The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1154: All are crazy (three)

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For Hong Haitian, the owner of the Star Palace, and Samsung Pride, this day is really a terrible day. For so long, this is the first time that the Star Palace has been opened up by a gap and invaded by so many strangers. Come in.

Hundreds of holes in the heavenly realm, plus thousands of powerful Warcraft, are almost a breath of work. The entire Star House is filled with warriors and Warcraft.

The internal space of you in the Star Palace is very large, but even the largest internal space, when hundreds of holes in the Heaven Realm and thousands of powerful Warcrafts come in, they suddenly become crowded.

Moreover, at the top of the Star Palace at this moment, there are still more Warcrafts descending from the top. Although some of the powers of Warcraft have not reached the realm of the cave heaven, the worst is also the completion of the annihilation. These Warcraft After the kill came in, it was frantically destroying all the spaces in the Star Palace, completely like a crazy look.

"This ... what's going on? The powerhouses of the French Realm and the powerhouses of the Moro Realm appear in the Star Palace together, and there are so many Warcrafts? What is going on?"

All the powerful men in the horoscope were at a loss for the moment. The sight in front of them really made them wonder what was going on. The betrayal of their own people has made them tired of coping, and this time, there have been hundreds of strong people in the French Realm and the Moro Realm, and brought thousands of powerful Warcraft. At this moment, they seem like Seeing the end of the horoscope.

Not only are these cavemen who are strong in horror realm horrified, but even the two principals in the sky star house are also horrified at this moment, they are all unable to return.

"Lord Omiya ..."

At the moment, the leader of Samsung is arrogant, and at this moment, he dare not easily order it. Instead, he completely handed over the decision to Hong Haitian. No way, judging from the current situation, it looks like this is really a big crisis in the Star Palace. Maybe the super-strength of the Moro Realm at this moment, or even the remnants of the Heavenly Refined Magic Palace, have joined the French Realm. The strong, began the road to revenge.

After they came to the French Realm, they secretly killed the indigenous strongmen of the French Realm. I am afraid that the main characters of the government may not know it. They just dare to be angry and dare not speak. If there were really strong men from the Mora realm coming over, the people in the French realm would be facing, which is really not very easy to say.

In addition, the former Tianlian Demon Palace flew away on its own, and it is obvious that the evils of Tianlian Demon Palace are under control. So, this time, it is entirely possible that this action is the joint action of these three strong men.

"All the people in the star house obey, kill me !!!"

Hong Haitian's face was cloudy and cloudy, and there was almost a moment of silence. He suddenly spoke loudly and issued a command to fight back. At this moment, no matter how many forces oppose the Star Palace, they must respond.

"Kill !!!" When he heard Hong Haitian's order, the few remaining celestial powerhouses in the starry sky palace instantly killed the invaders.

Today's situation has developed to the present, and they have nothing to consider. Over the years, the Star Palace has done a lot of wrong things. For such a day, they seem to have a faint hunch.

Only thirty or so cave strong men have suddenly killed hundreds of cave and strong men, and thousands of Warcraft troops. Obviously, such power is absolutely insignificant, even among these thirty people. There are strong people in Dongtian Realm Qizhongtian, Yazhongtian and even Jiuzhengtian, but in front of so many invaders, there are still some not so good.

Hong Haitian and Pride did not move easily, and their injuries did not recover much. At the moment, they must always be alert to the opponent's super strong shots, and naturally they cannot participate in the battles of the following people.

In their thinking, to be able to control so many Dongtianjing powerful people, of course, only the characters who make the realm can do it. Except for the people who make the realm, even if they are the great perfectionists, they can never have this ability.

Since the killings came from the joint forces of all parties, the principals of the two celestial palaces did not notify the owners of the thirty-six provinces of the French Realm, because in their view, the French Realm has defected The Star Palace is here. If you ask the owner of the 36th House for help at this moment, I am afraid that it is not the rescue that is waiting, but the 36th House ’s leader is attacking more fiercely.

The two strong men are waiting for each other, but their minds have completely spread out, sensing the breath and energy fluctuations of those who create the realm, and the mood is indescribable.

In their hearts, this time, there must be the participation of the non-phase demon ancestors of the Moro Realm, otherwise, the people of the Moro Realm will never run into the Astral Palace.

