The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1240: Gongcheng (second more)

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Luo Yingyue's shadowless magic is indeed the full version of the shadow magic palace, but her shadowless magic is obviously not home, at least, she If you want to hide, deceive the strong man who has successfully completed the cave, it is very reluctant.

However, although Luo Xueyue's practice of the shadowless magic skill is a little bit worse, she has seen the complete shadowless magic skill many times, and for each change of the shadowless magic skill, every detail, She was almost in her mind, but at this moment, all of them could be transferred to Yuan Feng's knowledge of the sea.

Moreover, she does not need to hand over the complete shadowless magic to Yuan Feng, as long as she can inform the general situation of shadowless magic, Yuan Feng also has the ability to complete the magic by relying on swallowing the martial arts. of.

In today's realm, Yuan Feng ’s devouring martial arts spirits have long since gone up, and this ability to make up for martial arts is something that most people ca n’t even imagine. Although God-level martial arts are rare and powerful, in the presence of swallowing martial spirits, these are nothing at all!

Luo Xueyue taught Yuan Feng the full amount of Wuying Divine Power under her control without any reservation. In the middle, she also watched the complete version of Luosin, but also checked for flaws and helped Yuan Feng perfect the details. In this way, after merging the two people's narratives, Yuan Feng's difficulty in completing the shadowless magic is obviously much smaller.

In this way, with the help of Luo Xueyue and Luo Xin, Yuan Feng tidy up for another month by himself, and finally restored all the magic of Wuying.

Wuying Divine Power is divided into two levels. If the first level is practiced, then you can make yourself invisible and completely hidden in the space. This hiding is not hiding, but it is clearly nearby, but No one can see.

Luo Xueyue is the first level of cultivation, but her level is too much worse. Now, even if she is a cave heavenly person, she can almost do it when she takes precautions seriously. Find out where she is. Of course, at the same level, no one can find her.

Although the first level of shadowless magic is also very strong, there are still some flaws in this level of magic, and it can be said to be a fatal flaw. That is, after practicing the first level of magic, you cannot do it casually. Large movements, because once the movement is too large, then it will drive energy fluctuations, and there is naturally a danger of exposure.

However, such defects were perfectly solved by the second-level shadowless magic. Once you have completed the second level of shadowless magic, you can not only make yourself completely unnoticed, but also truly integrate with the space. Then you will be part of the air, no matter how you move it. No one can sense it.

It is a pity that the first level of shadowless magic is already very difficult. As for the second level of shadowless magic, even the entire Shadow Shark Palace has not been able to practice so far.

It is said that the Lord of the Shakespeare Palace came into contact with the true meaning of the second level. Unfortunately, due to his limited cultivation, the shadowless magic of this second level has not made any substantial progress so far. However, relying solely on the first level of shadowless magic, few people in the same level dare to provoke him.

You know, even the first level of shadowless magic can hide it completely. If he hides next to a good creature, and waits for opportunity, the probability of a successful attack is obviously not too high. small.

After finishing the techniques of the two levels of Wuying Shengong, Yuan Feng began to cultivate without hesitation.

The first level of shadowless magic is obviously nothing to him. After all, with the existence of the blood curse magic, he can control the powers of Losin and Luo Xueyue as much as possible, which reduces a familiar process. , Reducing a lot of practice time.

It took almost five days for Yuan Feng to master the first level of shadowless magic, and when he performed the shadowless magic in front of everyone, whether it was Luo Xin and Luo Xueyue, or the other four The elders of Yingsha Palace were all shaken by Yuan Feng's performance.

"This ... how can there be such a thing? In five days, the first level of Wuying magic has been practiced? Master Xiao ... it's too abnormal!"

"Five days into a god-level martial art, has the young master become a god?"

"It's incredible, it's really incredible. No shadow magic, even the father has only practiced the first level of shadowless magic. How did he do it?"

The six people in the Shadow Shaker are the most shocking. They are really eye-opening today. When Yuan Feng's body disappeared, they tried everything, but they couldn't feel where Yuan Feng was. This is simply the pinnacle of the first layer of Wuying magical powers, and it is the terrifying realm they long for.

"Hahaha, okay, it is a god-level martial art. It can be magical. From now on, I will see who can find my hiding, hahaha!"

