The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1073: Big event (two more)

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Yuan Feng and Chu Tianyu leisurely hid in the underground Xuanzhen space, which is almost the same as leaving the Moro realm. In this case, no matter how hard the two domain masters work hard, it is absolutely impossible to put them found.

As time goes by, the two major domain masters have searched for half a month in the range of the Mojo domain. Within half a month, they searched for all the places they could find. Unfortunately, Chu Tianyu As if the world had evaporated, there was no breath left at all.

At this moment, the Lord of the Devils finally understood why so many of his subordinates, even if they lost several powerful ones, still failed to find or kill Chu Tianyu. Maybe even if he can't find a trace of the character himself, how can anyone find it?

Needless to say, depression is a shame for Master of the Owl Domain, who ca n’t find a little guy in the double world with his cultivation.

Fortunately, it wasn't him who was shameful, because the owner of the magic heart domain also seemed to have nothing to gain.

Even if he can't find it, as the master of Chu Tianyu, the master of the Demon Heart did not find the target. So it seems that the place hidden by Chu Tianyu is really impossible to find.

The owner of the Capricorn Realm did not intend to give up, and the scope of his search also spread outward from the Capricorn Realm, and it continued for hundreds of millions of miles.

Although Capricorn Realm was completely blocked at this moment, Chutianyu was a disciple of the domain master. He knew if the other party had the ability to escape from the blockade. If the other party really ran outside, they were in Capricorn Realm. The scope, of course, is impossible to find out.

It is a pity that when the owner of the maggot domain expanded the scope of the exploration, he still did not feel the trace of Chu Tianyu at all. Such a situation made him almost lose his confidence to find it.

"The Lord of the Devils, it seems that I'm afraid to let you down this time. Of course, that disciple of mine has probably left."

The two domain masters ran into each other again. At this moment, the face of the magic heart domain master was a gesture of a winner. On the other hand, the demon domain master was so depressed that his face became dark.

Up to now, even he has to believe that at this time, Chu Tianyu, 80% escaped from the realm of evil spirits through special means, otherwise, with the strength of him and the master of the realm of magical heart, the situation should not appear.

As soon as Chu Tianyu was able to escape from the blockade he laid out, the master of the Capricorn Realm's face was almost gloomy and dripping water. The other party's escape from his blockade is an insult to him, and the second is to show the other party's arrogance. If such a character grows up, it will not be a good thing for him.

"Well, demon heart, don't be too happy, no matter where the little hybrid ran away, the domain owner will find him and slaughter, I see where you can hide him."

A cold hum, the Capricorn domain owner has given up at this time. If it can be found, it should have been found long ago, and since there is no result for half a month, then it is nothing but a waste of time to find it. .

"Hahaha, Tibetan? Why should I hide him? Capricorn domain master, my disciple is not what you can understand. It won't be long before you and him, maybe who needs to hide it! "

After this incident, the master of the magic heart domain has more confidence in Chu Tianyu. Originally, Chu Tianyu inherited that power. After his inspiration, he has started a terrible awakening. Now it seems that Chu Tianyu should have made new progress again. It won't take long to think about it. Even if Tianyu can't reach the strength of that person at the beginning, it should be self-protecting.

"Eh?" Hearing the Lord of the Demon Heart said, the Lord of the Devil Lord could not help but tremble, and suddenly there was a bad feeling. Linked to the demon heart master's value for Chu Tianyu, even at the cost of waging a realm war, he suddenly realized that the disciple of the demon heart master really has talents that are unimaginable to others.

"Okay, Capricorn domain master, things have happened, what you want to do, my magic heart domain will continue, but don't blame me for not reminding you, against the current magic heart domain, you have to do good death ready."

The Lord of the Demon Hearts apparently is determined to fight each other. Today, the power of the Demon Lord is greatly reduced, and the number of Dongtianjing strong is almost halved, and they are still a relatively powerful group. After his disciple grew up, Together with his disciples, he can absolutely abuse the demons.

"Huh, demon heart, you don't have to be alarmist, the beams of the demon realm and demon realm, this time it's settled, you're waiting for this endless revenge! Now, please leave my demon realm territory."

Although there is something in the bottom of my heart, it cannot be shown on the surface. In the next time, the most important thing for the Capricorn Domain owner is how to replenish the lost power of the Capricorn Domain. Where is the current Capricorn Domain qualified to compete with the Magic Heart?

"This sad place is full of sorrows, this seat is too lazy to continue to stay, the magic lord domain master, we will have ..."

