The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1114: Enjoy it (three more)

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Finally, the power of the soul was parted out, and while Yuan Feng was rejoicing, she could not help being depressed because of the weakness of the soul.

However, at the time of his depression, in the palms of his hands, among the blood of the hundreds of caves, a special energy suddenly came and started to repair his spirits. This scene is simply He was stunned, and for a long while he didn't return.

"Well !!!"

There are more than five hundred bloods, and each blood has a little power passed on. Maybe, a single of these energies is not much for Yuan Feng, but it can have more than five hundred energies. It's completely different.

"Is there such a thing? Blood power, these blood power, are they tinkering with my soul?"

After a long time, Yuan Feng finally returned to God from the shock, but he understood that what was happening in front of him was still filled with incredible.

Feeling the loss of his soul, the speech has been repaired and even improved, Yuan Feng has a weird feeling that cannot be said.

Originally, it took him a long time to replenish these lost soul power, but now, with the help of these blood, he recovered instantly. Obviously, this is a big happy event for him.

"Hahaha, blood curse magic power, this blood curse magic power still has such an effect. I knew it so, why should I worry for so long?"

When the situation was confirmed, Yuan Feng finally couldn't help laughing.

The sense of weakness in the soul is completely gone, and he can feel that at this moment, his strength is absolutely unprecedented, and those more than five hundred bloods who have contributed a trace of strength are not there now. Too much change. Obviously, for these five hundred bloods, the contribution of this energy seems to have no pressure.

"Okay, very good. The injury on the soul is the hardest to recover. Now that it's so easy to recover, it's best."

With a smile, Yuan Feng didn't find anything wrong. You know, the blood curse is a god-level martial art. This thing suddenly appears a little additional effect, in fact, there is no need to be surprised. This is like mirroring the magic power. Although it is a martial art that condenses the clone, it can also be used to split the spirit.

The spirit was restored, and his power was restored to its peak again. It was simply better than ever. Moreover, due to the absorption of these blood powers, the connection between him and his more than 500 Dongtianjing subordinates is now closer. At this moment, the actions of these 500 people , Are very clearly in front of his eyes.

"It seems like we are going to return to the Star Palace. It seems that it is time to try to control the Sky Lian Palace."

Through the people outside, Yuan Feng can feel that the strong people in the star house are sprinting towards the star house. Maybe it won't be long before they can reach the star house.

"Swallowing Heavenly Martial Spirits !!!"

With a break in his mind, the enchanting power of the swallowing martial spirit has slowly approached the crystal in the center of the control tower.

The power of the soul has been divided. The next step is to try to integrate this piece of power of the soul with the entire control system of the Tianlian Demon Palace. If it succeeds, the Tianlian Demon Palace is his, and if it fails, he You must think of other ways to control the Tianlian Demon Palace.

"Hope this particular stone can be like I thought, then ...

With boundless longing, Yuan Feng slowly controlled his own Devouring Wuling, and gently approached the spar that controlled the center. Soon, the Devastating Wuling came with this trace of magical power. Near the spar.

"Well !!!"

Almost as soon as the swallowing martial spirit controlled the power of the soul and approached the spar, the power of this soul was as if attracted, and it was directly sucked into by this special spar. The huge suction force, even almost put The entire devouring Wuling spirit was sucked in together.

"Um, come back !!!"

Feeling the huge suction coming from the stone, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be shocked. He summoned the Wutian Wuling back quickly, then looked at the stone in the middle tightly, waiting for the result to appear.

"Om !!!"

The power of the soul enters the spar, and the entire huge spar trembles instantly. Then, the colorful light escapes from the stone, and it is indescribably gorgeous.

"Well? Is this ... consciousness?"

When the power of his own soul enters the spar, Yuan Feng, as the master of the power of his soul, can certainly feel the situation of his own power of this soul at this moment. In his feelings, this power of his soul seems to be entering a very complicated space. In this space, there are threads of thin threads everywhere, like nerves. .

However, it wasn't that that surprised him. What really surprised him was the situation in this complex space.

