Just as Loki was about to walk towards the underground stairs, several loud voices stopped her.

A middle-aged elf male appeared with a large group of guild employees.

Even though he was wearing a better-quality suit than the average employee, the fat on his belly that could make noise at any time forced the clothes to stretch out.

He wiped the sweat dripping from his slack chin several times with the back of his hand, and some short white hair grew out of his receding hairline and kept shaking.

Perhaps it was a psychological effect, but even the pointed ears seemed to droop a little.

Although he was not short in stature, his sideways development made him look unnecessarily short.

There is a big gap between him and the kind of elf with delicate features that ordinary people can imagine.

Hey, Royman, long time no see. How are you doing?

Lo, Goddess Loki! This is the sacred road leading to the Altar of Ouranos! Please come back!

Loki greeted easily, and the elf male and his subordinates stopped and stood in front of her.


Alone and panting, he was none other than the guild's highest authority, Royman Madir.

As a long-lived race like elves, Royman has served the guild for more than a century and became a senior official of the organization more than ten years ago.

He is over 150 years old and has the final say on city operations. At the same time, because he has relied on this position for many years, he has been able to travel and live in luxury.

The fat man's body had forgotten his elf blood, and he was like a wealthy businessman who had become rich in one generation.

Please go back immediately!

he shouted repeatedly.

Loki, who had his mouth in his left ear and out his right ear, walked towards him in a friendly manner.

Well, are you fat again? Look at your fat belly.


Goddess Loki! Let me reiterate, this is a place that cannot be invaded. Besides, the guild is an absolutely neutral organization. Even the gods cannot invade it...!

Don't be so unkind, I just want to ask Ouranos something, is that okay?

No! Absolutely not possible!!

Loki casually dealt with Royman standing on the luxurious carpet and talked back to him, and Loki looked away for a moment.

The other people nearby did not dare to intervene in the dispute between the guild leader and the god, and just stood there at a loss.

If you want to doubt the guild, Royman is indeed a person who must be spied on...

But Loki was sure of his innocence.

Because he has lived a dissolute life for many years and it is impossible for him to do something that threatens the safety of the city and then give up his current good life for nothing.

Rather than doubting him, it would be better to look for advisers who might be able to seduce him with clever words, such as these clerks next to him.

However, after all, the only person Loki wanted to find was the divine object sitting firmly in the center of the guild, waiting behind the underground stairs.

But...she should have rushed down the stairs before Loyman and others found out.

Although Loki is a god, if she wanted to force her way through, the people present would definitely use force to force her out.

Although she can remove all obstacles by using her divine power, if she does so, she will be sent back to heaven.

The divine object in the underground is so important to the guild, and Royman and the others are also afraid that outsiders will have unnecessary contact with the divine object.

Loki was lost in thought at the same time.

It doesn't matter, Royman, let her come over.

Just at this time.

A majestic voice came from the depths of the underground stairs in front of the red carpet and columns.

But Ouranos...!

I said yes. You guys stand down.

The deep voice silenced the groaning Royman with just these words.

He looked at Loki several times and then at the underground stairs, and then left the main passage one after another with his head downcast.

Loki watched Royman's round back leave, then turned back to face the stairs.

The owner of the voice remained silent, silently granting passage.

In the vast and silent passage, Loki stepped on the carpet alone and headed towards the dark abyss leading to the underground.


The magic stone lamp is not bright enough to illuminate the long stairs. Loki walked down the stairs, holding on to the wall.

The origins of guilds date back around a thousand years.

In the era known as ancient times, on this land, monsters emerging from large holes in the ground have been fighting fierce battles with humans for many years.

People look forward to a lid to plug the big hole.

The tower and fortress could be completed as soon as possible, and the guild's predecessor organization took the lead in the plan to prevent the monsters from entering the surface. However, the plan was repeatedly frustrated.

Chapter 68 Questioning (1/4)

Towers and fortresses are always destroyed by monsters when they are about to be completed, often causing heavy casualties.

Many great heroes also died for this.

The tower was finally built, but the plan failed again. Just when the human race experienced countless defeats and felt desperate and unable to recover, light fell from the sky to the world.

The gods have arrived.

Gods appeared in various places in the lower world that was ravaged by monsters, and it was the same here, with many gods coming.

They said nonchalantly to the panicked humans, We are here for entertainment, and the male god was among them.

A god devoted himself to building towers and fortresses.

It was none other than him who brought [benefit] to this land for the first time.

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