With his dedicated efforts and the assistance of other gods, people successfully stopped the monster's attack, and then completed the fortress city that was the prototype of Orario.

The predecessor organization that worshiped the male god as the creator god of Orario was reorganized under the leadership of the male god. A major faction with him as the main god, the city's management agency, and the guild were established.

Until modern times, many people still worship this god, whose name is Uranus.

He is the source of all this, but his true purpose is always a mystery.

Hey, long time no see.

Walking down the stairs, in front of you is a stone hall and altar that gives you a historic feel.

Large stone slabs cover the ground, like a hidden underground space in the temple.

What illuminated the surrounding space shrouded in darkness was not the magic stone lamp, but four torches swaying with red flames.

In the center of the altar surrounded by torches forming a quadrangular shape.

An old god sitting on a huge stone throne looked at Loki from under his hood, his blue eyes facing Loki.

What are you doing, Loki?

A deep, deep voice shook the air.

The muscular body, over two meters tall, is wrapped in a long robe.

He has a straight face with deep wrinkles and a white beard on his chin. His hair of the same color can be slightly glimpsed through his hood.

The quiet expression stands like a statue.

The posture of sitting tall and firm with his strong arms on the armrests of the throne is exactly the image of the ruler of the sky imagined by ancient people who had not yet seen the gods in person.

Among the gods, the old god is extremely tall and powerful, and his high level of divinity is enough to make people in the lower world obey orders unconditionally.

It's nothing, I just came to show my face. I have something to do.

Loki climbed to the center of the altar and walked to the front of the throne.

The celebration was a mess. I heard that people from all sides scolded you bloody. Are you okay?

The city's operations are all the responsibility of Royman and others, and have nothing to do with me.

Since laying the foundation of Orario, Ouranos has always maintained an attitude of king over but not ruling over.

He left the city management work to employees like Royman, while he was locked in this altar.

In order to prevent necessary disputes, he did not grant [favors] to the employees, and the guild itself maintained its status as city manager.

If they don't call themselves [Uranos Familia], they are declaring to give up force.

As long as the Lord God does not hide private soldiers, the guild will have no fighting power.

Loyman and the others are unlucky enough to have an old man like you put all the trouble on them.

Royman was not happy to see Ouranos come into contact with outsiders, and the reason was also due to the structure of the guild.

Even though he was appointed as the highest responsible person, he still could not disobey the Lord God's words.

Once Ouranos changes his mind, the guild's organizational system may also change 180 degrees.

In order to prevent others from indoctrinating the main god, senior officials who did not want to lose their current status consecrated this altar as a sacred place, allowing it to be physically and spiritually away from the masses.

You want to say something.

On the other hand, this altar is indeed a sacred area that cannot be violated.

The reason why Ouranos did not leave here and the reason why the guild begged the Lord God to retreat at this altar was because he was offering prayer to the underground city.

Ouranos suppressed the underground city with his powerful power to prevent the invasion of the monster army.

He suppressed many monsters on various floors and successfully stopped surface attacks that occurred frequently in ancient times.

At least that's what the Guild believes.

What Loiman and the others fear most is the collapse of the current equilibrium state of the dungeon.

A lot of things happened in this year's celebration, and some disgusting and weird monsters appeared. Where did those things come from, and who gave the order... This makes me quite curious.


Loki spoke a long series of questions, but Ouranos just remained silent.

He remained motionless and remained deeply seated on the throne.

Loki asked the ruler of the city and the god who held the reins of the guild about the core of the matter.

Is it the guild that's pulling the strings behind the piranha monster?

With a crackle, the torch exploded into sparks.

Sparks flew and the firelight illuminated the huge body, and Ouranos spoke.

That's not true.

The blue eyes staring at Loki's crimson gaze told her so.


Loki murmured to himself, staring at the appearance of the god sitting on the throne some distance away.

The majestic expression hidden under the hood was no different from the beginning, and he still maintained silence.

After peering into the depths of those blue and transparent eyes for a while, Loki lowered his voice and spoke.

That's it.

Sorry to bother you, keep working hard.

Loki turned his back to Uranus.

Letting the sound of the flowers melt into the altar where only the sound of burning torches could be heard, Loki walked towards the exit stairs.

Although there are many doubts, Ouranos is not likely to be the mastermind of the incident.

Without making any conclusions for the time being, Loki made this judgment first.

The Lord God may have meant something in his words, but he deliberately beat around the bush like he did just now, so that Loki could sense the underlying meaning of his words, and she could also feel that his eyes were trustworthy.

Was Dionysus' intuition inaccurate, or was there something going on within the guild that was beyond the reach of Ouranos' will?

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