The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1106: You force me (three)

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When Yuan Feng appeared, the whole scene became a little weird. For Yuan Feng, the six major protection methods of Sapphire House are naturally no longer familiar. At the time, Yuan Feng was selected from Sapphire House and was eventually sent to the Mo Luo Kingdom to be undercover. This is a thing for Sapphire House. Something to be proud of.

It ’s just that things are changing, and before these undercover agents have exerted too strong an effect, the French realm has already killed the Mo Luo Realm. In this way, those who came to the underworld of the Mo Luo Realm were no longer there. What a meaning.

Of course, these situations are not a big deal. At the moment, what really shocked the six guardians is how exactly Yuan Feng appeared before him.

The entire glazed snow area is full of war, and the weakest is the strongest of the cave heaven triple sky. Ordinary annihilation people should never appear here. Moreover, the environment of Kurong Snow is so harsh. In such an environment, ordinary people who are annihilated will not have the ability to survive at all.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if Yuan Feng has the ability to survive in the dry snow, it seems that it should not appear in this mysterious space, and say hello to them so easily?

Questions one by one flashed in the minds of the six people. Unfortunately, they couldn't figure out these questions at all, and no one could explain them.

For a moment, except for Yunlong Hufa exclaiming at the beginning, there was no sound.

"This ......... several seniors, what's wrong with you? Why don't you talk?"

Scratching his head, Yuan Feng slowly approached the six, then spoke again. Although he already had some decisions in his mind, when he was facing these six people, he really couldn't help.

"Yuanfeng little brother, it really is you, you ... how did you show up here?" The silence was broken, and finally it was Yunlong Guardian who was most familiar with Yuanfeng, but it was just here At that time, his complexion suddenly changed slightly, "What? Yamei Realm Yae? You, your cultivation, have actually reached Yami Realm Yae?"

"Yaimaki Yae? Hiss ... ... It's really Yamaki Aya !!"

When the exclamation of Yunlong Protector spread, the rest of the people changed their expressions. Everyone took a closer look at Yuan Feng's practice, and his face was horrified, but it became more horrified. stand up.

They were all stunned by Yuan Feng's sudden appearance before, so they didn't watch Yuan Feng's practice carefully. At this moment being called by Yunlong Hufa, naturally they would pay special attention to Yuan Feng's practice.

At the time when Yuan Feng left the realm of France, it was clear that he had only the power to complete the Dan Realm. However, it took only a long time for Yuan Feng to reach the eighth realm of annihilation. This transformation was like sitting. Like Rockets, they have no way to believe.

In the case of Yuan Feng, the promotion of cultivation is certain, but in such a short period of time, it turned out that Jiedong Realm Jiuzhong reached Oblivion Realm Yae. This kind of change, they could not accept it.

"It was a little bit of an encounter, which made a few seniors laugh." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng glanced at the shocked crowd. When he reached his mouth, he swallowed it again.

"Xiao Ji Yu? Hey, if this is still called Xiao Ji Yu, what can we call Da Ji Yu?" After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Yunlong Protector shook his head and was completely filled with shocked emotions. At the beginning, when he met Yuan Feng in the Tianlong Dynasty, the latter was just a small congenital person, but in just a few years, Yuan Feng had grown to the current state.

At this moment, he finally understood something, what kind of a pervert character this guy who can cut a hole in the heavens when he was in the state of heaven.

Although other people did not feel as deep as Yunlong's law protection, they were equally shocked by this change in Yuan Feng, and did not want to comment for a while.

"Little brother Yuanfeng, you haven't told me why exactly do you appear here?"

Shaking his head, Yunlong Hufa threw the surprise under his heart once again, and spoke to Yuan Feng again. There are many doubts, but they need to be solved one by one. First of all, he must understand how Yuan Feng appeared here.

"Senior Yunlong, don't hide Senior Yunlong, the boy has always been here. In fact, this mysterious array where several seniors were at this time was set by the younger generation."

Taking a deep breath, although Yuan Feng didn't feel good at speaking, he finally talked about this fact that was not easy to express.

"What? What did you say?"

Sure enough, when Yuan Feng's sentence was exported, whether it was the first Yunlong protector or the remaining five strong protectors, they were all discolored, everyone seemed to hear the most incredible Same thing, exclaimed one after another.

The fact that Yuan Feng said was indeed too incredible for them. At this moment, their brains were spinning fast, but they did not know whether they should believe this situation.

