The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1250: Destiny (four more)

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The entire top floor area of ​​Shadowshade Palace was filled with an energy storm at this time. Hundreds of thousands of caves in the realm of Warcraft exploded collectively. No matter how solid the space is, it will be blown up and the space will be shattered. A lot of cracks appeared in the entire Shadow Shades Palace.

The self-detonation of Dongtianjingqiang is not just a joke, but thousands of Dongtianjing powerfuls detonate together, it is not even everyone who has the opportunity to see. However, no matter who wants to see this kind of scene, anyway, the two palace masters of Shadowshade Palace are really not willing to see such a bad situation at this moment.

Continuous explosions continued to spread from the interior of the Shadow Fiend Palace, but some Warcrafts that had not yet had time to explode, were blasted into the scattered spaces by the energy wave of the Big Bang, and then continued to explode.

These thousands of World of Warcraft don't have any autonomous consciousness. They have been ordered to explode, so they will try their best to explode anyway, unless they are killed and lose their ability to explode.

In the top space of Shadowshake Palace, there are not too many people here. Only the shadowy stronghouses with few masters are scattered everywhere, but not many are affected. By the time the explosion was completed, the people in the caves in the independent space flew away from their own space and came out to watch.

"His, what's going on? How could there be such a strong explosion all of a sudden? It even opened the palace's ceiling?"

"So horrible. This is how many people in the heavenly realm can explode in order to cause this size of killing. It's too scary, it's too scary. It seems that the Shadow Shark is in trouble!"

"Everyone be alert and ready to fight!"

One by one, the elders of Shadowshade Palace rushed out, but unfortunately, they stayed underneath before and didn't know what was happening at the top.

"Boom !!! Hey !!!"

Almost everyone was shocked, but for a while I didn't know what was good, a bang, suddenly rang out from the bursting energy group, and as the roar spread, a huge explosion energy group, directly It was divided into two from the middle, and the two masters of the Shadow Shag Palace flashed out of them.

At this moment, the two main palace masters were a little bit embarrassed. Obviously, just after being caught off guard, they were also detonated by the collective self-detonation of thousands of Warcraft. Although they did not receive too much injury, they were also experiencing blood turbulence. Time simply cannot move easily.

"Is it the palace lord and deputy lord? Hiss, even the lord and deputy lord are counted? This ..."

Seeing the two main palace masters rushing out of the energy group, the elders of Shadowshade Palace were shocked. Then they realized that the explosion of Yuan Feng had been directed at these two.

"Ah !!! I am so angry, so am I!"

As soon as he emerged from the explosion, Lord Luochuan of the Shadow-Shaking Palace roared angrily. All changes came too fast and too fast. First, he was deceived by his son, and then a powerful giant appeared. Then he found out that the enemy was still responding outside.

Obviously, from the beginning, the opponent made everything count seamlessly, but it was ridiculous that he and Luo Bei thought that bad things could be changed into good things, and they made a fortune.

"It's gone, the Big Mac is gone !!!"

At the same time, the vice-lord Luo Bei looked ugly at this time, and his heart was cold. They shot together with two great formidable realms, and even let a giant that is obviously not their opponent escape, which is simply a great shame. Moreover, on the body of the giant, there is the most precious **** crystal of his Shadow Shark.

"Brother, we chase after each other, we must catch him."

The **** crystal must not be lost, otherwise, all the previous efforts of the Shadow Shark Palace would be a busy one, and those who died in the Shadow Sha Palace because of the God Crystal would all die in vain.

"Chasing, be sure to chase him back !!!"

Hearing Luo Bei's reminder, Luo Chuan also returned to God suddenly, without saying a word, it was with the other party, the inner space of Yingsha Palace was swept out of the flash, and came to the sky above Yingsha Palace.

Originally, the entire Shadow Fiend Palace was buried underground, but at this moment, I do n’t know how thick the ground is above, but at this moment, a huge gully appeared in front of me. Obviously, the previous one was broken. The sword awn that opened the Shadow-Sharing Palace turned out to be cut off from the top. After breaking through the thick ground, the Shadow-Sharing Palace was finally torn.

"His ... good swordman !!! ''

The thought of the Jianjian just now had such terrible power, the two main palace owners couldn't help looking at each other, and they saw a deep horror from each other's eyes.

"Never mind, chase them apart and find the target to send a message."

The time is urgent, and the strength of the other party is extremely strong. I am afraid that they will run away at this moment, so they must hurry up and catch up. As for catching up, that's not what they have to consider now.

