You are you, there is no way you can become mine.

She tilted her head and said in the same voice as her own.

That's not what I meant.

The girl pouted her round cheeks.

I don't know why, but she smiled very happily, and she was also amused by her smile as she pouted her cheeks.

They hugged each other tenderly, smiles on each other's faces, and they laughed together.

After a while, she turned around.

The girl poked her head out from her shoulder and saw the young man standing there.

A black scarf, thin armor, and a silver sword in its scabbard.

Seeing his face, she stopped holding herself and put herself down.

Finally, he touched the girl's head and slowly stood up.

She smiled at the young man with a different smile on her face than when she looked at herself.

He smiled awkwardly and nodded, as if he was telling her something.

The young man also noticed his lonely gaze and smiled awkwardly again.


The girl's father apologized.

Then he turned and called to his mother.

Let's go... Arya.

Leaving Bai Ji behind, the two of them walked into the white light clinging to each other.



The dream gradually dispersed like white mist.

Awareness passed through the white forest and came to the darkness accumulated under the eyelids.

Across the slit, time returns from the past to the present.

Someone gently shook his shoulders, and he felt the cold air on his cheeks, and his consciousness began to have a clear outline.

Ace slowly opened her eyes.

Are you okay, Ace?


She waited a beat before answering Tiona's voice.

He raised his eyes and saw that she was looking at him from the side.

The rest time seems to be coming to an end. It's almost time to set off.


Seeing Ace's answer, which was still half asleep and slightly conscious, Tiona smiled bitterly.

Ais shook her head slightly to get rid of the remaining sleepiness, and this time she looked around with clear eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is the flickering magic stone light.

Sitting around the portable lamps were Finn, Riveria, Tione, Natsuki, Lily, and Ais and Tiona.

Everyone is sitting, currently repairing weapons and counting props.

The current location surrounded by dim and white walls is a small cave room. A little further away from Ais and the others, Lefiya was guarding. Besides her, there was another member of the same faction standing.

At this moment, everyone has moved away from the ground again and arrived at the deep level.

Today is the sixth day since what happened in [Rivera Town].

After the commotion, everyone returned to the surface for the time being.

At the same time, they were at the center of the incident and were forced to deal with the aftermath.

Needless to say, they rescued the injured and provided escort when evacuating to the surface. They also reported what happened to the guild and the Lord God Loki.

They originally wanted to disclose information about the red-haired woman (animal tamer) who attacked the town, but they held it back because Loki told them to wait first.

As for that woman, because of the murder of Hasana, and the strong request from the [Ganesha Familia], a wanted notice was posted and she was put on the list of dangerous persons.

Except for Ace, Luluni, and others, no one had ever encountered the beast tamer, so the truth behind the monster attack was gradually regarded as an abnormality as usual.

Only Perth learned the truth from Finn.

The topics of Hasana's murder and the almost total destruction of [Rivera Town] are currently only circulated among high-level adventurers.

The reason why the guild handled it this way was because according to their judgment, letting the many junior adventurers who could not enter the [Middle Level] know about this matter would only cause unnecessary confusion.

Moreover, they also seized a large number of colorful magic stones picked from the piranha monster without any explanation.

The aftermath of the incident subsided quickly, as if someone was covering it up.

After experiencing all this, Xia Qing also updated his ability values ​​from Loki.

That's right, just by the way.

After all, what he cares more about is the growth of his own ability value, and he doesn't care about the false growth in [Favor].

Name: Xia Qing

Level (Sword Soul/Elemental Exploder): LV.46

Experience value: (50%)

Sex: Male

Race: Human (no upper limit)

Height: 178cm

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