The big array is right in front of them. According to their ideas, if they can arrange such a powerful mysterious array, then it must be one or more super strong ones. It is said that this mysterious array comes from a small annihilation. The hands of the realm, they really can't believe it. However, judging from Yuan Feng's expression, the other party didn't seem to mean lying.

The six major protection methods have taken a step back subconsciously. At this moment, Yuan Feng has become a very dangerous character in their eyes. Once what Yuan Feng said is true, it also means that not long ago Yuan Feng suddenly trapped hundreds of Dongtianjing powerful people.

Thinking of the fact that Yuan Feng suddenly appeared in front of them, coupled with Yuan Feng's performance at this moment, although the six of them still did not quite believe what Yuan Feng said, they really did not dare to treat Yuan Feng as an ordinary person. Treated.

"Little brother, what's going on here? What's going on? Brother Yuanfeng also asked the situation to make it clear."

Anyway, the person who is most familiar with Yuan Feng, at this time, Yunlong must protect the law. In any case, Yuan Feng was brought back by him and recommended to the owner of the Blue Jade House.

"Hey, senior Yunlong, it doesn't make sense to say something or not. I came out this time and just wanted to say one thing to you seniors." Having said that, Yuan Feng subconsciously shook his fist and waited until all six of them As he stared at him intently, he gritted his teeth sharply and continued, "Also please my predecessors to surrender to me for a while, don't make it difficult for me."

The overall situation is important, but Yuan Feng has no choice. Speaking of which, he was able to stand up and talk face-to-face with the six of them. He changed to others, and he was too lazy to explain them to them.

"What? Subject to you? Brother Yuanfeng, what are you talking about?"

For Yuan Feng's amazing words this time, the six major protection methods almost jumped up. If Yuan Feng's words just made them feel shocked, then at this moment, Yuan Feng could say such words, and they would almost treat Yuan Feng as a brain problem.

A annihilated person, even speaking loudly to the six cavemen of the Heaven Realm to surrender, is probably the most ridiculous joke they have ever heard. Similarly, this is definitely the biggest insult to them.

"Huh, boy, you better apologize for what you just said, otherwise you will die today."

Xing Yuan hasn't talked about how to protect the law. At this moment, he finally came to the front, facing Yuanfeng Road coldly. As one of only two Dongtianjing Five-Strength Powers among the six, Xing Yuanhu always values ​​his pride, and he is not allowed to insult a annihilated person.

"Little guy, I read that you are also a person in the realm of law. We give you a chance to kneel down and scratch your head to admit your mistakes. If you have just said, we can never blame it. Otherwise, as Xing Yuan said, you must die today."

This time, Yan Yang's law protection was spoken. His cultivation also has a cave heaven, a quadruple heaven, and naturally, it is also the defilement of those who cannot tolerate destruction.

Although the others didn't say anything, they also looked low and obviously a little angry.


Hearing the words of Xing Yuan's protection and Yan Yang's protection, Yuan Feng's face was suddenly replaced with a trace of anger.

For a long time, he hated the fact that others let him kneel down to admit his mistakes. When anyone dares to say such things to him, he will eventually turn this sentence into a fact and let the other party practice it. At this moment, the words of Xing Yuan's law-protection and Yan Yang's law-protection apparently just poked his inverse scale.

"Oh, Yan Yang protects the law, Xing Yuan protects the law, if I do n’t **** to admit my mistake, and insist on letting you surrender to me for a while, I do n’t know what the two will do?”

I have to say that the performance of these six major protection methods has made Yuan Feng even more relieved, and even the last apology of his heart disappeared instantly.

"Don't **** to admit it? Huh, then I'll make you **** to admit it !!!"

Yuan Feng's voice dropped, and among the six people across the board, the powerful Yan Yang protection method suddenly moved. Although Dong Tian's power was imprisoned, his speed was still extremely fast. In speaking, his figure was already near Yuan Feng.

"Kid, kneel down for me !!!"

With a low drink, Yan Yang Hufa kicked and kicked Yuan Yuan's leg sharply, apparently to make Yuan Feng kneel in front of them.

"court death!!!"

However, just when Yan Yang Hufa came to Yuan Feng's front, and the foot just came out, a cold hum was issued from Yuan Feng's mouth, and then everyone present heard a bang, and then Then, everyone saw Yan Yang Hufa suddenly flew away, a blood spurt in the air, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

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