The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1239: No shadow magic (one more)

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The six people who conquered the Shadow-Sharing Palace, especially Luo Xin and Luo Xueyue, Yuan Feng has already completely knocked on the door of the Shadow-Sharing Palace, and in the next time, he can start to act and find a way to get from Shadow-Sharing Palace. There, I achieved my purpose.

In the space of Xuan Zhen, the six shadow-shaking men stood there honestly. The original Luo Xueyue was a bit stubborn, but at the moment it was more obedient than the others. No way, after being defeated by Yuan Feng, her spirit has no resistance to Yuan Feng. What Yuan Feng asked her to do, what she is going to do now!

"Loxin, tell me all about what you know. First of all, what is the current strength of Yingsha Palace? How many powerful players are there?"

With the high-level members of Yingsha Palace in hand, Yuan Feng obviously can understand the general situation of Yingsha Palace. The others are not very concerned about it, but at least, he must also figure out how many The talent line of creating the realm.

"Young Master, when the Shadow Shag Palace came to this place from no real world, there were many Shadow Shag strongmen who died in the middle, and the only people who survived the creation are only the father and the other two. As early as a few years ago, the veteran Xinyang, one of the two formidable realms, had already become a founder. Now, the Shadow Shag Palace has only his father and another deputy. "

Regarding Yuan Feng's problem, Luo Xin did not dare to conceal it in the slightest. As the second son of Yingsha Palace, the events of Yingsha Palace, of course, he couldn't possibly not know.

He may not be clear about the specific power of the Shadow Fiend Palace, but it is impossible to make a mistake about the number of powerful creatures.

"Two strong fortunes? Fortunately, it's okay. There aren't many of them, and it's still acceptable." Hearing the explanation from the other side, Yuan Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and eased gently. Tone.

Previously, he and his mother were guessing the number of strong actors in the Shadowcraft Palace, two or three. This is the number guessed by Jiang Qingwu, but now it is determined that there are only two. Of course, his heart must be relaxed. Some more.

"In addition to the two powerful creatures, the Shadow Palace has many cave elders. In addition to the six elders lurking in Jialan House, there are one shadow elder in addition to the four here. It was mixed in Jialan Mansion, and the elders of Yingsan stayed in the temporary mansion. Later, the subordinates would call them both, so that they would be loyal to the young master. "

He had taken people to stay outside of Garam House long ago. The six elders, plus him and Luo Xueyue, frankly said that the power of the Shadow Shark Palace outside Garam House was already luxurious.

It is only a pity that, for so many years, there have been very few strong men in Jialan House. This time, it was difficult to gain something. Unfortunately, it was a trap that trapped them all.

"Oh? There is still a trail in Jialan House? I didn't even find it? Great, amazing !!"

Hearing Luo Xin's words, Yuan Feng could not help but stare a little, and could not help feeling a little surprised. He can understand that Yingsha Palace has a stronghold outside Jialan Mansion, but he really didn't find it. In Jialan Mansion, there is even a strong hole in the shadow of Heaven Palace, which is beyond my imagination. thing.

Originally, he thought that those hiding in Jialan House should be some martial arts who did not reach the cave heaven, and the cave heaven people should be outside. It now appears that he clearly underestimated the hiding power of those in the Shadow Shark Palace.

"Luo Xin, your Shadow-Sharing Palace is famous for its concealment methods. Tell us about the hidden techniques you cultivate. As the son of the Lord of Shadow-Shaking Palace, you should not be able to cultivate such skills."

The Shadow Shark Palace is famous for hiding assassinations. You can think of it with your toes. The strong man in the Shadow Shark Palace must have practiced a strong hidden kung fu, but I do n’t know what kind of martial arts can make the Shadow Shark Palace People have such unimaginable abilities.

"The young master is wise, and the young master is not concealed. The Shadow Emperor Palace does have a strong concealed martial arts." Hearing Yuan Feng's question, Luo Xin first complimented him, and then continued, "In Ying Sha Inside the palace, there are two martial arts about convergence and concealment. However, these two martial arts are actually equivalent to one, because one of them is changed according to the other, almost another. A simplified version of martial arts. "

The hiding method of Yingsha Palace can be said to be the biggest secret of the entire Yingsha Palace. However, Yuan Feng wants to know these things, and Luo Xin naturally wants to make it clear.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" When Luo Xin's voice dropped, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Two martial arts, one is the original version, the other is a simplified version. From these circumstances, the original martial arts should be very strong and strong.

