The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1107: Deterrence (four more)

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There wasn't much speculation in the words. When Yuan Feng said something to subject the other person to surrender, Yan Yang's protection method among the six major protection methods couldn't bear it first, and he shot directly at Yuan Feng.

From the perspective of the six major protection methods, although Yuan Feng has made rapid progress, what can he say, now he is only a small person who destroys the realm of Yae, and in front of them, those who are strong in the sky, have not left them alone. What?

It is a pity that even when everyone thought so, the scene in front of them was a shock to everyone present, and it could even be said that they were completely frightened.

Dong Tianjing's four-level sky's Yan Yang's protection method had almost no time to stretch out his feet, but was blown out by Yuan Feng with a punch. As spectators, the remaining five major protection methods witnessed the details of the entire process. In their view, Yan Yang's protection is like a fragile ordinary person, but in front of Yuan Feng, he looks so weak.

Of course, the strength of Yan Yang's law-protection is very clear in their hearts. Obviously, it is not that Yan Yang's law-protection is weak. The real reason is that Yuan Feng's strength is too strong and too strong.

"This ... how is this possible? Dongtianjing? This is the power of Dongtianjing !!!"

Although it was just a simple punch, all the people present were masters. Of course, they could see that Yuan Feng's recent punch was definitely beyond the power of Dongtianjing, and Yuan Feng escaped when he shot. The power of Dongtian also clearly shows Yuanfeng's true strength.

"Dongtianjing is really Dongtianjing !!! Impossible, this makes no sense at all!"

Although everything is happening in front of you, but even so, the five major protection methods still can't believe it is true.

An annihilated person in the realm of the empire has blasted out the power that can only be used by the strong in the heavenly realm, which is almost as unreal as Tian Fang Ye Tan.

However, while Yan Yang Hufa was lying on the ground at this moment, he was still vomiting blood in large mouths, but this scene was absolutely impossible. Although they didn't feel it for themselves, they believed that the power of that punch was absolutely beyond their imagination.

After spitting a few spits of blood, although Yan Yang Hufa tried his best to control himself, he eventually passed out. There is no way, Yuan Feng's power is too strong and too strong. The power of the 9th turn and the 5th turn of the Xuan Gong, even if it is a person in Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, it is difficult to compare with it. Yan Yang protects the law, it is good to be able to save a life.

"Huh, I hate what others say on their knees and beg for mercy, and dare to say such words next time, kill without pardon !!"

One fist blasted Yang Yang's law-protection with one punch. Yuan Feng seemed to have done a trivial matter. He turned his head and looked at Xing Yuan's law-protection and other five people.

"You guys, I just said, just to let everyone surrender to me for the time being, not to let you be my subordinates all your life. Can't you even do this little thing, or you must let me do it yourself?"

As soon as he looked cold, Yuan Feng was already a bit angry. He was reading that some people were still familiar with himself, so he said kindly to them, but in the end, not only did they not appreciate it, they dared to be right. He shot.


This time, the remaining five major protection methods finally dared not speak, and originally thought Yuan Feng was a soft persimmon, but now it seems that the strength of the other party is definitely not under any of them.

Shocked or unbelievable, these can be put aside for a while. At this moment, the most important question for the five major protection methods is whether they want to respond to Yuan Feng, or do they really want to surrender to Yuan Feng for the time being.

"Huh, boy, you turned out to be a pig and a tiger, but even if you can defeat Yan Yang's protection, can you still win five of us alone?"

After a brief silence, the strongest Xing Yuan Hu Fa stood up again, and he was very authentic.

He had already spoken out before, and naturally it was not so easy to take it back. Moreover, although Yan Yang's protection was defeated by Yuan Feng, after all, the other side's cultivation was a level different from him. Besides, there are two big caves in the sky, five strong heavens, and one strong in the heavens. Heaven, and the two cave heavens triple triple strongs, five people together, even if Yuan Feng hidden deeper, it is absolutely impossible to be their opponents with so many people.

"Hey, Xing Yuan protects the law. Now you can't see the situation clearly? It seems that your age really lives on the dog." Hearing Xing Yuan's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but chuckle. Unceremoniously ridiculed.

Except for Yunlong's protection to him, the remaining five are familiar at best. Xing Yuan's protection is his enemies in a sense, so it is not necessary to give it to him. What do the five guys save?

