The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1112: Mo Luo Zhi Yao (1 more)

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The huge Tianlian Demon Palace, between the words, was the master of the Star Palace, several great conquerors who cooperated with the realm of law, and a large number of people in the cave, and directly moved away from the dry snow area, and in several Between the flashes, it disappeared in front of everyone in the Mo Luo world, and the speed was so astounding.

There is a person who creates a realm, and with so many caverns, and hundreds of cavern masters, the strength of so many people together, let alone a huge palace, even a small planet. I am afraid they can be carried away.

Everyone in the Mo Luo world watched Tian Lian Mo Gong disappear in front of them, but no one could stop it. No way, Samsung Master and Six Star Masters have no trace. At this time, they are standing opposite them. If they want to take a shot at this moment, they must be blocked by the two people on the opposite side. The two in front of them are definitely not. What they can do.

"Damn, just let them take the magic palace away. I'm not willing, I'm not willing!"

"Abominable, **** aliens, they even snatched the treasure from my magic world directly. It is really abominable!"

"It's too much, the owner of this domain has never been more like this time. I'm so annoyed, I'm so annoying !!"

The strong men in the magic world are filled with indignation. Everyone's complexion is flushed, but no one dares to shoot.

The non-phase ancestors are in front of them, and even this one has no action. Of course, these people, of course, can't cross the non-phase ancestors and kill in front of each other. Moreover, even if they have that kind of impulse, it is impossible for them to pass the level of the two stars in the star house.

Wuxiang Mozu also hates his teeth, but unfortunately, he can't do anything about it. Now, he can only comfort himself. It is a scourge to stay in the Mo Luo world when Tian Lian Mo Gong is clean.

Time passed by minute by minute. The Samsung Master and the Six Star Masters were invisible, but they did not leave until they felt that the Great Palace Master had taken the Tianlian Magic Palace away, and the two relaxed. mind.

"The magic is out of phase. It seems that you are still a more trustworthy guy. In the previous battles, we can be considered a jealous guy. I hope that I will have the opportunity to ask for advice in the future. Goodbye!"

The Samsung leader stepped forward proudly, twitching his lips against Wuxiang Demon ancestors, his voice dropped, and he took the Six-Star Lord without a trace and disappeared directly into place.

"Hum, always at your disposal !!!" Mo Wuxiang's face sank slightly, but he showed no sign of weakness, but also hummed. However, by the time his voice dissipated, Pride and Incognito had disappeared.

In the whole dry snow region, there were only a few powerful men in the Moro Realm. At one moment, the whole scene suddenly became quiet, but no one opened the door to break this tranquility.

It has to be said that this day can be said to be a very bleak day for a lot of powerful people in the magic world. It is a shame for everyone present to let others steal what they should have on their own land.

"Well, give me your head up one by one."

The silence was eventually broken, and the person who spoke was naturally a demon without ancestors. At this moment, he obviously had to say something. Otherwise, these strong men in the world of Mo Luo are hard to persuade themselves.

When the words of Wuxiang Demon ancestors fell, everyone stood subconsciously, straightened their heads, and suppressed the unhappiness of their hearts.

"You, ancestors, I know that everyone is not happy, but Tian Lian Mo Gong is not something we can control. This thing stays in the magic world and can only bring disaster to everyone, but it is not even entering it. Maybe, so give this thing to the enemy, sooner or later, those people will cry one day. "

What should be said is to say, originally he did not want to explain these, but seeing that everyone was so negative, this had to take some saliva.

"My ancestor was right, Tian Lian Mo Gong almost killed my Mo Luo world at first, this thing is indeed an ominous thing, throw it and throw it."

Among the eighteen major domain masters, the oldest demon domain master stood out, the first to support the non-phase demon ancestor.

"Yes, this thing is really not useful at all. It is a waste of space to put it here. Take it away, and you should not have seen this thing."

"Right, this time Lord Wuzu appears. This is a great event for the entire Moro world. Everyone should celebrate it."

"Yes, don't think about it. Without that ruined palace, we can have a more relaxed and comfortable life. In the next time, everyone can have fun, eh!"

The 18th National People ’s Congress is still on the road. Things have happened and they ca n’t be changed. Of course, they have to expose this page. Otherwise, this thing is blocked in everyone ’s heart, and everyone will not be happy.

"Very well, everyone can think the best."

