The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1111: Free journey (four more seeking flowers)

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This game between the French phase world and the Mo Luo world is still superior to the French phase world. In the end, the Mo Luo world side had to compromise and handed the control of the Tian Lian Mo Gong into the hands of the French phase world.

However, although the title of Tian Lian Mo Gong has been acquired, it is undoubtedly troublesome to bring Tian Lian Mo Gong back to the French side.

The strong men of the French Realm and the Moro Realm have begun to gather. However, no matter whether they are the strong men of the French Realm or the Moro Realm, they are unlikely to think that at this moment, the super palace in front of them Inside, a young man was one step ahead of them, and had already entered the magic palace.

It ’s not very spacious inside the control tower. Yuan Feng is now carefully preparing for the division of the spirits. I have to say that this kind of thing is really complicated. Even the preparation work takes at least ten days and a half months. Only OK.

"Well, that's the difference? The guys in the Mo Luo world are really indifferent!"

Swearing fiercely, Yuan Feng's face was a little ugly at the moment. He originally thought that this time the game between the two worlds would be able to play for a while, but he did not expect that after only three days, the Moro Realm directly conceded.

It does not matter if the Moro Realm admits defeat, but with the Moro Realm admitting defeat, the Tianlian Demon Palace has become the object of the French Realm. In the next time, this super palace must be removed by the French Realm.

"Fortunately, I won the game after I conquered the ordinary cave people. If it is earlier, I am afraid that my previous actions will fail."

While angry, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a little lucky. It seems that his luck this time is still good, at least, he has not faced so many super powers face to face.

"It should be the strongest in the star palace. This star palace is really powerful. There are so many super masters. In the face of such power, even if the French realm wants to persist, I am afraid that it is powerless!"

Through the eyes of so many outside caves, Yuan Feng saw everything in his eyes. As for the three super powers out of the French Realm, his heart is inevitable.

He had previously decided to be right with the Star Palace, and these three strong players are obviously super masters of the Star Palace, which means that one day, sooner or later, he will meet these three guys. How to deal with these three people, he naturally needs to seriously consider it.

"Forget it, just go with them. Even if the strong man in the celestial palace wants to take this magic palace back to the realm of law, that is not to say that it can be taken away, and if it is taken back, I I don't believe they can quickly break through the magic palace and enter the magic palace. "

With a change of heart, Yuan Feng thought about all possible situations, and then smiled coldly.

This sky refining demon palace was buried under the glacier for a long time with that demon phase of the devil world, but it has not been broken by the demon phase. Even if there are more powerful people in the star palace than the devil world, I want to It will certainly not be so easy to enter the magic palace.

"Just do whatever you want. After I control this magic palace, this thing will eventually be mine. I'll see what you can do."

No matter how tossing outside, in the end it is nothing more than moving Tian Lian Mo Gong, but no matter where it is moved, the internal situation of Tian Lian Mo Gong will not change, and he can always work in it.

Thinking of this, he didn't think about it any more, and between the moments of his mind, he started to get busy again. At the moment, although he controls so many masters, in the face of the domain masters, government masters, and even the formidable powerhouses, these people in the cave world seem slightly inadequate.

Therefore, in addition to letting others do it, he really has no good way.

Right now, the only thing he can do is to speed up his progress and control the Tianlian Demon Palace as soon as possible. In that case, no matter what the outsiders do, it is impossible to contend with the master of this demon palace ...

The assembly of the people of the French Realm and the Moro Realm took a few days, and during these days, the French Realm was not idle. The strong men who have been repaired more than the Sixth Heaven of Dongtianjing have gathered back in the fastest time. Only some of the three or four days of Dongtianjing have not returned, and this situation has not affected the transportation of the strong Heaven refining the magic palace.

"A few of you are in charge of this area. Remember that every trace of power must be exerted evenly, and then the command of the Lord Lord will be unified."

"A few of you are in charge here, and no one is allowed to be lazy. If anyone dares to use no effort, it will be difficult for them to be careful to find the Lord Lord."

"And you guys, although you guys are not strong enough, they are better than nothing. When you remember, you must give me all your strength, and no one should be slack."