"Brush !!!" Glancing at each other, the two were silent, each person was responsible for a direction, and flew away relatively directly.

Their speed is extremely fast, and the range that their minds can cover is also very wide. In this way, they really don't really find it difficult to find someone.

It's a pity that the target they are looking for is the same powerful person who created the realm. Moreover, the other person definitely has their unimaginable means, just like that giant can completely hide from an ordinary person. In the bodies of people in the cave, in that case, they may expand their search targets.

The two powerful men worked tirelessly to find them. Soon, they were out of the ice and snow of the Shadow Shag Palace and came to the provinces of Qianguang Realm.

According to their agreement with the Yunguang Sect of the Qianguang Realm, they are not allowed to enter the major provinces of the Qianguang Realm to develop or pick up issues, but the situation is urgent at this time, and they simply do not care about these as long as they think that there may be targets They have to search all over the place, even if everyone in the cave world of Qianguang Realm, if they can search, they will not miss it.

The efficiency of the two strong players is extremely fast. However, no matter how fast the efficiency is, they have not achieved the desired results, and it is almost just before they enter the major provinces of the Qianguang Realm that they are all in front of them. A person.

"Om !!!!!!"

Lord Luochuan of the Shadow Palace just passed two prefectures, and just as he was about to enter the third prefecture, the entire space was slightly shaken opposite him, and then, a white robe It seems that the old man with a fairy bone was in front of him.

"Oh, what is your Excellency doing? If your husband has read it correctly, it seems that your Excellency has already entered an area that should not be set foot on?"

The old man's figure landed on the opposite side of Luochuan, directly blocking the opponent's way, and then smiled and said.

"Well? Yunxi Sect lord Jiang Boyo?"

Luochuan's body is slightly stagnant, but he can no longer continue to move forward, because the old man who suddenly emerged was not someone else. It was the strongest local force in the Qianguang realm. It is also a superpower of good fortune.

"It's the old man."

Yunxi Sovereign Jiang Boyo still has a smile on his face. It seems that he should be a kind person, but his energy fluctuates, but it is difficult to treat him as a kind ordinary person. Treat the old.

The Yunxi sect of Qianguang Realm is not only the most famous force in the Qianguang realm. In fact, even in several large worlds adjacent to the Qianguang realm, you know the Yunxi sect and the Jiangxi ancestor Jiang Bo. The name of the covenant.

At that time, the Yunxi Sect had agreed with the Yingsha Palace. The Yingsha Palace can develop at the intersection of the major prefectures, but it must not invade the major prefectures. Otherwise, the Yunxi Sect will never sit idly by.

At this moment, the people in the Shadow Shark Palace are clearly out of bounds. At this moment, if the people in Yunxi Sect don't stand up and say something, then they can't really speak it!

"Jiang Boyo, I don't want to talk to you now, please give way, as soon as I find the person I am looking for, I will leave immediately."

Luochuan is in a state of anxiety at this moment. Where can I talk to the other person? If I delay it for a while, I am afraid there is nowhere to look for messy people.

"Hehe, rules are rules. The old man doesn't care what you do. If I don't follow the rules, then I won't agree."

However, as for Luo Chuan's words, the opposite Yunxi ancestor Jiang Boyo shook his head and did not mean to give way. He doesn't care what the other party wants to do, as long as it is out of bounds, it will absolutely not work.


Looking cold, Luo Chuan really wanted to turn his face with the other side, but at the moment when his anger surged, he still gritted his teeth fiercely and let the angry pressure under his heart go down.

In front of Jiang Boyo, his strength is definitely not weaker than him. If he really fights, he may not be able to win. Moreover, Jiang Boyo was definitely not the one who stole the **** crystal, because the other party didn't say it was a **** crystal, and they didn't even know where the Shadow Shark originated.

"Hey, that's it, that's the end of it, I'm afraid that no matter how you look for it, it's absolutely impossible to find out the perpetrator!"

The anger finally turned into a long sigh. At this moment, Luochuan, the master of Shadowshake Palace, suddenly made a fate.

The situation is here, it is really impossible for him to find out the person who calculated him, because the other party is obviously not a person's action, at least, that is also a strong person of two good fortunes, and also a good fortune of a hand-held weapon Even if you find it, you may not be able to please it.

"Hum, there will be a period !!!"

Having figured this out, Luo Chuan no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he returned to the same way. Since there is no hope, why should he continue to cling?

"Uh, this ..."

Seeing that Luochuan disappeared, Yunxi Sovereign, who originally thought that he would fight a lot, at least had to spend a lot of time on his lips, could not help but look stagnant, and the whole person was there.

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