Tiona was extremely surprised, but Loki remained calm.

Why do you look so indifferent?

Tiona asked.

I asked just now, and there was only one monster running towards the residential area.

Loki replied.

Huh? Why don't you hurry up and chase after me!?

Lefiya said in a panic.

no, I'm fine.

Loki waved his hand and continued.

Just leave it to Xia Qing to solve it.

Lefia finally understood after listening to Loki's explanation.

So that's it. I thought Xia Qing was letting us go, but it turned out he was chasing monsters.

The girl looked relaxed.

At this time, Eina, who couldn't understand the relieved expressions on their faces, came over and asked.

Why are you all so calm!? The Silverback Monkey is a middle-level monster!!

Lefiya was stunned when she heard this.

What!? Silverback!!?

A worried look immediately appeared on Lefia's face.

Don't worry, Xia Qing is now a Level 3 adventurer at LV.2. A mere silverback ape can handle it.

Loki, who had seen Xia Qing's [Ability Value], patted Lefiya on the shoulder with confidence and replied.

But speaking of it, Lefia, I really didn't expect you to be so worried~

Loki's voice became ambiguous.

Hearing this, the girl's cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I...I'm not worried!!

Author's message:


ps: Sitting for a long time and having an incorrect sitting posture caused the author to have some problems with his spine. I will temporarily return to four updates on Sunday. I’m really sorry.

Chapter 29 The combination of magic and sword skills (2/4)

By the way, let Ais help deal with the other monsters.

Loki suggested.

Tiona, if Ais misses a monster, can you help solve it? By the way, it's time for me to move. Just find a place with a clear view and wait.

Has Miss Ais gone to find the monster?

No, I haven't gone yet.

Then where is she?

Loki answered Lefia and Tione's questions with only one finger.

She pointed overhead to a distant corner of the arena.



The wind howled.

With her beautiful long golden hair blown by the wind, Ais looked down at the street view from above the arena.

The outer parts of the arena would have been inaccessible. The outer part of the zenith, which doesn't even have a proper foothold, is the highest in the area. From this location, you can have a panoramic view of every corner from East Street to the complex interlacing roads.

Chasing the monsters scattered all over the streets would be too inefficient and a waste of time.

Grasp the enemy's position from a high position, and then attack quickly and accurately.

This is the strategy Loki told Ais.

……found it.

Not only can it be captured with the naked eye, but there is also a wind direction on the ground that is not available in the dungeon.

Ais sensitively sensed that the vibration of the roar came as part of the magic Wind Spirit Rush, and instantly analyzed the location of the monster.

There are eight monsters that can be confirmed nearby.

According to the intelligence, nine of them have escaped so far, and one cannot be found.

Not being able to spend too much time, Ais gave up searching for the enemy and drew out the thin sword hanging at her waist.

Wake up.

She entangled the wind current again.

With his feet on one end of the edge, his body fell forward as if he was pushed forward by the shouts of the audience from behind.

Jumping down from the artificial cliff, you feel like you are floating for a short time.

In her increasingly slanted vision, she stared at the nearest monster with her golden eyes.

Destroy at full speed.

Micro gusts.

He kicked his feet on the wall.

Treating herself as a bullet, Ais launched a long-range shot.


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