A star powerhouse with a great heaven and a great circle is arranging the powerhouses of the French Realm and the star power house to be scattered around the sky refining magic palace, preparing to remove the giant. Dong Tianjing's great accomplishment, coupled with the identity of the person in the celestial palace, makes this person extremely domineering, and does not put other people in his eyes. Every sentence is almost indisputable, and no one speaks at all. opportunity.

However, as a great perfectionist in the horoscope, he is indeed qualified to give orders.

The two main stars and the main star of the horoscope are watching at the same time. When it is not their turn to do so now, they will finally make their shots after everyone's position has been arranged.


The time spent talking, has been responsible for arranging manpower to the star powerhouses everywhere, and finally came to the three powerhouses in a flash.

"Omiya, the two star masters, the personnel have already arranged the positions. What do you want to do next? I also ask the oem and the two star masters to decide."

The great Tianlian Demon Palace is now filled with strong men everywhere to strengthen it. In this way, after everyone has exerted their power, the entire Tianlian Demon Palace will be wrapped up and shuttled with them.

"Okay, you can return to your place." Nodded and smiled, the main house of the Star Palace shook hands and signaled that the other party could return to the team. After preparing for so long, the next time is to move Tian Lian Mo Gong back to the realm of law. In the past few days, his condition has also been adjusted to the best level.

"Large master, everyone is almost back, a few less, but it should have fallen in the previous battle. The big master can take a shot, and we can bring Tian Lian Mo Gong back to Tian Xing Gong."

At this time, the leader of Samsung stood out and reported to the leader of the star palace Omiya. He brought all of them, and now I calculate, although less, but not many. For these few people, eight achievements have fallen in the previous battle, but there is no need to consider too much.

"Okay, now that people are here, it's time to go back." Nodded his head, Omiya's face suddenly turned straight, signalling that Samsung Master Pride and Six Star Master could go to the front without any traces, and go ahead and stare at the opposite No phase demon ancestor.

At this moment, all the people in the Mo Luo Realm had gathered together, while Mo Wuxiang was standing in the forefront, watching the people in the Fa Xiang Realm busy carrying Tianlian Demon Palace.

Frankly, although he had promised to hand over the Tianlian Demon Palace to the other party, this promise was simply worthless and had no binding force at all. If there is really such a great shot, he won't give up.

Unfortunately, it now seems that he really has no chance of shooting. The number of superpowers on the other side is dominant. He wants to sneak attack without even thinking about it.

When seeing the Samsung Pride and Six Star Masters step forward without a trace, obviously it was to guard him, Wuxiang Mozu just snorted and said nothing!


No matter how many stars in the Great Palace of the Star Palace, there are pride and no trace to defend each other. He can perform his own actions as he wants, and when he is in shape, he is at the top of the Heavenly Palace.

The huge magic palace was not high, and when he came to the top, everyone below looked at the superpower, but all he could see was nothing more than a small point.

"Tian Lian Mo Gong, I will finally get this Tian Lian Mo Gong !!!"

Standing at the top of the Tianlian Demon Palace, the master of the palace suddenly printed a palm on the top of the Demon Palace. Then, centered on the palm of his hand, a wave of energy enveloped the huge palace all at once. It feels like putting the entire Tianlian Demon Palace into a bag.

"The power of creation, boundless, omnipotent, give me !!!"

A special force wrapped the entire Tianlian Demon Palace, and then, the owner of the palace was like pulling a carrot, and slammed his hands.

"Om !!!"

The huge palace suddenly trembled at this moment. Then, the giant palace, as if suddenly lightened, began to rise slowly from the underground ice surface.

"Boom !!!" Finally, with a boom, the huge magic palace was directly out of the **** of the ground, and was pulled out by the main palace owner.

"Let's all go together !!!"

Pulling out the Tianlian Demon Palace, the main palace owner suddenly drank, and then ordered. As his order was issued, everyone in Dongtian Realm released his power from the cave, and united each other. The powerful power of the hole in the sky instantly tore the space in front of me. Then, the entire Tianlian Demon Palace disappeared in situ, and when it appeared again, it was dozens of miles away.

"Brush brush !!!"

After several flashes, Tianlian Demon Palace looked like a spaceship, and soon disappeared into the dry snow area.

ps: four ones, the numbers in this chapter are good! !! !! Brothers and sisters, come to a few flowers to mention vigor! !! !!

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