The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1115: Gathering of the two palaces (four more)

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In the dreamlike unreal space, there is a blue sky everywhere. From time to time, a variety of colors of light will cut through the sky and form a rainbow, but it looks so gorgeous.

A huge palace stands quietly in the endless space, just like the Tiangong Xianyu suppressing the heavens and the world, it looks spectacular.

As a giant coming from a place of no delusion, the strength of the Star Palace is absolutely unparalleled. Although experiencing the fleeing of the boundless realm at the beginning, and after a war in the Moro Realm, the star house has now withered away, but even if there are few remaining strong people, they can also be in the world of the level of the French Realm. Dominate among them.

The huge astronomical palace has been standing in the starry sky for several years, and no one dares to spread wildly here. However, no one knows that in fact, the main reason for the home of the Star Palace is to take refuge here.

"Om !!!"

At a certain moment, in an area not too far away from the void where the Star Palace is located, a slight sound of spatial vibration suddenly came. With the sound of the sound, every strong person in the Star Palace burst out from the palace. When it came out, it was just outside of the Astrological Palace, looking at the direction of the space vibration.


Almost when the powerful men in the astronomical palace looked at the distance, a bang followed, and then a huge black shadow, together with hundreds of people, appeared directly in front of all the powerful astronomical palaces. .

"That is………"

"Look at it, it is the stars of my star house, and ... the stars of Samsung and the six stars, and ... hiss, the house of Omiya!"

"My strong set of celestial palaces manifest themselves, my dear, this ... what's the situation?"

"Why is this palace so familiar? Why do I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

"Ha ha ha, of course I've seen it, Tian Lian Mo Gong, this is Tian Lian Mo Gong, what are you still doing? Hurry up and help !!"

The strong men who stayed in the Star Palace all saw the people around Tian Lian Mo Palace. Even if they didn't recognize this super palace, they still knew their own people. Furthermore, for many powerful people in the Star Palace, there are really few people who don't recognize Tian Lian Mo Gong.

"Don't move all, what to do and what to do. I don't need your help here."

Just when these left-behind people wanted to come forward to help, the Samsung master who had been responsible for guarding the side guard arrogantly drank, but it prevented other people from responding. And as his applause dropped, the strong men in the celestial palace hurriedly stopped their bodies and stayed in place.


During the talk, the huge palace flickered in succession, and then stopped suddenly not far from the Star Palace, just to become a pair with the Star Palace. From the appearance point of view, the size of the Tianlian Magic Palace is even larger than that of the Star Palace, stubborn and weak, and it is more intuitive.

"Hahahaha, everyone has worked hard, everyone obeys, and for the time being enters the star house, this house has a lot of rewards."

When the Alchemy Palace was set up next to the Star Palace that day, the top of the Palace had been wrapping the palace with power, and the owner of the Star Palace Grand Palace hurried on the road. At this moment, the power was finally recovered, and at the same time laughed Road.

The task has been completed. Naturally, he needs to fulfill his promise and give rewards to everyone who participates. Fortunately, these people can continue to finally reach him and finally to the star house.

"Whoo, I'm exhausted, this palace is really heavy enough. So many of us, plus two super strong people, took so long to ship it back. It is really amazing."

"I'm busy with Chase, and I don't know what rewards, I hope not to be busy!"

"What about being busy or not? Well, don't complain, it shouldn't be too bad if you want to reward."

Putting down the Tianlian Demon Palace, each strong man was breathing for a long time. Obviously, everyone was tired enough before the labor, but it was just a bit of teeth.

As the voice of the Great Palace Lord fell, everyone was led to a space hall in the Star Palace. This time, the Great Palace Lord did not save his treasure, but he gave out a lot of good things and rewarded him. Thanks to this effort.

"Well, the next time, the people of the Star Palace will return to their own space to practice, and the people of the 36th House will now be able to return to their respective provinces. If anything happens, this palace will call you of."

After the rewards were distributed, the owner of the palace directly issued a guest order to send all the native people in the French realm back to their respective territories. Even the ordinary cave heavenly people in the starry palace were arranged by him Space to keep these people from staying outside and delaying his actions.

Of course, the masters of the thirty-six provinces have nothing to say. They are fortunate enough to have met the chief of the star palace, and no one dare to disobey the order of this superpower.