"It's really an autonomous consciousness. This stone is actually producing an autonomous consciousness. This is going to be refined!"

Suddenly opened his mouth, Yuan Feng was really surprised at this moment. From his own power of this soul, he found that in this spar, there is a very powerful soul power. This power is definitely greater in quantity than his power of this soul. It is huge, but the power of this group of souls is not mature at this moment, it is just that there are some basic foundations for the souls, and it has not reached the point where you can think at all.

"I get it, I get it !!!"

When seeing such a large group of sacred souls in the spar, Yuan Feng couldn't help slamming his forehead, and suddenly there was a hint of enlightenment under his heart.

"Tian Lian Mo Gong, such a Tian Lian Mo Gong, the stone they found is definitely not an ordinary stone. It seems that the strong people in Tian Lian Mo Gong clearly want to use this stone as a hub, and then Let this stone slowly generate consciousness, and finally control this newborn consciousness, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the entire magic palace. "

Yuan Feng had a clear mind and naturally guessed the possibility. Undoubtedly, his speculation is definitely the most reasonable guess, because he does not believe that the powers of the Heavenly Refining Demon Palace do not know the ability of this crystal. If they do not know the ability of this crystal, then they will It will not be used as the core of the control center.

"Well, the strong men in Tianlian Demon Palace are really patient enough to let this spar develop self-awareness. How long will it take to complete it? It seems that those guys have already done a long-term war. intend."

Making a stone into a fine thing is certainly not something that can be done so easily. No matter how special this spar is, it is absolutely impossible to say that it becomes human.

Of course, these are just the speculations of Yuan Feng, and in fact, maybe the strong men in Tianlian Demon Palace haven't thought about that much, but they just found this spar and wanted to use it to make Tianlian The center of the magic palace, and after a long time, this stone began to gradually produce a hint of consciousness.

"Hahaha, okay, this time is even better. There is already a sense of autonomy in this spar. As long as these unformed self-consciousnesses are swallowed up, then this power of my soul can be quickly strengthened. It must be able to control this magic palace. "

With a bright complexion, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing. Obviously, the situation is better than he imagined. This spar has already begun to produce the spirits. In this way, he can completely swallow the unformed spirits, or use his own soul as the core, and take these spirits. Force to integrate, then, this spar will almost become a special avatar of him.

"Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no effort. It seems that this super magic palace is destined to belong to me Yuan Feng, ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, Yuan Feng had full confidence to control Tian Lian Mo Gong. What is missing now is time.

"Up and up, after swallowing the consciousness of the infancy of this infancy, I can use my own spirit to completely occupy this special spar, and through these hubs, I can control the entire Tianlian Demon Palace."

In the preliminary preparations, the strong men in Tianlian Demon Palace have been fully prepared for him. It can be seen that the strong men in Tianlian Demon Palace are actually waiting for this spar to generate consciousness. Once the conscious body is formed, Then everything can go on. Right now, he is speeding up the process infinitely, but it is a pioneering work that all the powerful men in Tianlian Demon Palace cannot do.

Just a trace of the power of the soul, immediately began to eat away the power of the original juvenile body in the spar, although the two are completely unequal in amount, but this power of the spirit of Yuan Feng is controlled by Yuan Feng's consciousness. Under such circumstances, the psychic powers of those young bodies have no resistance at all.

"Well !!!"

Yuan Feng's spirit is like a little worm, eating a sip of the sacred soul from the spar. This kind of thing is not difficult for him, just wait to eat all the power of the sacred soul. Fully immersed in his own soul, then you can control the entire magic palace.

With Yuanfeng in full swing, it is undoubtedly more vigorous to do these things. At this moment, he really can't wait to control the Tianlian Magic Palace, and then compete with the Star Palace.

The strong men in the Star Palace are still busy, and for them, it is definitely a super joy to get the Temple of Heaven. However, every strong person in the celestial palace will never think that when they think they have got the treasure, they don't know that this so-called treasure is a time bomb.

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