadow Fiend Supreme Treasure, if this spreads out, what is the face of the Shadow Fiend? "

Vice-President Luo Bei also sighed for a long time and slowly restored some calmness. He also understood that no matter how angry he was now, it was useless. At this point, they could only find a way to remedy as much as possible. That's it.

"The second face, do n’t think about it. My shadow-sharing palace has always lived in the dark, and the middle world knows that we have almost nothing, and no one will laugh at us. Right now, we will fix the shadow-shaking palace first. It is first and foremost to rectify people ’s hearts. Do n’t let the people of Yingsha Palace lose confidence in Yingsha Palace. "

At this moment, there is a huge crack on the Shadow Shark Palace. The walls around the palace were shaken a lot. The first task of the Shadow Shark Palace is to repair the palace, and then stabilize the people. Do n’t let everyone keep In a state of restlessness.


As the two main palace leaders spoke, the light flashed, and the figure of an old man suddenly appeared in front of the two, arching hands respectfully at them.

"I have checked it, Lord of the Palace, and the loss of Shadowshade Palace is not low. Except for the eldest son, the second son, and the third lady, the top ten elders, only one of me is left at this moment, as for the others At this moment, all of them can no longer be contacted. It is conservatively estimated that the elders in Dongtianjing who lost this time are afraid that they will be around thirty people. "

The elder of Shadowshake's face also had a strong unacceptable color. He had watched Luo Ning see the three people in Luochuan before, but he did not expect that this is the first time he met him. Shadowshade brought such a change.

Of course, the responsibility is obviously not with him. Even the palace master Luo Chuan was deceived. What can he see as an elder in Dongtianjing?

"What? About thirty people? And the top ten elders are almost wiped out? How is this possible?"

After hearing the report of the elder Ying Yi, the faces of the two palace masters have changed and changed. Obviously, it is difficult to accept this fact. The **** crystal is lost, so many powerful people are lost. This is simply unacceptable!

"Ah, strange shame and shame, really shame and shame. How can I stand in the future!"

With a sigh, Luo Chuan, Lord of the Shadow Palace, felt depressed from the bottom of his heart. The two betrayed sons and one daughter, who betrayed him the most, turned out to be frank, this fact is like dreaming.

"Elder, tell everyone that the invaders have been killed by me and the palace master, and everyone will immediately join in the repair of the Shadow Palace, and strive to restore the Shadow Palace as soon as possible."

Vice-President Luo Bei could understand Luochuan's mood, shook his head, and made an order in front of the elder shadow.

"I'll do it now."

The elder shadow did not hesitate at all, and bent over to the two main palace masters, and then disappeared between flashes. The two main palace masters at the moment were gunpowder barrels, and of course he didn't want to stay with the two at this time.

"Hey, brother, don't even think about it, first repair the Shakespeare Palace, and then secretly search for the whereabouts of Luo Ning in the senders. If they want to come, they should have their own hardships!"

Luobei knows what Luochuan really hurts, and the loss of Shenjing is naturally unpleasant, but the betrayal of his two sons and a baby daughter is what really makes Luochuan sad. Let ’s ask, What could be more depressing than betrayal?

"If I can really find the three of them, no matter what the reason, I will kill them all and clean up the portal !!"

He bit his teeth bitterly, and Luochuan's eyes were filled with coldness. At this moment, he was obviously not joking. If he finds the three of Luoning, then even if they don't kill them, at least, he will let the three of them taste the Luo family's methods.

"Okay, let's talk when we find someone!"

Vice-President Luo Bei waved his hand, but did not want to entangle too much on this issue. Speaking of them, although the three of them were betrayed, there must be a reason for them. They must be killed to clean up the portal. Obviously it's too serious. Of course, if Luochuan insisted on beheading the three, he would have no opinion at all.

Shaking his head, Luo Bei no longer hesitated. Between the movements, he reached the top of the Shadow Shag Palace and began to slowly repair the cracks in the palace.

When I met Luo Bei and started to be busy, Luo Chuan no longer thought about it. After a long sigh, he was added to the task of repairing Yingsha Palace. In any case, fix your old nest first, and don't let the face project fall.

I have worked hard to reach the middle world from the world of arrogance, and now I have lost the crystal, the future of the Shadow Palace is really gloomy, how the future Shadow Palace will develop, I am afraid it has become an unknown ... ...

At the same time, in one of the provinces of the Qiangguang Realm, in a very lively restaurant, a young man was mingling among the crowd. You were enjoying the wine of the Qiangguang Realm, but the mood was with the Shadow Shark Everyone is very different.

If this is a very bad day for the people of the Shadow Shag Palace, this day is definitely the most exciting and joyful day for Yuan Feng, because on this day, he did n’t even Fei Binghui took the fourth **** crystal in his hands. From now on, he has as many as four **** crystals. As long as he gets the fifth one, everything will be completely different. Already.

One glass after the other, one after another, Yuan Feng did not contact the people in Dongtian World for the first time, and even her mother stayed in the Qingwu Palace for a while, completely disappeared, and would not let anyone sense it. Here.

"Well, it's really a pleasant action, Shadow Shaker, but is it so!"

While drinking, Yuan Feng can't help but think about what happened on this day. It can be said that the experience of this day is really not too exciting compared with what he has experienced along the way, but The gains of this day are truly gratifying.

The only thing that surprised him was that the Lord of the Shakespeare Palace was so easy to be fooled. If the other party did not deliver the **** crystal to Luo Ning's hands, then he wanted to grab the **** crystal. The difficulty is unknown. How big is it. However, the other party was quick and successful, and turned Shen Jing into Luo Ning's hands. This was absolutely beyond his expectation.

Speaking of which, it is only his most basic plan to make Lonin find a way to deceive the other god's crystal, and in the back, he has many plans to carry out. It is a pity that Luochuan, the host of the Shadow Palace, did not give him the opportunity to perform.

The Xuanzhen Giant is inside, and his mother is holding the Chixiao sword outside, one inside and one outside, and the inside and outside should be closed, and then the thousands of caves in the Heaven Realm will be disrupted by this war. This action is simply perfect.

When Shenjing got their hands, they walked away directly. After reaching the gathering place of human warriors, everyone returned to Qingwu Palace, and Yuan Feng put Qingwu Palace into his cave world. In this way, it is impossible at all. Some people found traces of Jiang Qingwu and the Xuanzhen Giants.

You know, Yuan Feng perceives that he is an ordinary person with a great annihilation. In order to make himself less visible, he even put Xiao Ba in the Qingwu Palace, so no one will find him strange.

"Stabilize for the time being, and when the Shadow Shark has ceased, I will find a safe place to settle down, and then let the four **** crystals meet. At that time, maybe I can determine the position of the fifth **** crystal. Come down, and then start looking for the fifth **** crystal, and accomplish that so-called god's realm. "

Anyway, the fourth **** crystal is already in hand. He doesn't need to be too anxious. After he has completely stabilized and made sure that there is no trouble, it is not too late for him to study the fourth **** crystal. As of now, he Just drink happily.

ps: Nothing broke yesterday? Terrible! !! !!

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