The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1153: Heaven Falling Soldiers (second more)

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Whether it's Omiya Hong Haitian, or Samsung Pride, there is no way to believe all of this.

In their mind exploration, the entire interior of the Star Palace has been cluttered up, one by one, and they are fighting like crazy, and many of them are fighting like crazy. It had already fallen. And the most terrible thing is, seeing that all the strong men in Dongtianjing joined the battle group, they did not know who was making trouble and who was the victim.

"This ... this ... why is this happening? Can anyone tell me how this can happen !!!"

Hong Haitian, the host of the Great Palace, was completely stunned. In the chaos of hundreds of caves, he could not tell who was right and who was wrong. At this moment, even if he wanted to prevent everyone from fighting, I don't know who to shoot against and who to shoot against.

Samsung ’s arrogance has also failed to return. God has operated the Star Palace for so many years. No matter when it is no delusion, or after it has come to the French Realm, there has never been such a thing as a betrayal of the Heavenly Realm. A large number of Dongtianjing powerfuls have betrayed at the same time, and the scenes before him are never even thought of.

"Omiya, I'm afraid the situation is a little bad."

His eyes narrowed for a moment. At this moment, the Samsung leader was proud and suddenly had a very bad hunch. Obviously, the sudden and chaotic battle of these cavemen is a very dangerous signal. It seems that the star house at the moment seems to be in big trouble.

"Stop it all for me, who dare not move again, kill without amnesty !!!"

Omiya Hong Haitian obviously also realized the seriousness of the problem. When his complexion changed, he suddenly issued a thunderous rage, and with his roar, the cavemen who were originally fighting , Almost stopped at the same time, no one shot at random.


Seeing that everyone stopped directly, Hong Haitian and Pride, who were just still skeptical, were suddenly more shocked. In their thoughts, with their intervention, those who have not betrayed will inevitably stop, and those who have already betrayed, of course, can no longer listen to them.

In this way, they can directly shoot and destroy the rebels. However, what they didn't expect was that even when their drinking stopped, even the rebels stopped, so that they still did not know which side was the rebel and which one was the rebel. Offensive.

"Brush brush !!!"

However, at the moment when the two powerful men were dismayed, there were no less than a dozen strong men among the people who had already stopped, but all of them suddenly moved and disappeared. When they reappeared, more than a dozen guys came together and just came to the center of their floor.


From anger to unbelievable, from unbelievable to misunderstanding, to the unknown now, so the two superpowers are a little overwhelmed. When they realize that there is a change, a dozen of them The strong man has completed the gathering and is obviously ready to shoot.

"Om !!!"

More than a dozen Dongtianjing strong people, the weakest is Dongtianjing Triple Sky, while the stronger one is already Dongtianjing Five Heaven. When these dozens of people came together, it was almost at the same time, everyone It seems that there is a very special wave of energy around his body. When this wave of energy spreads, the two big players, of course, immediately felt the seriousness of the problem.

"His ...... no, they're about to explode !!! ''

Almost for a moment, the two powerful men took a deep breath, and everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

For a long time, the strong men in the Star Palace have never exploded. Even though so many people have betrayed them, they still have not thought about the situation of exploding, and wait until they think of it, everything But it's all too late.


More than a dozen Dongtianjing powerfuls did not even have a trace of hesitation. They just burned their respective Dongtian powers, and they almost exploded at the same time.

"Om !!! Hey !!!"

More than a dozen holes in the heavenly realm blew up at the same time, and no one could imagine the spectacularness of that scene. Almost as many as ten people blew up, the entire astronomical palace shuddered, and then, These dozens of people are at the center, and the independent spaces one after another are like the melting of ice and snow, and they are all swallowed up by the ripples of energy of dozens of people.


The sudden self-detonation of more than a dozen people directly converged into a thick and huge beam of energy. The scary beam of energy did not spread too far, but it was swept mainly towards the sky. The great energy between speeches The beam of light has broken through numerous space barriers and reached the ceiling of the Star Palace.


The huge beam of energy is really too strong. After the beam of light came to the ceiling, the top of the refining palace and the tough palace barriers were like a white paper, directly broken by the huge beam of energy. Here comes a huge gap.

