The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1072: Evaporation on earth

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When it was determined that the situation reported by the extermination protection law was true, the Lord of the Capricorns had nothing to say. Regardless of anger or remorse, everything is useless. At the moment, he can only accept this cruel fact and be prepared to cope with the dilemma. At the same time, he must find out the culprit and devour him.


The body instantly appeared in the sky above the Capricorn Realm, and the mind of the Capricorn Realm escaped like a tide. For a short time, most of the Capricorn Realm appeared in his mind at once.

"Damn boy, even if you are turned into ashes this time, I will find you out, so that you may die !!!!"

Although it may seem calm on the surface, in fact, the Capricorn domain master at this moment was already extremely angry. Since becoming the domain owner, he has never been as angry as he is now.

"Get out, get out of me !!!"

Huge minds have explored every corner, and under this kind of exploration, any trace of anomalies will be directly discovered by him. As long as the target appears in his mind, it is impossible to escape.

The Lord of the Capricorns has really moved this time. His mind exploration is exhausted with all his strength. As long as he finds the target, then a mind shock will be enough to kill the opponent's half life.

Until now, it is no longer a matter of master dignity or bullying. A guy who can make Capricorn Realm look like this, is this kind of person still small?

"Well !!!"

However, when the Lord of the Devils Realm explored with a huge heart, a space suddenly burst through the sky above the Lord of the Devils Realms, and then the figure of the Lord of the Realms Realms flashed from the depths of space. Jumped out.

The Lord of the Demons Realm followed the Lord of the Demons Realms, and for the situation in the Demons Realms, he also conducted some investigations. After seeing the situation of the Demons Realms at this moment, he knew that the former extinction law The summons should be undoubtedly true.

After confirming the authenticity of the information, the next step that the master of the magic heart domain must do is to find a way to step the master of the magic heart first and find out his disciple and bring it back.

"Ah, demon heart, how dare you come? Get out of my place !!!"

As for the advent of the Demon Realm Lord, of course, the Demon Realm Lord felt it as soon as possible. Without a word, he blasted out with a punch.

The huge fist shadow suddenly flashed into the different dimension space, and then flashed again, appearing in front of the distant magic heart realm master, covering the body of the magic heart realm.

"Hum, let me be scattered !!!" The Lord of the Demon Hearts did not panic. With a big hand shot, a huge palm shadow was wrapped in a fist shadow. The two blended with each other, but suddenly disappeared into the invisible among.

"Capricorn, things have come to where they are today. You are responsible for everything. Why? Do you still want to fight with this seat? This seat is willing to be accompanied."

At this moment, the owner of the magic heart domain has suppressed the shock in his heart, and he is completely smiling. Regardless of how his disciples did it, it is clear that Capricorn Realm at this time really suffered an unprecedented huge loss. For such an impressive record, he really feels proud of his disciples.

"Huh, who is right and who is wrong, don't say it now, demon heart, no matter what, your disciple must die." The master of the magical spirit also knows that if it is entangled with the magical heart of the domain, then it is very The target may be let go, so, after only a cold intimidation, he no longer cares about the demon domain master, but instead looks for the whereabouts of Tianyu at first.

This is his place. No matter what, he has the advantage of location. He believes that it must be him who finds Chu Tianyu first.

"How can it be so easy to kill my disciples?" Seeing that the Lord of the Devils no longer entangled with himself, the Lord of the Devils Heart also smiled coldly, and then released his mind and sought his disciples. whereabouts.

"Eh? The mind has been so greatly affected. It seems that this demon domain should be used by this guy." On the territory of others, it is natural to be bound by the other party. In this regard, the demon domain master fell. There is nothing to worry about. His use of mind is far above other domain owners, and even if it is limited at this time, he is confident that he will not be much worse than the Capricorn domain owner.

The two strong men gave up the fight, but started to look for people. However, such a test is undoubtedly full of tension, because they know that whoever finds the target first, then who is the real winner, and at first Tian Yu's fate will be in whose hands.

The two powerful men began an unusual competition. This battle without fire and smoke was the real matter of life and death. Therefore, everyone tried their best to find the target first.

Cultivation is at their level, and with a moment of thought, they can explore more than half of the Capricorn Realm, and two flashes can see the entire Capricorn Realm.

However, it is the efficiency of this kind of search. When the two powerful men searched the Mojo domain again and again, the two super powerhouses were all dumbfounded.