When the main voice of the eighteenth national domain fell, Wuxiang Mozu nodded in satisfaction. Then he said, "Okay, everyone, if you have time to sigh and sigh here, it is better to hurry back and practice. Only everyone is strong enough. , Then you can avoid things like today, and go back to practice! "

To all the people in the scene lightly instructed, but Wuxiang Mozu didn't say much. In a flash, his body suddenly disappeared in place. He didn't have time to discuss these meaningless situations with these people. Before he was conspired by the main director of the Astral Palace, he did not completely recover from the injury. At this moment, there is obviously a trend of aggravation, so of course, he must go back to recover .

"Congratulations to my ancestors !!!"

Seeing that Wuxiang Mozu disappeared, everyone didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed down to salute one by one, giving way to Wuxiang Mozu.

The formidable creature is definitely the most powerful existence in the entire Mo Luo world. It can be said that the non-phase ancestor is the current patron saint of the Mo Luo world. When he learned that he was still there, the Mo Luo world The strong men, however, can fight less and devote more time to cultivation.

Although it was very unpleasant to be robbed of the baby, the appearance of Wuxiang Mozu was indeed a happy event, and the two phases were offset. This time, everyone is not uncomfortable.

"Everyone, let's go. From now on, I hope you can live together peacefully, and don't continue the struggle like in the past, the magic heaven domain, follow me!"

The oldest master of the magical sky domain stood up again, and in talking, he found out the defenders of the magical sky magic level, and put everyone into their own cave world for the time being, and then left chicly.

"We are gone too, go back and practice well, and never be bullied again in the future."

"Let's go too. Let's fight hard and find revenge."

One by one, the domain owners find their own people, and then leave one after another. Today's events can be considered to be over. However, what these domain masters don't know is that at this moment, their respective cave protection laws seem to be nothing on the surface, but in fact, the people at this moment have essentially changed ...

Leaving aside the situation of the people in the Moro realm, but saying that at this moment the situation of the French phase realm.

The master of the Great Palace of the Stars, with a group of powerful men, tirelessly carried the super palace of Tian Lian Mo Gong. Every flash would move a distance of dozens of miles. In the middle, there was almost no delay.

I don't know how long it has been moved. Samsung Master Pride and Six Star Master Wujin both caught up. Subsequently, Six Star Master Wujin joined the team of transport and went directly to the bottom of Tianlian Demon Palace. Omiya Lord formed a correspondence. As a result, Tianlian Demon Palace has become lighter, and the distance moved can naturally be longer.

Samsung Pride has not been added to the handling. His task is very simple. It is to **** everyone and not let any accidents disturb you.

"Everyone should work harder, and when they return to the celestial palace, this palace will prepare a gift for everyone, and never give up."

While controlling Tian Lian Mo Gong, the main owner of Tian Xing Gong Palace did not forget to promise to everyone. This big job right now is obviously not that easy. If you just let everyone do hard work, but without the slightest reward, then everyone will lose energy soon.

Anyway, there are so many treasures in the star house, and then you can take out some to share with everyone. For them, they will definitely be regarded as treasures, and then they will serve the star house more desperately.

Of course, after all, no matter whether there is a reward or not, everyone is afraid to relax.

"After returning to the Star Palace, this palace must thoroughly study the days of refining the magic palace, try every way to go into it, and find one of the five **** crystals. By then, I have three **** crystals in my hand. If the other two are found, then I can kill the boundless world. "

While rushing back towards the realm of law, the heart of Omiya Lord was always excited. Others only saw him robbing a palace and coming back, but only he and a few people knew that grabbing Tian Lian Mo Gong was not only as simple as grabbing a magic palace, but also had a far-reaching significance, but it was fundamental to most people. can not be seen.

Of course, these are just his own wishful thinking. In fact, as everyone in the magic world thinks, the Tianlian Magic Palace at this moment is definitely an ominous thing. He got this thing and came to him. It may not be a good thing to say.

It is a pity that, for these, every strong person in the Star Palace will never want it. Right now, they just want to transport the palace back quickly, and then study it carefully to finally get the most precious treasure in it.

Time and space are staggered. A group of strong men are all struggling to move quickly toward the French realm. Soon, they are out of the range of the Moro Realm and enter the public areas of major worlds. For a moment, no one was able to stop them from returning to the realm of law and back to the celestial palace.

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