The celestial palace is very tough, but unfortunately, its toughness is much worse than that of the Tianlian magic palace. Under the shock of a dozen cave heavenly strongmen's self-detonation, the giant was ultimately unable to withstand the shock.

"This this………"

The two superpowers are like being immobilized, they can't do anything at all.

The rebellion is just fine, but at the moment, among the strong in the Star Palace, more than a dozen guys stood up and did not hesitate. They just blew themselves up. This scene really made them unacceptable.

Everyone knows that Dongtianjingqiang loves his life very much. If it is not necessary, no one will choose to explode in this extreme way. Obviously, these dozens of Dongtianjingqiang must be controlled by others, so they chose to explode without hesitation.

"Om !!!"

Almost when the two powerful men were shaken by the self-detonation of more than a dozen caves, the top of the Star Palace, in the hole just blown out, there was an extremely large wave of energy, but it was suddenly Passed into the Star Palace from above, and later, a scene that made Hong Haitian and Ao Zhan even more incredible appeared.

"Well !!!"

Among the huge holes, one by one, like raindrops falling from the sky, one after another descended from above. The cultivation of each figure seemed to be above the cave heaven. The time between speeches was four or five hundred. People have already descended into the astronomical palace from the hole above them, and everyone is talking directly in the entire astronomical palace without saying a word.

"Kill !!! Kill all the people in the celestial palace, and take revenge on the indigenous powerhouses in the realm of France and France."

"Kill, it is this star house that has caused the Moro Realm to suffer heavy losses. It is time for everyone to take revenge. Kill me these **** aliens."

Hundreds of Dongtianjing powerfuls came to the interior of the Star Palace, each of them was shouting and shouting loudly, but the content of each person's shouting and shouting was completely different. Among the noisy, these cave days The people in the realm have been scattered throughout the astronomical palace, and headless flies rushed in and out.

"Mo Luojie !!! There are people from Mo Luojie !!!"

Hong Haitian, the star of the Great Palace of the Stars, and Pride of the Samsung, this moment is almost a shrinking pupil, and his face is full of incredible looks.

Their shock today is more than all the shocks of the past combined. First, there was a mutiny in the interior of the Celestial Palace, and then a dozen people in the cave of the sky suddenly blew themselves up. Now it is better, even the strongest in the magic world appeared, almost the first time, they subconsciously thought, The sight in front of him must be the non-phase demon ancestors of the Mo Luo world, and brought the strong men of the Mo Luo world.

However, what made them unable to understand the situation was that the hundreds of caves in the heavenly sky that had suddenly entered the celestial palace were not only people from the magic world, but also people from the thirty-sixth house of the French phase, and almost That is half and half. In that case, it's almost like the two worlds have joined together, and they want to jointly shoot against the star house.

"Broken, I'm afraid it's the Aborigines of the French Realm, and the Aboriginals of the Moro Realm have joined together and started revenge on the Star Palace!"

What has been done in the Star Palace, no one knows better than Hong Haitian, the master of the palace, and Samsung, who have always been in a state of guilty conscience, and now they see the two powerful worlds join forces In the Star Palace, it is natural that they have such a speculation.


Almost at the same time that the two greats thought that the two worlds were united for revenge, a roar of Warcraft trembled their hearts again, and then, in the holes above their heads, one after the other The World of Warcraft, following those who are strong in the sky and sky, have descended from the sky.

The number of World of Warcraft is obviously much more than that of Dongtianjingqiang. It is almost a momentary effort. I am afraid that there are thousands of World of Warcraft, which have entered the huge star house.

"Dongtianjing World of Warcraft? Thousands of Dongtianjing World of Warcraft?"

At this moment, the two strong men almost stunned their chins. Hundreds of cave heavenly strongmen are already exaggerated, and now, there are thousands of cave heavenly warcraft, and at this moment, the star palace is almost full .

They can feel that each of these huge Warcrafts has the power of caves in their bodies. Although it seems that they have not yet reached the realm of caves, they are definitely similar.

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