"No ... no? How is that possible? How is this possible?"

The Lord of the Devils Realm has used all his strength, and in almost less than a minute, he has explored the entire Enchanted Realm several times, but when his mind has explored the entire Enchanted Realm several times After that, the goal that was supposed to appear immediately was not visible at all.

"It's impossible. How could anyone escape the investigation of this seat? It's absolutely impossible!"

The Lord of the Capricorn Realm couldn't believe everything in front of him. This time, he shot it himself, but he still couldn't find a target. This is simply an impossible situation. In this regard, he is 11 million incredible.

Normally, the minds of the strong and powerful celestial beings can penetrate deep into the space of different dimensions for exploration. Under such a mindful exploration, any concealment will have nowhere to hide, and this situation should never happen That's it.

"Good guy, this boy is too exaggerated, even I can't find it?"

In the same way, the demon heart master was shocked at the same time. Although his mind was limited, he was still a super strong man with a great perfection. In this way, he couldn't find a duality in Dongtian Realm without reason. God's little one.

"Very well, that's not bad. If you can, let him hide it!"

Although the same goal was not found, the mood of the Lord of the Hearts was completely different. Even now, he has to admire his disciple.

But he was really curious, where did his disciple go ...

The two powerful men do not know. Although the target they are looking for is still in the realm of Capricorn, but if you really want to say it, Chu Tianyu at this moment is actually out of the world of the Mo Luo world. .

Under the boundless Gobi, Chu Tianyu was chatting leisurely with Yuan Feng at this moment. The two were hiding underground and staying in the mysterious space, unless it was the master of the magic demon that destroyed the entire magic demon domain. Otherwise, don't even want to discover their existence.

"Brother Yuan Feng, after the storm subsides, I will take you to meet my master. The master is very powerful. Maybe he can help Brother Yuan Feng improve his cultivation, at least he can also provide something for Brother Yuan Feng. Opportunity, what do Brother Yuan Feng like? "

For the situation of Yuan Feng, Chu Tianyu also learned a little about it. He knew that although Yuan Feng was very strong at the moment, he was really only in the state of annihilation, so he wanted to find some way to bring Yuan Feng Ascension to the realm of cave heaven. It is conceivable that once Yuanfeng reaches the realm of Dongtian Realm, then Tian will know how powerful it will become.

"See the Demon Heart Master? This ...... let's say it later!"

It is naturally impossible for Yuan Feng to agree directly to Chu Tianyu's proposal. His identity is a bit sensitive, so just go to see the Lord of the Magic Hearts casually, but there is no way to ensure his own security.

Although Chu Tianyu is very good, but he does not know the weight of the opponent in the heart of the demon domain master, if the demon domain master is not good for him, Chu Tianyu is afraid that there is no stopping power.

"Brother Yuan Feng, rest assured, Master and his elderly are very good with each other, and he is not bad. Maybe Brother Yuan Feng can be a good friend with his elderly!"

With a slight smile, Chu Tianyu seemed to see Yuan Feng's worry, and smiled authentically.

"I'm not in a hurry to study this matter. I will have a chance to talk about it in the future!" Shaking his head, Yuan Feng still didn't agree. Although he is very strong now, he is really a lot worse than the domain master. Even if he wants to see the demon domain master, he has to wait until he is strong enough.

"Also, when did Brother Yuan Feng want to meet, and I said to my brother, then, I will help Brother Yuan Feng."

Seeing Yuan Feng's firm eyes, Chu Tianyu was able to understand the mood of the former, so he would no longer advise.

"Brother Yuan Feng, how long shall we hide here? It's almost time to go out and see, right?"

It's been a while since I hid in this underground world, and Chu Tianyu really wanted to go back to it now, and continue to kill those guys in Capricorn Realm.

"No urgency, if I'm not mistaken, at this moment, the domain master of the Mojo domain must have gone out in person. In front of that one, the strength of our two is simply insignificant, so we I'll stay here honestly and wait until the outside thunder has passed. "

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Now that it is safe and secure, it is not necessary to go out so soon. To be safe, this time, he must mobilize some forces from the outside to ensure his own safety. Of course, if it is a last resort, it seems that a few guys in his world can only sacrifice it.

ps: Begin to speed up drafting, brothers and sisters, have been dormant for more than three days, rise up! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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