He said there was something he wanted to let Uranus know first.

Fels lamented under his robe and told the story to the gods.

Hasana, who accepted the commission, was killed. Just now, news came from [Rivera Town].

Upon hearing this, Ouranos closed his eyes.

He closed his eyes, and after a while, he turned his gaze to Fels and asked.

How's the delivery girl doing?

I don't know, I just know that I haven't returned to the ground yet.


Lanos lowered his eyes for the time being.

The god, whose eyes were even somewhat sad, raised his chin slightly and looked up into the void.

The ceiling of the altar is so high that one forgets that this is underground.

As if to hint at the result that Ouranos and the others were worried about so far, darkness hovered silently above the corner where even the torch light could not shine.

The blue eyes of the god who looked up into the sky narrowed.

So, it is true... found it?


Fels nodded.

It seems to be true. I doubted my ears when I first heard it.

Fels said quietly, shaking his robe.

The mysterious orb that causes monsters to mutate... Something happened in the dungeon that we don't know about.

An abnormal situation that even Ouranos and the others cannot control.

Or there may be a higher-level existence of monsters, which Fels is hinting at.

There's something operating beneath the surface.

What the man in black robe said was sucked in by the crackle of the torch and disappeared suddenly.



Wow, after staying in the dungeon for a long time, as soon as I returned to the ground, I felt that the blue sky was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Lefia opened her arms and breathed in the fresh air.

They have now returned to the mansion where the [Family Clan] is located.

You're finally back. You've been missing me so much these days. I just had a party yesterday.

As soon as he saw everyone, Loki rushed over with excitement and hugged Ais.

If it were normal, her behavior would have been stopped immediately.


Loki suddenly noticed that Ais' expression today was as dull as a puppet, like a child who had been robbed of her birthday present.

Ignoring Loki's actions, Ais gently pushed her hand away and walked towards the stairs leading to her room.

What happened to her today?

Loki, who stood silently watching the girl's back, said in confusion.

Don't mention it, because she lost a battle and needs to be quiet now.

Riveria patted Loki on the shoulder and winked at her.

Loki spread his hands towards everyone.

...What happened?? Can anyone explain it to me?

Chapter 70 Aisi’s past (3/4)

Ace's dream...

That person was like a gust of wind.

As innocent as a child, more innocent than my younger self.

She didn't know people's malicious intentions, and no one would let her know.

It's like the air current floating across the blue sky together with the white clouds.

That person is like a gust of wind, freer than anyone else.

As for myself.

I used to like her who was as free and easy, kind and gentle as the wind.

I once loved my mother with her innocent smile.

I still remember how that hand caressed my head.

I still remember the warm feeling of my fingers touching my cheek.

I still remember the sweet sound that tickled my ears.

I still remember the gentle and happy stories she told me again and again.

After the girl listened to the story in her arms, she held her in her arms and looked back, and you could see her innocent smile.

The girl's cheeks turned red and she smiled.

The girl once believed that she must be a magician.

In front of her, everyone will smile. She can make anyone smile.

When she looked down at herself with loving eyes, she said in a childish voice, I want to be like you, too.

I also want to become you like a gust of wind.

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