"Shaozhu Mingjian, my strongest martial arts skill of Shadow Shag Palace is the shadowless magic skill. This martial art has always been controlled by my father. Only the true high-level of Shadow Shadow Palace and our son-in-law's children are eligible to watch. But unfortunately, this complete shadowless power is too esoteric. In addition to my father and big brother, the three sisters also practiced the skin of this complete version of shadowless power. As for the others, they are all trained A simplified version of Shadow Power. "

Speaking of which, Losin's eyes can't help flashing a bit of unwillingness, he is actually not much worse than his elder brother, but for this shadowless magic, his elder brother has trained the first layer, but he It was not even the fur that was trained. This was an unspeakable pain in his heart.

"No shadow magic? Eh, is it a god-level martial art?"

When Luo Xin's voice fell, Yuan Feng suddenly felt in shock this time, completely in spirit.

He has touched more than one word about the magical power, like the mirror magical power he originally cultivated, and the blood curse magical power he has previously cultivated. These so-called magical powers are all god-level martial arts, and now I hear The four words of Wuying Shengong naturally made him think of martial arts of the **** order.

"Yes, it's a junior martial art."

For Yuan Feng's doubt, Luo Xin immediately gave an answer, and it was an abnormally affirmative answer.

No shadow magic, this is a low-level martial arts skill. The entire Shadow Shark Palace can be said to have grown up because of this god-level elementary martial arts. However, most people in Shadow Shadow Palace practice it. It is just a simplified shadowless magic, not a true shadowless magic.

"It's really a martial arts skill !!" After being determined by Luo Xin, Yuan Feng was immediately interested in the so-called shadowless magic.

Divine order martial arts, nothing of that level will be of no interest, especially he, who has swallowed up martial spirits, divine order martial arts is almost at hand, if you can get a divine order hidden martial arts, then for For him, there are definitely unimaginable benefits.

"Blood Moon !!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng didn't want to think about it, but suddenly drove out of the channel to Luo Xueyue.

"Small master !!!" Hearing Yuan Feng called to himself, Luo Xueyue hurried forward, and bowed respectfully to Yuan Feng. Although his expression was still cold, he could not hide his obedience.

"Relax your mind and work without shadow magic."

When Luo Xueyue stood up, Yuan Feng said nothing, but directly instructed the other party to relax his mind and run this shadowless magic.

Now he has practiced the third level of the blood curse magic skill. With this level of realm, he can freely control the skills of each of his subordinates, as long as his subordinates can, then he can directly If you use it, you can save even the cultivation process.

"Observe!" Luo Xueyue was very obedient. When Yuan Feng ordered her to exit, she made some adjustments and immediately started to work the shadowless magic she had cultivated.

"Brush !!!" When the magical power started to run, her whole body's breath seemed to disappear all of a sudden, if she closed her eyes at this moment, she would definitely not feel her presence.

"Eh? So powerful martial arts, it suddenly hides the breath? And there is no leak?"

When Luo Xueyue started to work without shadow magic, Yuan Feng was even more surprised. He really did not expect that this magic of hidden breath and body shape was so arrogant.

"Om !!!"

Just when Yuan Feng was in doubt, Luo Xueyue's body suddenly had a special energy that escaped, wrapping her all up, and when she was wrapped by this energy, Yuan Feng was shocked to find out The other person's body disappeared directly in front of him, no matter how he looked, he could not see the other person's body.

"Surely there is such a powerful method of hiding? Great, amazing !!!"

After looking at it for a long time, he could not find the shape of Luo Xueyue. Yuan Feng released his mind again and looked around carefully. Then he felt the existence of the other person in the space on the side. In this regard, he simply The Ministry of Shadowless Power is satisfied.

The fact that he can find Luo Xueyue's place can only show that the other party can't work at home, but in fact, if the other party can become more proficient in this magic skill, even if he is, he may not be able to feel the other party's place.

This is not hiding in a different dimension, but using special energy to completely hide himself, neither seeing nor sensing. This ability is simply the ultimate skill of an assassin.

"Practice, we must practice this shadowless magic skill. If I can practice this magic skill, even if it is a powerful creature, I am afraid that I may not be able to find my existence. By then, I will hide from the shaman. Take a shot? "

After licking his lips, Yuan Feng has decided that he must train this divine skill before acting on the Shadow-Sharing Palace, and then use the skills of this Shadow-Sharing Palace to deal with the people of the Shadow-Shaking Palace.

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