After all the strong men have dissipated, the main house of the star palace only left the Samsung master and the six-star master without trace. The others, however, were all sent aside by them, even the star house itself. The strong, they didn't look for it.

The huge Tianlian Demon Palace stands next to the Star Palace, but the main palace master and the two main star masters can see the gods by their side. At first, in order to obtain this super palace, the main stars of the star palace and the two main palace owners went to the Mo Luo world, originally thinking that it could be calculated in secret, which made Tian Lian Mo Gong and the Mo Luo world lose both. Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, the lunatic of Tianlian Demon Palace chose to explode.

At that time, the astronomical palace suffered heavy losses, and this has now become so weak.

"It's finally here, Omiya Lord, we found the Heavenly Refined Demon Palace."

For a long time, Samsung's arrogant war sighed long, with a sigh of authenticity. After paying so much, at this moment, he finally controlled the Tianlian Demon Palace in his own hands. The three of them were unhappy to blame it!

"Hahaha, Tian Lian Mo Gong, I finally got it! Shao Dingtian, your self-detonation is meaningless. Your Tian Lian Mo Gong eventually fell into the hands of my Hong Haitian, ha ha ha ha!"

The master of the Star Palace suddenly burst into laughter. No matter what, Tian Lian Mo Gong was eventually obtained by him. Even if it paid a very heavy price in the middle, it was totally worth it.

"Large master, Tian Lian Mo Gong is right in front of our eyes, but the gang of immortals in Tian Lian Mo Gong, but have poured countless hard work on this palace, I am afraid that the three of us may not be able to easily This palace is broken open, and then you enter it? "

Six-Star Lord Wujing rarely spoke, but his mind was very meticulous. Although the palace has been taken back at the moment, if you want to enter it, you need to think of a way. When he was on his way before, he had once again tested the strength of this palace. It seems that this super palace looks stronger than before.

"Anyway, as long as this thing is in our hands now, no matter how difficult it is, we will eventually be able to enter it."

Hearing the reminder from the Six-Star Lord, the Omiya Lord couldn't help correcting his look, and his voice was slightly low.

Obviously, he was equally clear in his heart that wanting to enter this palace was definitely not casual.

"Omiya, I have a proposal, and I also ask Omiya to decide."

Samsung's look of pride moved, and suddenly he faced the main star of the star palace, Hong Haitian Road. Speaking of which, although he is noble and powerful, he still looks a little humble in front of the great palace lord.

"Speaking to hear, if it is feasible, this palace will naturally try."

Raising his eyebrows, the Omiya Lord seemed unintentionally authentic.

"Omiya, the strength of the refining of the magic palace on this day is very horrible. Although Omiya's strength is very profound, but in order to save time, I recommend that Omiya to release the five-star master for the time being. When the four of us work together, we will ... "


Samsung's master stabilized his mind and began to suggest to the main palace owner Hong Haitian, but before he finished speaking, the latter drank a sudden sigh and interrupted him.

"Well, I have to mention it again. I don't want to hear those three words again, you know?"

Hong Haitian's complexion had apparently subsided, and seeing his expression, the Samsung Master Pride and Six Star Master Wuren both smiled bitterly, but did not dare to say more.

Now that the star powerhouse is dying, the power is really limited. Right now, there are only three star masters left. Among these three, the six star masters have fallen into the realm without trace. Although the Samsung master is better, But the arrogance at the beginning is no longer there. If that person were to join in at this moment, the hope of breaking the heavenly refining magic palace would undoubtedly be greater.

Unfortunately, Hong Tianhai, the host of the Great Palace, did not want to release the person, but neither of them could do anything about it.

"Well, although the refining of the magic palace on this day is very strong, but with the strength of our three, at best it will take a little more time. When this magic palace is broken, my hope for the rise of the celestial palace can go further. . "

Hong Haitian, the host of the Great Palace, is relatively confident. He has dealt with the Tianlian Demon Palace for countless years. Even the original actions were jointly completed by the five major forces, but the original five major forces have now disappeared. Scattered, no longer strong.

If there is someone in the Tianlian Demon Palace, he certainly has no confidence to break it, but if a palace is not controlled by anyone, if he can do nothing about it, then he will not be the master of the Star Palace.

"Pride, no trace, just wait to do as I say, we will completely conquer this palace in the shortest possible time."

There was a fierce light under his eyes. This time, Hong Haitian was obviously determined.

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