"Om !!!"

The Lord of the Demon Hearts doesn't plan to stay within the range of the Devil's Realm, but just as he smiled coldly and was about to leave the Devil's Realm during his speech, a strange tremor sounded suddenly from the unknown It came from the region, and the sound of the shock was not very loud, but it was very clear. Not to mention that people of this level, even ordinary people, could feel this strange shock.

"Well? What sound?"

Suddenly, the strange movement came, and the words of the Lord of the Hearts of the Demon Heart were stunned back. With a sudden look, he suddenly cast his gaze toward the east side of the magic world. There, the originally dim sky seemed to have a faint glow.

"His ...... that's ...?"

His eyes were staring at infinity, the Lord of the Demon Heart clenched his fist subconsciously, and his pupils were at their maximum. At this moment, he was almost as if he had seen the most incredible thing.


After a brief shock, the owner of the magic heart domain didn't want to, and between one stroke, a deep space crack appeared in front of him, and he was a flash, disappearing directly into the crack.

"That ... that's ...... a familiar smell !!"

The Lord of the Capricorns also completely froze, staring tightly at the distant sky, not knowing what to think!

"Opportunity, opportunity is coming !!!" The original gloomy face at this moment was like the sky was clear after the rain, suddenly filled with sunlight, "The people who are still living in the cave, all come out for me to gather, my magical realm Here comes the chance to be king !!! "

The color of excitement overflowed in words and expressions. The Lord of the Capricorn Realm didn't say a word, and when the body flickered, it began to gather the remaining cave heavenly strong men in the Capricorn Realm. Although a lot of losses were made, the number of people in the cave world at the moment was still more objective.

The time is not long, the Lord of the Devils Realm gathers all the remaining cave realms in the Devils Realm, and they are included in his own world of the cave. Then, he is directly torn apart like the Lord of the Realm Realms. With space, he moved away towards the east.

The Lord of the Capricorns and the Lord of the Demon Hearts began to act, and at the same time, the entire Mo Luo world suddenly became extremely lively.

Eighteen realms of Mo Luojie, the domain owners of each realm, gathered all the strong men under their seat, and rushed towards the east of Mo Luojie. For them, this Mo Luo The change in the world is definitely a huge opportunity. If you can grasp this opportunity, then one of them will have the qualification to dominate the magic world ...

The Eighteenth National Congress has begun to be busy, but not every region has been very smooth. In the eighteenth National Congress, the domain master of the Devil Zone made a fierce blow before the action. Thunder.

The Lord of the Magisterial Realm was really angry, because when he was about to start the action, there were six caverns in the magical realm who had lost contact. No matter how he circulated, the six did not respond. In this regard, he is simply extremely angry.

However, at this juncture, he didn't have time to investigate so much. Six less were six, and the remaining strong ones were enough for him to use.

In addition to the magic penalty domain, there are also two major law-defenders in the magic Ji domain.

The major domain masters started to act, and at the same time, Yuan Feng, who had been hiding in the underground space for a long time, woke up from the cultivation. No way, just as he was patiently practicing, several people in Dongtian World contacted him through blood, but they all had something to report.

"What's going on? But is there anything wrong?"

In the mysterious array space, Yuan Feng had already recruited all the members of his eight caves, and asked with a little surprise.

Of these eight people, except the Blood Demon ancestors are retail individuals, the others are organized people. At this moment, except for the blood-devil ancestor's expressionless expression, everyone else frowned, apparently there was something to report.

"Young Master, a few of his subordinates have just received a summons from the Lord of the Punishment Domain, saying that they must gather together to **** the opportunity to dominate the hegemony." Among them, Xiu Wei, the strongest Ho Tuo Law, came out first, right Zhu Yuanfeng explained.

"So am I, Master. The Lord of Magical Jiyu also just rumored that it was time for everyone to gather. It's time for the Lord of Magical Ji to be honored!"

Luan Shen's law of magic Jiyu also stepped forward quickly, and explained the contents of the messenger of the magic Jiyu exactly.

"What? The chance to dominate the hegemony? Is there such a thing?"

After listening to the explanations of these law-protecting figures, Yuan Feng suddenly changed his face and suddenly stood up from the ground.

"Buzz !!!!"

When Yuan Feng stood up, in his palms, **** lights lit up one after another. It was he who stayed in the law-protecting undercover in the major realms and wanted to contact him.

"Good guy, this is going to happen !!!!"

Eyes froze slightly, Yuan Feng at this moment, suddenly a little fiery.

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