The two waited quietly for the shot of the super strong, but unfortunately, the other side seemed to be so calm that he did not intend to take a shot. During this period, they were one of the few Dongtianjing subordinates. At this moment, there are more injuries. In addition to some characters in Dongtianjing, even if they are strong in Dongtianjing, there is no way they can stand in such a terrible torrent.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Countless quasi-holes of World of Warcraft are madly destroying the space barriers of the Star Palace, and as long as the strong person in the Star Palace approaches, they will explode for the first time. Although their self-destructive power is not as horrifying as the powerful Heavenly Realm, how can it be said that the self-detonation of Dongtian Power is a self-destructive one. A Warcraft self-destructive can at least destroy more than a dozen independent spaces around.

"Kill, kill, **** invaders, let me die !!!"

A celestial celestial celestial celestial powerhouse in the sky of the celestial palace, holding a golden long sword, no one can beat him wherever he goes, but, just as he was constantly smashing, one by one, Warcraft was facing each other. He pounced on it and exploded without hesitation. The huge explosive energy blasted him into a panic.

"Tian Yixing, I'm here to help you." Just as the seventh-day strongman of the cave heaven struck and howled, a man in the cave heavenly kingdom of the starry sky suddenly approached him, and he stood there speaking On the side of the opponent, there is a look of fighting side by side.

"Luo He, go and help others, here I am ..." To this close Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian person, this Dongtianjing Seventh Heaven Tian Shixing obviously knew, so I did n’t think too much, that is Directly told the other party to help others. However, while his voice had not yet fallen, the latter approached without any trace. Then, a loud noise broke his eardrum, which was appalling. Energy, directly engulf him.

"Boom !!!" The explosion of Dongtianjing's Five-Strength Power is really amazing. In an instant, hundreds of independent spaces around it were blown up into a large space, while Dongtian aside The Seventh Heavenly Powerful was also shattered by this explosion of energy, and his hands, feet and limbs were out of the body.


Almost immediately after the explosion, a figure flashed back to the severely injured Dongtianjing Seventh Heavenly Power, and this time it appeared a Dongtianjing Three Heavenly Powerhouse, who was also from Star Palace. As soon as this guy appeared, he was exploded beside the broken Tian Yixing, without even a trace of hesitation.


The self-detonation of a caveman in the triple heavens is obviously to end up with Tian Yixing, but Tian Yixing, who has already been hit hard, has no time to breathe, but is destroyed by a new energy wave, and this time Even if he has such a strong power, he cannot resist this second wave of attacks.

"Kacha !!!!"

The explosion of energy ripples blasted Tian Yixing's body straight through the cracks. This time, the seventh heavenly powerhouse in Dongtian Realm has suffered a devastating blow.

"Oh!" It ’s a pity that the opponent ’s army did not leave him a way to live. The time spent talking, and more than a dozen quasi-holes of World of Warcraft, seemed to be attracted, and flung directly from the surroundings. Up, and then another round of violent bombardment directly blasted the strong man in this cave heavenly realm to the ashes.

A strong man in Dongtian Realm was so drowned by the opposing army, and such a scene was played out in more than one place. Everyone on the other side is obviously not afraid of death. As long as he encounters a person who is stronger than himself, he will almost never hesitate to choose the self-destructive method. At this point, even if he is a strong man with a great sky, Can't carry it at all.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The interior space of the Star Palace is indeed a lot, however, under the destruction of hundreds of cave heavenly powerhouses and countless Warcrafts, especially the self-detonation of Warcraft and cavernous worldly powerhouses, it soon destroyed countless Space, and the few remaining star powerhouses, the number is also decreasing sharply.

"Okay, ruthless, what kind of medicine these guys have been taken, how can they explode without hesitation !!"

While guarding against the emergence of the other strong man, Hong Haitian and Ao Zhan also observed the situation of the Star Palace, watching each and every cave heavenly strongman to kill and destroy the strong man in the Star Palace in a self-exploding manner, even just pure destruction. The corners of his mouth twitched.

So far, they have never seen such a terrible enemy. Although the strength of the other party can't be compared with them, the other party said that they blew themselves up. In the face of such a lunatic, even the two of them can only temporarily Avoid the sharp.

There is no way, if it is one or two lunatics, but these hundreds of strong men are all madmen who are not afraid of death. As for those Warcrafts, it goes without saying.

Seeing the superstars in the Star Palace were piled up one by one, the internal space of the entire Star Palace was also sharply reduced. At this moment, Hong Haitian and Pride, both hearts fell to the bottom.

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