"You ..." Hearing Yuan Feng's outspoken sarcasm, Xing Yuan Hu almost couldn't help but personally shot it, but thinking of the scene where Yuan Feng had just blasted Yang Yang to protect the law, he was a wise choice control.

"Well, I have already said what I should say. Now it seems that it is a bit difficult to let a few willingly surrender. In this case ... let me all come out!"

He waved his hands, but Yuan Feng stopped talking. The so-called first-come, first-served, all he can do, since a few people don't want to obey obediently, then he can only resort to hard means.

"Well !!!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, one by one, like a trick, appeared one after another in the space. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of cave heavens, five strong heavens, and hundreds of cave heavens. All the heavenly people appear in front of the five major protection methods.

"See Young Master !!!"

Hundreds of people showed up together, and then they all shouted in unison to Yuan Feng, everyone's face was full of awe.

Hundreds of people shouted in unison, and the shock of the scene was simply unimaginable, because no matter who is the domain owner or the government owner, it is absolutely impossible for so many powerful people to surrender together.

"Let's all be flat!" Looking back at the crowd, Yuan Feng nodded with satisfaction, then turned his eyes back to look at the five people headed by Xing Yuan Hu Fa, and at this moment, Xing Yuan Hu Fa five Already swayed by shock, his mouths opened one by one, he couldn't close it at all.

For the five of them, what happened today is as unreal as dreaming. What happened before has made them feel incredible. However, compared with this scene right now, what happened before is so insignificant.

"Crazy ... crazy, all crazy ......"

The five strong men were completely stunned at this moment. Hundreds of strong men in Dongtianjing suddenly appeared, and all of them bowed down and saluted to Yuan Feng. This is definitely the fact that they can't imagine or accept it.

By now, they finally understood why Yuan Feng would let them submit to him. Hundreds of Dongtianjing powerfuls have all been conquered by Yuan Feng. Now it seems that the reason why Yuan Feng has to discuss with them in advance is to give them full face, but it is ridiculous that they still do n’t know what to do. Go to resist.

"Hey, the opposite guys, Brother Yuan Feng will give you a little face, you don't have to, just dare to be disrespectful to Brother Yuan Feng, believe it or not, I will kill you all in a minute?"

Chu Tianyu stood up for the first time and yelled at the five guardians who were opposite. He had looked at everything before, and he was naturally angry about the ignorance of everyone. You know, Yuan Feng has come all the way. How come there have been occasions when you first served after others?

"Why are you still doing something and don't hurry to apologize to Brother Yuan Feng? Don't you want to live?"

Chu Tianyu really didn't care about that much. Originally, he thought these people were friends of Yuan Feng, so he didn't get involved too much, but now it seems that these people are obviously not friends of Yuan Feng.


Shouted by Chu Tianyu like this, the five major protection methods all returned to God, but each one's face was still ugly and terrible. Obviously, they are really frightened. At this moment, whether they are Dongtianjing fourfold sky or Dongtianjing fiveth heaven, but in front of the battle in front of them, they are like little ants. Small.

"I, I obey, I am willing to submit, I am willing to submit!"

Among the five people, only He Xingfu, who is in the triple sky of Dongtianjing, stood up for the first time at this time. Without saying a word, he raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender.

Hundreds of Dongtianjing subordinates have been revealed, and he just took a peek at them. Among these people, not only are there law-protecting powerhouses in major provinces, but there are also a lot of star powerhouses, these superpowers. All have been subdued by Yuan Feng. Why is he a little role in this trivial three-day heavenly role?

"I and I have also surrendered, and I am willing to surrender." Then, Zhang Zhongju, who is the fourth heaven of Dongtian Realm, stood up and obediently chose to surrender.

"Huh, Xing Yuan protects the law, Ningbing protects the law, what do you say?"

Seeing that two people had already surrendered, Yuan Feng could not help humming, and then yelled at Xing Yuan's protection and Ningbing's protection.

"I ... have served it!"

Xing Yuan's face was red and white for a while, and finally a few words were squeezed out from the teeth. At this moment, no matter his sad self-esteem or the pride of the strong, he can step on his feet.

In the presence of so many strong men, the only thing he can do is surrender.

"Sapphire can appear like this, good! I'm willing to surrender."

Ningbing protects the law and does not hesitate, others have already surrendered, of course she has nothing to say. No matter what, she definitely didn't want to die.

"Very good, so be honest with me, get ready to accept my reorganization!"

When everyone chose to surrender, Yuan Feng didn't say much. When he was in shape, he started to collect several people.

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