Yuan Feng's figure slowly emerged from the space again, and laughed loudly.

The first-level realm of Wuying magical powers has now become fully integrated. Not to mention, the effect of this elementary martial art is really not covered. With the effect of this martial art, supplemented by his devastating martial spirit, he believes that even if he is standing next to a powerful creature, as long as he is motionless, he will never let the other party find out.

"The young master is mighty, and in five days he has developed martial arts skills. The young master is truly a genius."

Luo Xin stood up at this time in a timely manner and slaps at Yuan Feng. Of course, this is not a hypocrisy. Yuan Feng has developed the magic of shadowlessness in five days. This is indeed a miracle in his opinion, and he is really a shock from the heart.

"Ha ha ha, this little thing is nothing at all, wait for me to complete the second level of Shadowless God, you can worship me again, hey!"

He waved his hands, Yuan Feng didn't feel how great he was. For him, the advanced martial arts of the **** order can be practiced at the time of the Dan Kingdom. Advanced elementary martial arts, isn't it right?

"What? The young master still needs to practice the shadowless magic of the second level?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Luo Xin and Luo Xueyue were both in a look of expression, and they thought that Yuan Feng had already completed the first level of Shadowless God, and it was quite enough, but Yuan Feng even wanted to Practice the shadowless magic of the second level. You know, even their father hasn't practiced the second level of magic now!

"The first level of shadowless magic is too restrictive. It is impossible to always stand still when playing against people, so be sure to practice the second level of shadowless magic. You continue to wait for me to wait. After the second level of magic has been completed, we will study the next actions together. "

Yuan Feng was too lazy to talk to these people, and he casually commanded that he was immediately immersed in the second-level cultivation of Wuying magic.

The shadowless magic at the second level is bound to be much more difficult than the first level. Otherwise, it would not be possible to cultivate such a figure as the Lord of the Shadow Emperor Palace. Although Yuan Feng is strong, but also It must be planned slowly, and it is impossible to say that training is achieved.

The six people in the Shadow Shark Palace did not dare to disturb Yuan Feng, but stood there honestly, watching Yuan Feng practicing his magic. I have to say that this is also an opportunity for them to learn, because while practicing the magic, Yuan Feng can pass on his simple understanding of the shadowless magic to him through the blood curse and help them invisible The improvement of the understanding of the shadowless magic, whether it is the full version or the simplified version, is an unimaginable improvement.

Yuan Feng naturally didn't care about the situation of these people. After deciding to practice the shadowless magic of the second level, he put all his energy into the cultivation of the magic, and as he began to cultivate the second level Wuying's magical power, the power of this magical power, began to slowly reveal to him.

The second-level realm of Wuying magical power is almost to turn himself into a mass of air, making himself invisible and phaseless, becoming a part of space.

This is actually an inconceivable situation. A living person can turn himself into a nothingness. This kind of magic skill is completely worthy of the name of god-level martial art.

If the first level of shadowless magic is the elementary martial arts skill, then this second level of shadowless magic can not be measured with the elementary martial arts skill, although it is a different part of the same martial art, but Yuan Feng believes that this shadowless magic skill at the second level is at least intermediate-level martial art, and may even be higher.

Judging from his understanding of the second-level shadowless magic, once he can practice the second-level magic, at least he is already invincible, even if he is facing a much stronger opponent than himself. You can definitely walk away calmly.

However, it is precisely because of this, that you can imagine the difficulty of practicing the second-level shadowless god.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng immerses himself completely in the practice. In a blink of an eye, one month quietly slips away, and in one month, Yuan Feng's body always disappears in place and disappears again. Appears, but has not moved too much, which means that the shadowless magic of the second level, he still has not made much progress.

Of course, this situation is completely normal. The second-level practice of Wuying magic is not easy, and even the master of the Shadow Shag Palace who has been immersed for many years has made no progress. If Yuan Feng was easily trained, It's not that good looking either.

However, this situation did not last longer, almost not long after this month, and the scene that shocked the six members of the Shadow Shark Palace again.

One day, Yuan Feng's body disappeared from the place again, but when he appeared again, it was already a few meters away, and when he appeared again, his face was already hanging. A smile of joy.

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